Entourage Reviews
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Summary Movie star Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier), together with his boys, Eric (Kevin Connolly), Turtle (Jerry Ferrara) and Johnny (Kevin Dillon), are back…and back in business with super agent-turned-studio head Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven). Some of their ambitions have changed, but the bond between them remains strong as they navigate the caprici...
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Summary Movie star Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier), together with his boys, Eric (Kevin Connolly), Turtle (Jerry Ferrara) and Johnny (Kevin Dillon), are back…and back in business with super agent-turned-studio head Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven). Some of their ambitions have changed, but the bond between them remains strong as they navigate the caprici...
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The party scenes are entertaining fantasy, but the insider-business end of the picture is occasionally interesting in its own right.
Neither a Medellin-style disaster nor an Aquaman-sized hit, this pays decent fan service but an Ari-centric spinoff might have been the smarter move.
If you loved the show, definitely you should watch a movie. For other people, watch show before movie. It's a one great episode which takes 90 minutes or one great season shortened to 90 minutes.
Great movie. The ebb and flow of the narrative wasn't as smooth as the amazing HBO series but it was still fun and hilarious to watch. You have to had watched the series to enjoy it, as so many things from the series was in the movie but fans of the show will love it. The chemistry between everyone was still there, and Kevin Dillon and Jeremy Piven was great in their roles. A must see
It's like watching a high-school football star trying to squeeze into his old uniform after a decade: funny at times, but kind of embarrassing.
Piven's performance basically made the series, and to the degree the new film works, which is a little, he makes that too.
Piven’s Ari is so over-the-top in his narcissism and megalomania that he’s fun to watch, but the other lead characters are the kind of bros who should be having drinks thrown in their faces on a regular basis.
If ever there was a movie equivalent of dad bod, Entourage is it.
Charm has curdled into smarm in the big-screen version of Entourage. The jaunty style of a hit TV series has been replaced by huge spasms of false energy and a sense of barely concealed flop sweat.
If you loved the show, you will love the movie. Critics miss the point of the movie - its all about loyalty. That's what gives the movie meaning beyond all the cameos and eye candy and makes it great.
It was nice to see the gang back together. Used to luv the TV series until the last 2 or so seasons. ANd, well the movie picks up from there. Of course, there is the nudity, sex and oh-so-brief cameos on this movie (as expected). But the rushed, unfocused plot is trash. The story doesn't develop but rather told-which is not nessessary cuz' its pedictable Really not many laughs. I am sure, after this debacle, the gang won't be back together on the screen any time soon. Fans can re-watch the first few seasons and remember what was great about this show.
It's like two decent episodes of the series squished together with a couple mediocre episodes. If this had aired as a miniseries on HBO it would have been great. As a movie it lacks cohesion. I recommend you watch the series before trying to watch this film.
Entourage is like 3 episodes mashed together, but instead of making it funny and amazing like the TV show, Entourage is a boring and blatant attempt of the hit show.
The fact that "Entourage" is so unfunny and boring is not even its biggest problem. What it boils down to is: who wants to watch almost 2 hours of rich **** doing nothing but complain?
Production Company Warner Bros., Home Box Office (HBO), RatPac Entertainment, Closest to the Hole Productions, Leverage Entertainment, Entourage Holdings
Release Date Jun 3, 2015
Duration 1 h 44 m
Rating R
Tagline The ride ain't over