Insidious: Chapter 3 Reviews

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Summary This chilling prequel, set before the haunting of the Lambert family, reveals how gifted psychic Elise Rainier (Lin Shaye) reluctantly agrees to use her ability to contact the dead in order to help a teenage girl (Stefanie Scott) who has been targeted by a dangerous supernatural entity.

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Summary This chilling prequel, set before the haunting of the Lambert family, reveals how gifted psychic Elise Rainier (Lin Shaye) reluctantly agrees to use her ability to contact the dead in order to help a teenage girl (Stefanie Scott) who has been targeted by a dangerous supernatural entity.

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Ms. Shaye gives Insidious more than sufficient reason for a Chapter 4.

It stands well on its own as a jumpy spookfest.

This is the SCARIEST FILM IVE EVER SEEN! It's terrifying to the bone and will keep you up with the lights on, and I hope there's going to be a chapter 4! It gives you a reason to love Blumhouse, and is worth time, money, and you might need some extra pair of underwear :)

Very dark and interesting story and I liked more than the first two, especially when it comes to the plot and how real life hardships are mixed with a dark story. i would recommend it I liked it.

Whatever else Whannell, making his directing debut, manages in this third chapter of this soon-to-be-beaten-to-death series, casting Shaye and giving the actress who dates back to the original “A Nightmare on Elm Street” her due pays off.

You jump out of your skin the first few times the skeleton pops out at you. By the end of the ride, you’ve gotten a good look and it’s not so much scary as hokey.

The first two films faltered in their final act, and Chapter 3 experiences some of that as well, though it never achieves their heights. There are some nice scares, but a few formerly central characters are basically forgotten in favor of wrapping things up.

Whereas Wan (who retains a producer credit here, and makes a cameo appearance) is the sort of director who can effortlessly turn a billowing curtain or creaking floorboard into an unbearable portent of dread, Whannell rarely makes the neck hairs quiver, let alone stand at attention.

Insidious: Chapter 3 is simply not scary. Not a bit, not a whit. Except that the audience will be terrified of the next stabbing of their eardrums, at generally predictable intervals.

The creepiest of the insidious film series! just awesome! good acted and fantastic atmosphere! i liked it! easily is the second best horror movie of the year...!!!!

This review contains spoilers. It's a solid horror flick - the lead actress plays her role well, Dermot Mulroney is quality, and the older lady psychic is excellent, as usual. What I can say is that the final jump-scare a the VERY end of the movie is terrifying. Reminded of the old "Quart of Blood Technique" from 48 hours... You know that some scary is coming when they roll out an extended, benign resolution.

The third instalment does not top its predecessors, but at least it still has potential and talent, unlike most other horror sequels nowadays.

The first film was excellent and the second was equally good, although it has some weaknesses. This movie, however, was disappointing... as the second film took any chance of making a continuation, they tried to make a prequel but, since there was no story for it, they had to create a new one. It revolves around a girl who tried to contact her own mother's spirit but ended up, somehow, catching the eye of an evil entity. This is where our old acquaintance Elise comes in, and we learn that she's also being pursued by a spirit. That is, the film tries to make a clear connection with the previous films, and even manages to do it... but the ending spoiled everything. It's clear from the very beginning that this film doesn't have the same quality as the others and the script uses a lot of predictable features and does not give us anything new but, despite that, the film would have been average if the ending was not so bad and so cliche. Lyn Shaye returns to give life to the main character but she doesn't have much to give us. She is a good actress and, in fact, it's she who carries the film, but it lacks a good story for her to shine; Stefanie Scott was well too, she did an average work. The remaining cast ends up in the shadow of these two actresses and, in contrary to the two previous films, Elise's helpers was unnecessary. Technically there is nothing to mention, besides some good scares, a pleasant feel of tense and an excellent use of sound and visual effects. To summarize and conclude, this movie is not totally bad, but it's far from my expectations.

I'm a fan of Insidious 1 and 2 but Chapter 3 does not live up to my expectation and it is inevitable to compare them, by saying this I do not mean that the film is not so entertaining, but it is not as agile as the first two. Does it scare you? Yes and no, there are moments that will inevitably take you off, especially a moment involving a car, but usually it is only the dark atmosphere.

Production Company Gramercy Pictures (I), Stage 6 Films, Entertainment One, Blumhouse Productions, Automatik Entertainment, Sony Pictures International, Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions (SPWA)

Release Date Jun 5, 2015

Duration 1 h 37 m

Rating TV-14

Tagline This is how you die

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