Firefox Reviews

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Summary A pilot is sent into the Soviet Union on a mission to steal a prototype jet fighter that can be partially controlled by a neuralink

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Summary A pilot is sent into the Soviet Union on a mission to steal a prototype jet fighter that can be partially controlled by a neuralink

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Clint Eastwood's Firefox is a slick, muscular thriller that combines espionage with science fiction. The movie works like a well-crafted machine, and it's about a well-crafted machine.

Firefox is no masterpiece, and it's not even a startling picture within its genre -- Cold War mischief. But it's briskly entertaining and, until the nyet-effect of all those stereotyped Russians catches up with us, even believeable. [21 June 1982, p.B4]

Firefox is only slightly more suspenseful than it is plausible. It's a James Bond movie without girls, a Superman movie without a sense of humor.

The simple storyline is quickly grounded by flying chunks of exposition that director/actor Eastwood tries to ignore. Eastwood the director disregards many Cold War possibilities, preferring to dawdle over a first hour that mooches along while Eastwood the actor enjoyably dons various disguises, playing a man who can't act (or so everyone tells him) and is happiest left alone with his gippy nerves.

This is one of those films where lots of things happen but there's no real excitement. [28 June 1982, p.73B]

Both loyal fans and neutral observers may agree that Eastwood has steered himself into a peculiarly murky flight path on this occasion. Literally murky, too. Much of the picture is so miserably underlit, even before the action reaches the Soviet Union, where gloom is meant to prevail. [22 June 1982, p.B]

Firefox is a burn-out. Despite the tense mission being depicted, there’s no suspense, excitement or thrills to be had, and lackadaisical pacing gives viewer plenty of time to ponder the gaping implausibilities.

Just good, nothing more unfortunately. 'Firefox' should be a much more entertaining and engrossing flick from 1982, but it's kinda just... there. Like, it's watchable but it really didn't do anything more for me. The 136 minute run time is a little overlong perhaps, but then if the aforementioned entertainment was there then that'd be a fine length for it to be honest. As for the cast: Clint Eastwood is solid, though the rest of the them are a little forgettable - Warren Clarke is alright, I guess. Also, and I only noticed when skimming through the credits online, apparently John Ratzenberger is in this! I do believe this is the first time we've seen Eastwood in a fighter jet since 1955's 'Tarantula', one for all you fact fans out there. Elsewhere, the special effects have not aged well at all - I can forgive that, admittedly. It might not be a must-watch, yet I'd say it's worth a sit through once.

Production Company Major Studio Partners, The Malpaso Company

Release Date Jun 18, 1982

Duration 2 h 16 m

Rating PG

Tagline ...the most devastating killing machine ever built... his job... steal it!