Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas Reviews
- ️@metacritic
Summary Kirk Cameron is enjoying sister’s annual Christmas party until he realizes he needs to help out his brother-in-law Christian, who is chock full of no-fun Scroogery. Kirk realizes it’s his job to grab Christian by his seasonal sweater and show him Christ where Christ has always been: smack dab at the center of all the Christmas hoopla.
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Summary Kirk Cameron is enjoying sister’s annual Christmas party until he realizes he needs to help out his brother-in-law Christian, who is chock full of no-fun Scroogery. Kirk realizes it’s his job to grab Christian by his seasonal sweater and show him Christ where Christ has always been: smack dab at the center of all the Christmas hoopla.
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Beyond the leaps in logic, the most troubling part of this film is that it just feels like a defense of the excess of Christmas.
Saving Christmas will hold little interest for anyone not already a believer. It’s too single-minded in its instructional purpose, too averse to multidimensional characters, too youth-pastor-like in its dorky humor.
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For years, I had stopped going to church. I had lost all my joy in the Christian life. Now, I have a reaffirmed joy in Christ that I haven't had in years. Thank you Kirk cameron for displaying the TRUE story of the holiday season and rejuvenating the most important aspect of my life--my spiritual life. Well done and continue to spread the message of the true meaning of Christmas. continue to change lives.
A glorified infomercial in defense of the holiday that contains about 15 minutes of actual content padded out with almost an hour of filler.
Every holiday season sees a new influx of Christmas movies desperate to become the next big seasonal perennial destined to provide laughter, tears, humanity and healthy residuals for years to come.
This may be one of the least artful holiday films ever made. Even devout born-again Christians will find this hard to stomach.
Preaching aside, though, Saving Christmas is a shoddy 80-minute feature that contains approximately 50 minutes of actual moving footage. When Cameron narrates that materialism doesn’t go against Christmas because it celebrates the son of God being made material himself, it sounds like a defense of any kind of cheap, poorly made holiday crap — this movie included.
Director Doane offers no storytelling pizzazz; the lighting is careless, the pacing is deadly, the occasional stabs at comedy fall flat. Ultimately, Saving Christmas has nothing to share that Linus Van Pelt didn't already say better on “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”
****'t even know how to begin this. Before I saw this film, I thought everything about Christianity was pathetic and that Christian were brainwashed fanatics. Afterwards, I found myself with no choice but to fall on my knees. KIrk's message about Saving Christmas was just so real to me...I never recognized just what a spiritually-dead and materialistic world we live in until now. We need revival. And it will not come if Santa Claus takes that wheel--only if JESUS does. the message of hope and forgiveness offered in this film is just breathtaking. I'll admit it--I cried after seeing this. And I changed my heart. Well done--Kirk and the crew. You guys are doing the world a service that our Hollywood saturated culture needs to hear.
Before I watched this film, I was a CONFIRMED ATHEIST. Now, I am a devout Christian. Kirk's message about the true meaning of Christmas just made me realize the narcissism of my own heart and what a mindless consumer I was like everyone else--especially during the holiday season. Even as a churchgoer for many years as a kid (because of my parents) I never truly felt the presence of God in any special way. But the way Kirk described the Christmas **** just paints such a vivid picture of the life of Jesus, and how we're all broken people, how we all need forgiveness. I can see all the negative reviews this film is getting--but I don't care. It brought me to my knees and I can safely say I will never look at Christmas--or life, for that matter--the same way. Thank you, Kirk Cameron, for helping me get on the straight and narrow and coming to terms with the sin in my own life that I never fully comprehended.
Very sorry I sat through this and contributed to its loss/profit. …Okay. It will probably be a loss but less of a loss because of my patronage. Its poor: plot, acting effects. Erm… …It could be a nice story if the myths and untruths on which it is supposedly made where embellished for children. It fails in almost every department and even the children complained to me. I fear it may have permanently traumatized their Christmas experience. ***Parents alert**** There is a fair bit of lying and blatant rubbish Children may pick up on. I cannot even find the strength to comment on this movie. Read one above that is lower than a 3 and you should be there. I read a few and they were on the button (Apart from the fake ones like “ I was a Muslim and this movie converted me to Christianity”. Pfft. To all these reviewers claiming instructions for ATHIESTS etc. Look! people there is no war between religion and Athiesm, Athiesm is just an short explanation that you prefer to believe in things that can be proved or experienced objectively. Therefore It’s a march of reason, progress and intelligence. Just get on board, and we can move forward as a species together. … and make better movies. A turbulent and fitting end to the year that was 2014.
This isn’t a movie it’s just some sitcom documentary of being with families on Christmas but even on those standards this is completely an atrocious mess the way it shows it’s message is so superficial and flat that it leaves no impact or lesson on Christmas in fact it actually makes us hate Christmas call it more like ruining Christmas the acting and dialogue what acting there isn’t any it’s just Kirk cameron having a random discussion it’s like being nosey o listening to a two person conversation that isn’t interesting it’s boring as hell this has about the same awfulness as the Nicolas cage film left behind because the connection between these is they both **** and Cameron was in a let behind adaptation before all left behind adaptations **** and saving Christmas Island is a real snooze fest 0 stars
Terrible movie with really terrible message. I wish that Mr. Cameron finally saw the errors of his ways and just vanished from the public eye altogether.
Production Company Camfam Studios, Liberty University, Provident Films, XDX2
Release Date Nov 14, 2014
Duration 1 h 20 m
Rating PG
Tagline Put Christ Back in Christmas
Razzie Awards
• 4 Wins & 6 Nominations