Joker: Folie à Deux Reviews
- ️@metacritic
To repeat, Folie à Deux is not “canon.” It’s a writer/director realizing a vision with something sincere and clever, which you can accept or reject. Superhero fans will get their fix soon enough. But this is not that.
Of all the things Phillips does better in Joker: Folie à Deux than he did in Joker, the best is by far his course correction in catering to radical misogynists. The director isn’t subtle in his nods to the controversy stirred by the original.
Verry worth watchiing if you like joker and harley movies it tells a tale of love and madness...
People's expectations always play against their experiences. This movie is art.
There are interesting notes on the intersection between love, mental illness, obsession, performance, and fandom. If only the movie were a little better.
The worst thing about Joker: Folie à Deux is its unfulfilled potential. It begins with the promise of a novel approach to the Joker and Harley Quinn, placing them in a world where the opposite of cruelty is musical romance. Unfortunately, the DC sequel gets bogged down by a lengthy courtroom saga, which not only keeps the dazzling Lady Gaga away from the spotlight, but centers the movie entirely around its own predecessor, without doing or saying anything new.
Even during the fantasy musical numbers, which give cover to stray from the overall aesthetics of the film, Phillips is just incapable of delivering the genre’s requisite razzle dazzle that would surely complement Joker’s persona.
If the principal actors weren’t so watchable, the movie would be an outright bore.
What a staggeringly stupid film. Joker: Folie à Deux is a sequel that did not need to exist. It’s an unspeakably self-indulgent, two-hour-plus beast of hodge-podge musical numbers wedged between drab prison and courtroom scenes.
This movie is brilliant. I enjoyed it a lot, it really embodies how mentally ill the Joker is & it shows true major signs of a psychotic narcissistic schizophrenic. The back and forth between the singing & his reality shows how his mind switches - even the scenes where Harley pops up around him - when watching the film you can’t tell what’s real or what’s in his mind & that’s what I really enjoy about this series of Todd Philips The Joker. His take on the Joker gets into the mind of how The Joker actually is, his thoughts, his fascinations, his fantasies & how he feels & thinks… I hope Todd Philips continues to makes more films with this Joker, it really is amazingly brilliant & such a masterpiece in itself.
После шикарного первого фильма ожидания к продолжению были высоки, но увы фильм оказался никаким. Вроде Гага и Хоакин стараются и есть какая то интрига, но фильм идет медленно, а интересных сцен мало. Да, где-то картина заставляет задуматься и даже немного сопереживать героям, но это чувство быстро улетучивается.
Should watch in the mood of normal. This Joker is not the same as any Joker you saw anywhere else. It more like the half of movie is romance. It not drama like deep in the mind of Arthur. They showed Arthur's mind for us as these songs. Make the movie more easy to watch. Seem like no one love this idea.
#TheShortHandCritic: Woe is me. This one hurt. #JokerFolieADeux has been greatly anticipated given the casting of #LadyGaga as Harleen “Lee” Quinzel for what seems like years. While Joker (played by #JoaquinPhoenix) is literally withering away in a nasty prison. He meets Lee just in time for his trial for the murders in the previous film #Joker. Once together sparks fly as they get whisked away to a fantasyland filled with irreverent musical numbers. You heard that right—this is a musical. What the film was going for with the random music is intriguing, but it does not work at all. Each time the film pauses as if to crank up another buffoonery of song it induces the internal plea “Oh God—please not another one!” The musical numbers are neither flamboyant nor raw enough to attract memorability. But even they are more impressive in their nonsense than the actual screenplay. It meanders creating surprising boredom which aiding the film’s already overly depressive tone by director #ToddPhillips. The story is as flat and uninvolving as a Sprite left open in a hot car all day. Perhaps it’s the underwriting of Lady Gaga’s character that is the real stake in the heart of this production. She’s given little to do, and there are so many moments the audience anticipates excitement, but Phillips veers another direction trying to be clever and keep us on our toes. It fails miserably, and the film loses steam, sending it into a downward spiral. This causes any sizzle between the supposed mentally unstable duo to fall to the wayside, and Gaga, who seems game to play the femme fatale, deflates before our eyes like a pool toy with a hole in it. It’s just a sad, major letdown by the end and that’s not because the actors didn’t give it their all. They were just forsaken by their own creators. Further proof that new, edgy writing talent should be allowed into the elite club known as Hollywood. The budget that was spent on this is appalling for it to end right back where we started with floundering themes of influence, madness transference, and a witless love-fantasy gone wrong. This sequel is an injustice to the brilliance of the original. We would need a Part 3 to redeem Gaga’s should-have-been-a-bomb-not-a-firecracker character, but no one’s going to want to gamble sitting through a mess like this again. ️1/2 (Out of 4 Because 5 Stars Are For Restaurants & Hotels Only) #FilmReview #ShortHandCritic
Joaquin Phoenix's eponymous Joker takes the stand in a sequel that dances around while the story remains still, although Lady Gaga's wildcard energy gives Folie á Deux some verve.