Getaway Reviews

  • ️@metacritic

Summary Brent Magna must get behind the wheel and follow the orders of a mysterious man to save his kidnapped wife.

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Summary Brent Magna must get behind the wheel and follow the orders of a mysterious man to save his kidnapped wife.

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Gomez is a nonstarter as an actor, alternating dully between petulance and indifference. Hawke compensates with a vivid, ferocious performance that doesn’t go over the top.

Getaway cares little about plot and even less about credibility (cue a pouty-mouthed Gomez spouting nuggets of wisdom about computer servers and ISPs). If you can’t even deliver blatant car-nography, what’s the point?

This movie is an underrated masterpiece. It’s just misunderstood.

[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]

This is a movie for those who watched Liam Neeson in "Taken" and thought, "Hey, this is fun, but can we do it without having to wait 15 minutes for the action to start?" Solomon has 90 minutes at his disposal, and doesn't want to waste time with setup.

You've probably seen this movie before, watching a child play with his toy Hot Wheels cars after eating multiple bowls of sugary breakfast cereal.

Though always speeding forward in some gear of ridiculousness, the film is a lot more fun when it's completely nonsensical, before its baddie's motives and harebrained plot are funnel-fed to the viewer.

Getaway seems built for non-English speaking territories in which dialogue is as disposable as Bulgarian police cars. If only those audiences were as dumb as the action itself.

It's understandable that larger scale movies will want to spawn sequels, but this is about two degrees away from being a movie that premieres on Cinemax on a Friday night, sandwiched between two soft core porn movies with funny titles. Getaway is stuck in neutral. And that's where it'll stay.

It was pretty great and I love every second, I’m going to see the movie three more times because it’s pretty good.

While the seemingly endless car chase has many literal gear changes, Getaway as a film is a monotone experience. Watch here for free ****/watch-29d527-Getaway-movie-online-free-putlocker.html

If you can get over Selena Gomez`s annoying character it`s an ok movie. It`s a fast paced movie. Feels like something is seriously missing, but if you don`t go in with high expectations it`s a decent movie. It`s entertaining if you don`t have anything else to watch. Selena Gomez with a gun just looked so wrong. Hard to take her serious.

"Getaway" 10 Scale Rating: 3.0 (Awful) ... The Good: Ethan Hawke and Jon Voight (in a voice only role) did they best they could with an awful script. They were rare, but there were a couple of decent chase scenes. The Bad: Silly beyond belief. The story is complete nonsense and the ending is terrible. Selena Gomez was so awful that it was distracting. Most of the chase scenes (which make up most of the film) were a blur of car parts and quick camera motions. Some of the worst dialogue you're ever going to hear occurs between Hawke and Gomez. Painful.

WEIRD. An ambitious project, but poorly written. The script was so bad, it should've exploded with the other exploding cars in this movie. I don't know why Selena Gomez got a Razzie nomination because her acting wasn't that bad. What made people think that her acting was so bad was the script. You could see that the writer didn't think it through when it comes to her character. There were a lot of unnecessary scenes and lines. The camera work was bad and the execution was even worse. Such a shame.

Production Company After Dark Films, Dark Castle Entertainment, Signature Pictures, Silver Reel, Dunulf Productions, Emmitt Productions Limited, The Fyzz, ADF Acquisitions, Bomar OOD, Saints LA

Release Date Aug 30, 2013

Duration 1 h 30 m

Rating PG-13

Tagline Get in. Get out. Getaway.

Seattle Film Critics Awards