Friday the 13th Reviews

  • ️@metacritic

Summary Camp counselors are stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant while trying to reopen a summer camp that was the site of a child's drowning.

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Summary Camp counselors are stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant while trying to reopen a summer camp that was the site of a child's drowning.

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The crude technique of director Sean Cunningham borrows whatever sophistication it has from Halloween's precise and elegant point-of-view shots of the killer, though Cunningham often cheats by using the ploy inconsistently. For all its shoddiness, the film manages, just barely, to achieve its ignoble goals--it delivers what it promises.

Friday the 13th is neither tense nor frightening (although, to be fair, it is at times creepy and atmospheric, due in part to budgetary limitations that led to a low-key style).

Um grande clássico que deu vida a vários outros, simplesmente incrível esse filme principalmente o plot twist.

[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]

As the bodies pile up amongst this testy crowd of horny teens, there remains a vacant hole were someone scary should be. In a strange way, this film stands unique amongst all slasher films as one where the killer is nearly intangible.

Gruesome violence, in which throats are slashed and heads are split open in realistic detail, is the sum content of Friday the 13th, a sick and sickening low budget feature that is being released by Paramount. It’s blatant exploitation of the lowest order.

When the names of the players flash on the screen in Friday the 13th, it is not so much a list of the cast as a body count. Practically everyone who spends more than five minutes on camera dies horribly -- in close-up. Considering the quality of the acting, most of them deserve no better. [13 May 1980, p.B3]

Lowbudget in the worst sense – with no apparent talent or intelligence to offset its technical inadequacies – Friday the 13th has nothing to exploit but its title.

A disgusting, artless shocker...A cruel film that offers teen-age girls in peril, as well as a gruesome beheading. Only for sickies. [11 July 1980, p.8]

Great thrilling action and great cast members with memorable kills, god rest your soul Betsy Palmer. And long live Adrienne King!

An early entry in the '80s blood-n-guts slasher boom, the first Friday the 13th checks a broad number of boxes: gratuitous amounts of gore, hormone-driven teen victims, secluded setting, mysteriously prophetic locals... even a quick flash of skin. In many ways, it's also a bridge from the clunkier horror flicks of the preceding decade. The effects are often laughable, the acting is paper-thin and the production values seem extremely cheap and dated. Very few of the characters are even remotely likable, either, which makes their relentless slaughter into something of a spectator sport. Once it ditches the hammy teenage dialogue and vague premonitions that flood the first act, the film settles into a nice groove: stalk, scare, chase, kill, repeat. The mainstream success of Jason as a horror icon even gives this first entry a little boost, misleading first-time viewers into a surprise reveal at the climax (and, of course, an infamous jump-scare just before the credits). From a critical perspective it's not good, but lasting influence and dogged determination carry it a long way.

Friday the 13th is the first film in the cult franchise of youth slashers. But he seemed to me one of the most boring. Friday the 13th is a terribly long plot, most of the film is not directly dedicated to Jason Voorhees. Of course, if we consider Friday the 13th strictly as a separate film, without looking into the sequel, the first part looks much more presentable. But personally, it seems to me that Friday the 13th cannot be watched as one movie, you need to watch sequels right away. In general, Friday the 13th for 1980 was not bad. But it's inferior in everything as the opening film that Carpenter's Halloween, that A Nightmare on Elm Street. However, it's more interesting than Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]

I dont know why they started with Jason's Mom and not Jason. The only thing scary about her is her smile.

Production Company Paramount Pictures, Georgetown Productions Inc., Sean S. Cunningham Films

Release Date May 9, 1980

Duration 1 h 35 m

Rating TV-MA

Tagline On Friday the 13th, they began to die one (UK - Theatrical Tagline)