Cocaine Bear Reviews
- ️@metacritic
Summary Inspired by the 1985 true story of a drug runner's plane crash, missing cocaine, and the black bear that ate it, this wild dark comedy finds an oddball group of cops, criminals, tourists and teens converging in a Georgia forest where a 500- pound apex predator has ingested a staggering amount of cocaine and gone on a coke-fueled rampage ...
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Summary Inspired by the 1985 true story of a drug runner's plane crash, missing cocaine, and the black bear that ate it, this wild dark comedy finds an oddball group of cops, criminals, tourists and teens converging in a Georgia forest where a 500- pound apex predator has ingested a staggering amount of cocaine and gone on a coke-fueled rampage ...
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This dark comedy, co-produced and directed by Elizabeth Banks, is a non-stop ride. Complete with gore, sick humour and characters (including the bear) that quickly attach themselves to the audience, this film satisfies so many low-end viewing pleasures that it’s a film you want to see again just to confirm that yes, that WAS indeed what you just saw.
I don’t love every storytelling element, but I do adore all that involves the star of the show, an aggro bear on obscene amounts of blow. You’ll get what you pay for, and can we ask much more from Cocaine Bear?
Cocaine Bear is acinematic masterpiece of film. The film does a great job of not being too serious which works to its benefit. 10/10
Incrediblely well shot. methapthetamine overdose. unwavering cannibalistic bear. unsufficient cocaine. Watch now.
Cocaine Bear is less formulaic than a slasher film and more stylishly made. It’s a true oddball, one that mixes yocks and mock desperation and disembodied limbs. So when it’s over you can say, “Well, we definitely saw that.”
There’s already talk of a sequel, Cocaine Shark, and the cast have joked about getting jobs in the Cocaine Bear Cinematic Universe. So maybe it doesn’t really matter if Cocaine Bear is average, as long as it has both cocaine and bears in it. And we can most definitely confirm that it does.
As a creature feature, Cocaine Bear isn’t bad. Not great, mind you. But not bad.
The extent to which the film fails to deliver on the B-movie promise of its title is staggering and, given the high-quality cast and crafts people stooping to concur on behalf of the film’s high-wire and harebrained premise, it is borderline tragic.
Cocaine Bear is a movie that will appeal mostly to people who think it’s hilarious to get their dog stoned. If you’re someone who loves to sit on an old couch with a bong between your legs, crying with laughter as your dog bangs into furniture, “Cocaine Bear” might be your “Citizen Kane.”
If this movie doesn't get nominated for an oscar then humanity as we know it is officially doomed.
Cocaine Bear is a b-movie about a bear hyped up on...Well...Cocaine. So it goes mad crazy and starts killing the **** outta people. And it's a fun watch- with friends especially! But it ain't really worth much pretending its anything else. Its a fairly stupid movie- and a pretty **** gory one. It doesn't take itself too seriously and regularly plays most of the violence up for jokes, though admittedly I didn't find it an especially funny movie. All things considered, it's okay. But **** still a dumb, gimmick horror movie, one which doesn't take itself very seriously and has its own share of flaws. You get what you get. But in this case, could be worse.
I'm kinda getting the sense from this movie that bears shouldn't be snorting coke
To get it out of the way, I thought Cocaine Bear was shockingly bad. But, for some positives, I thought the bear looked okay. I was expecting it to look a lot worse, anyway! It could’ve looked better, but it was definitely passable. There were also a small handful of moments that are initially shocking which in turn offered small moments of rest bite and were quite enjoyable at the time. If only for a split second. Unfortunately, that is where my positives end. I was banking on Cocaine Bear being funny, and for the silly moments to elevate this past being crap, but it didn’t even deliver on this! The humour just didn’t work for me so therefore the whole film failed as it had nothing else going for it. To be fair, Cocaine Bear had a promising premise, but it was executed poorly and ended up being boring and uninteresting. Despite the short 95 minute runtime, the film feels very drawn out and unbearable at times. There is one sequence involving an ambulance which was amusing, but aside from this the film was a complete borefest. I feel as though Elizabeth Banks was torn between wanting this to be a slapstick comedy or an intense thriller/horror and, as a result, has ended up with a muddled and baffling tone that doesn’t work nearly as well as it could have done. There is also a very underbaked, so bear it’s almost missing, anti-drugs message. But you have to squint really hard to find it! I honestly don’t know why Cocaine Bear was made, it’s terrible and not worth watching! I didn’t take the film seriously and I still didn’t have a good time.
+cool film name +Decent cast +Good production quality -Poor pacing/editing/direction -Bad screenplay This feels like another 'snakes on a plane'. Sadly it's neither spoofy/parody laden enough to be a comedy or take itself seriously enough to be dramatic or provide tension so it sort of sits in the middle dragging it's heels to the end. The pacing is awful with the relatively tight runtime feeling much longer (at 1hr 30 mins it felt more like 3-4 hrs!!). While this certainly isn't cinema at its best, icould see this being a fun distraction if you're just hanging with friends eating pizza and drinking beers.
Production Company Universal Pictures, Brownstone Productions (II), Jurassic Party Productions, Lord Miller, Wild Atlantic Pictures
Release Date Feb 24, 2023
Duration 1 h 35 m
Rating R
Tagline Get in line.
• 1 Win & 1 Nomination
Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards