Double Jeopardy Reviews

  • ️@metacritic

Summary Framed for the murder of her husband, Libby Parsons (Judd) survives the long years in prison with two burning desires sustaining her -- finding her son and solving the mystery that destroyed her once-happy life. Standing between her and her quest, however, is her parole officer (Jones). (Paramount Pictures)

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Summary Framed for the murder of her husband, Libby Parsons (Judd) survives the long years in prison with two burning desires sustaining her -- finding her son and solving the mystery that destroyed her once-happy life. Standing between her and her quest, however, is her parole officer (Jones). (Paramount Pictures)

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Entertainment made well enough that you can overlook its absurdities.

There are a few ingenious zig zags in its otherwise by-the-numbers plot...but what keeps you interested... is the sheer movie-star presence of the actors in the lead roles.

A great thriller that, unlike so many thrillers, actually makes logical sense from start to finish. Great plot and strong performances all around. Highly recommended.

Ashley Judd é uma excelente e magnifica atriz além de Gostosa,Tommy Lee Jones está excelente neste suspense de ação eficiente. Grandes cenas de ação e boas reviravoltas...

On a simplistic level, the movie works as a revenge fantasy...Yet anybody who thought about the movie for two minutes would have to conclude it couldn't happen.

Despite fine casting...familiarity sets in and lack of surprises directly lessen what could have been emotionally gripping.

An intermittently engaging thriller.

Predictable piffle, a comically unbelievable story that leaves almost no impression except what a sham our legal system is.

It has no subtlety, no shadings, and no suspense, and might as well not have a screenplay.

The movie is a good and compelling story, with strong acting. It not will change your life but it's a very pleasant entertainment. I guess that the critics are in other planet when they criticize the movie. Many times, in Metacritic, when critics hate a movie and the public likes it, it attracts me. The movie title is concerning a real question in USA. You cannot be blamed twice by the same crime.

Yeah, this is an unremarkable thriller with unremarkable characters (lived up by a gorgeous cast). But this is what a professional cinema critic would call: "Undeniable Thriller".

Pretty good movie. I wouldn't want to do time for a murder I didn't commit. If I was set up like this movie, I'd probably do the same thing she did.

Entertaining and good overall. The problem is that it has many errors.

The predictable, formulaic thriller from the 1990s--which Ashley Judd often took part in. Tommy Lee Jones is easily forgettable in this role. Ultimately, Double Jeopardy features interesting potential that is not reached.

Production Company Paramount Pictures, MFP Munich Film Partners GmbH & Company I. Produktions KG, Province of British Columbia Production Services Tax Credit

Release Date Sep 24, 1999

Duration 1 h 45 m

Rating R

Tagline Murder isn't always a crime.

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• 1 Win & 3 Nominations