Elizabeth Reviews
- ️@metacritic
This historical epic about the "virgin queen" of England's early life moves with the crackling urgency of a contemporary political thriller.
The texture of the film is enough to recommend it, even apart from the story.
This superb period drama has everything going for it, and I am saddened that it didn't get more awards. For one thing, the whole film is splendid for the eyes. A lot of care went into the scenery, cinematography and costumes and it showed. The music score was absolutely beautiful, dramatic in some parts and poignant in others. The screenplay is quite extraordinary, and the story while perhaps historically inaccurate, is still intriguing. The direction, while the least impressive element of the film, was still solid. The performances were flawless; Cate Blanchett was above mesmerising as Elizabeth, and she is supported by an outstanding cast that include Geoffrey Rush, Joseph Fiennes, Christopher Ecceleston and Richard Attenborough. All in all, sumptuously filmed, and pretty darn good. 10/10 Bethany Cox
A real life game of thrones. Queen Elizabeth and her winding, **** road to ascent the throne; the road was marked by conspiracies and betrayals from Catholic Church and Pope himself, so enemies of Henry VIII. Cate Blanchett is smashing.
This darkly sumptuous, hypnotically complex movie ought to have many constituencies.
Despite the florid trailers' emphasis on bodice-ripping romantic imagery, Elizabeth is above all a political thriller.
Acted and directed with great energy and imagination.
The movie -- directed in such a frenziedly self-conscious style you often wonder whether the camera will topple over on his actors.
All of the nutty editing and the loud score just grated on my nerves and failed the story.
La actuacion de cate blanchett desaparece para trasformarse en su personaje es genial
Elizabeth is not a bad film, but it is poorly directed, agonizingly slow, and oddly constructed. From the very beginning, the film has a weird tone to it that continues throughout (I saw somebody compare the beginning to a comedy like Monty Python and they're not wrong). Cate Blanchett is phenomenal, as are Geoffrey Rush, Christopher Eccleston, Richard Attenborough, and Joseph Fiennes. The structure reminds me oddly of The Godfather and pieces of it bear some resemblance in how it was portrayed, which was unexpected. Additionally, though slow, it feels like it needed to be longer. At two hours, it felt like some things got left out and others were rushed, which hurt the overall film. That being said, the acting really saves this one and it is as strikingly gorgeous production/costume design wise as a period piece should be. Overall, Elizabeth is an above average biopic of Queen Elizabeth I.
and make me a martyr.. Elizabeth The over thought out inner politics occurring between a major transaction isn't project to its best no matter how grand and rich the scale is, its just not royal-e. Michael Hirst's script isn't as smart as the makers think for it seems like spending its time just to pass it till the end by visiting different places and characters with an attempt to offer room and range to it. Shekhar Kapur is not in his A game and unfortunately fails to create the anticipated vision on screen. The feature aces on performance where the protagonist, Cate Blanchett is so good that she needs no support from her cast. Elizabeth is surely an important feature that might be accurate but the question raised upon here is whether it is an entertaining or intriguing one or not.
Un panégyrique à la gloire de la Reine et de son royaume comploteur au sein duquel les princes ne songent qu'à renverser et assassiner leur souveraine... Et les Français s'y mettent eux aussi, tentant de tirer quelques ficelles mais sont hélas ridiculisés du début à la fin : le film anglais (ou anglo-américain ?) n'est en effet certainement pas des plus "fair play" à notre égard... Et comme pour mieux souligner la perfidie de la réalisation, on a même inclus un joueur de football (et de karaté à ses heures très perdues) en guise de "Français"... (laugh on laugh my Queen !). Et Vincent Cassel n'y est rien moins qu'un dandy travesti ?!... oh really My Dear ? Mais les Espagnols sont aussi planqués en embuscade, de même que le Vatican, car sur le continent, on ne saurait tolérer l'infamie de cette reine protestante... qui refuse de se marier : pfff encore une féministe ! Le Saint-Siège envoit donc Daniel Craig (pas encore agent de Sa Majesté) qui a tout l'air d'un Seigneur Syth (?!)... what the **** Your Majesty ? Quoi qu'il en soit, le film est trop souvent confus sur les évènements et leur déroulement alors que quelques longueurs plombent notablement le rythme même s'il y a là matière à quelque drame shakespearien. Cate Blanchett campe en tout cas fort bien cette reine souvent dépassée par les complots, déçue par son coquin de comte, puis qui se construit un coeur de pierre. Mais finir sur le Requiem de Mozart, le petit Autrichien, est-ce bien conforme à l'étiquette ? je m'interroge à ce sujet, Votre Majesté. Le film reste néanmoins élégant dans de beaux décors et de magnifiques costumes et les acteurs de la cour anglaise ne déméritent pas... mais on reste en froid et sur une mauvaise impression générale, faite comme décrit plus haut de maladresses plus ou moins sévères. J'ai vu pourtant que tout cela avait été écrit par Michael Hirst qui a officié sur la bonne série des Tudor, celle à propos du père de Votre Majesté, Henri VIII. Nous en sommes sensiblement mortifié, Votre Grâce, car ce film n'est certainement pas à la hauteur de la série, ni de votre prestige.
For Spain, this piece of **** is part of Black Legend: First Elizabeth was a catholic murderer, more than Maria with anglicans, in second place the character of Felipe II is the other great **** because the king Felipe was Knowing "the prudent", Now a days hispanic Bibliographic is in a revisión in that all of specialist being in agreement that He wasn´t a fanatic, monster, murderer or a lunatic... He wasn´t a saint , he was other king with politics ambitions and absolut power, but not this monster. In conclusion this film is a horrible sample of unknown history knowledge, and I don´t know how Blanchet could **** I dont know who and why Nowadays this film could win an award. P.D: sorry for my bad english.
Production Company Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Working Title Films, Channel Four Films
Release Date Nov 6, 1998
Duration 2 h 4 m
Rating R
Tagline Declared illegitimate aged 3. Tried for treason aged 21. Crowned Queen aged 25.
Academy Awards, USA
• 1 Win & 7 Nominations
Golden Globes, USA
• 1 Win & 3 Nominations
Online Film & Television Association
• 2 Wins & 17 Nominations