Law Abiding Citizen Reviews

  • ️@metacritic

Summary Clyde Shelton is an upstanding family man whose wife and daughter are brutally murdered during a home invasion. When the killers are caught, Nick Rice, a hotshot young Philadelphia prosecutor, is assigned to the case. Over his objections, Nick is forced by his boss to offer one of the suspects a light sentence in exchange for testifying ...

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Summary Clyde Shelton is an upstanding family man whose wife and daughter are brutally murdered during a home invasion. When the killers are caught, Nick Rice, a hotshot young Philadelphia prosecutor, is assigned to the case. Over his objections, Nick is forced by his boss to offer one of the suspects a light sentence in exchange for testifying ...

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One of those movies you like more at the time than in retrospect.

LawAbiding Citizen smells a bit musty these days. Indeed, in an era when the debate has shifted from too little state vigilance to too damn much, this thing seems almost quaint.

One of the best movies ever. Not gonna spoil it, but its one of the few movies that actually has the real bad guys on this planet as the bad guys in the plot. Thats the people Batman, Superman, Jack Ryan, Jack Bauer, John Wick, etc should really be hunting down. Nobody cares about the classic bad guys anymore, because even if they exist, they dont do remotely as much damage to the world as the real ones.

It was a great movie; it's designed to show all the loopholes in the system. The anti-hero is merely trying to repair the broken system by exposing how bad it is. In this movie, there are two sides to this story, someone who is genuinely offended by the law, and an officer that believes they made the best decision considering the circumstances. People forget that there was A LOT of planning of all the things to come, which makes it realistic. The system we live in is imperfect and will continue to worsen. I also loved the script!

The movie starts out as a potboiler with a troubling character arc; unfortunately, it ends up becoming a goofy, story-overwhelming Rube Goldberg contraption that would make the producers of the "Saw" series blush.

Law Abiding Citizen, ultimately and inappropriately, tips the scales in favor of the Man over mankind. Somebody call Charles Bronson.

Such a lazy action-drama underachiever, it seems unfair to target stars Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler for bringing their C game.

At last, the missing link be tween "Phantom of the Opera" and "Saw." Welcome to the gonzo revenge saga Law Abiding Citizen.

A vigilante/torture-porn potpourri, is particularly toxic because it's scented with phony importance.

Critics are and will always be liberals .. don„t listen to them, the movie is good.

[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]

Great movie with suspense until 20 minutes from the end. I seriously think the awful ending ruins Gerald Butler`s character.

This is what happens when the dig through John Grisham's garbage. It has a lot of inaccuracies with the federal law of the state of Philadelphia. Both Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler are miscast and don't provide energy in their roles. Their characters are poorly developed and the other characters don't have much focus, and on some occasions stupid And the ending is a big 180 to a decent resolution.

Una lástima el final, termina significando q la corrupción de la justicia al final gana. Como un juez puede decir hago lo q quiero? que se creen? dioses? no creo q con la muerte, pero un cambio de sangre dentro de ese poder miserable es necesario. Uno tiene q pasar por un asesinato y después por la ley y ver lo sucia q es y como todo se compra, y como las vidas no valen nada, para poder ver q en esta película el principio es perfecto, tal cual como debería ser. El final desastroso. Solo lo liberan de la tristeza que es perder seres amados de la manera más violenta, sin q a nadie le importe. Solo somos un número. Too bad the end, meaning q corruption ends of justice at the end wins. As a judge I can say what I q? to be created? gods? q I do not believe in the death, but a change of blood within that wretched power needed. Q One has to go through a murder and then by the law and see how dirty and q is as everything is bought, and how lives are worthless, q to see this movie in the beginning is perfect, as it should be. The disastrous end. Only the release of the sorrow of losing loved ones in the most violent, no one cares qa. We're just a number.

Production Company G-BASE, The Film Department, Warp Films, Evil Twins (I)

Release Date Oct 16, 2009

Duration 1 h 48 m

Rating TV-14

Tagline The System Must Pay

ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards

• 2 Wins & 2 Nominations