Rambo Reviews

  • ️@metacritic

Summary Twenty years after the last film in the series, John Rambo has retreated to northern Thailand, where he's running a longboat on the Salween River. On the nearby Thai-Burma border, the world's longest-running civil war, the Burmese-Karen conflict, rages into its 60th year. But Rambo, who lives a solitary, simple life in the mountains an...

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Summary Twenty years after the last film in the series, John Rambo has retreated to northern Thailand, where he's running a longboat on the Salween River. On the nearby Thai-Burma border, the world's longest-running civil war, the Burmese-Karen conflict, rages into its 60th year. But Rambo, who lives a solitary, simple life in the mountains an...

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A straight-ahead exercise in brutality.

The result is the farthest thing from a bland, spineless sequel: It's a brutal, insanely excessive successor to grindhouse pictures of yore.

Rambo: First things first yes I love action movies like the ones from the 80s because it's all practical effects that's why l love this movie franchise and it continues with this movie. Sure the story isn't too bad but we all watch these movies to see Stallone kick some ass and he delivers on it. All the kills in this movie are great because of how evil they made everyone from killing people in cold blood and killing their children. This movie does not sugarcoat the war that he has to go through and it all leads up to the best finale because he is on a 50 Cal mowing down enemies everywhere.

Almost a perfect Rambo movie and for sure better then 2nd or 3rd Rambo: The action is amazing: so brutal and realistic. Finally Rambo is not alone killing everyone, but in a team and therefore more realistic. Stallone plays his character perfectly and interesting. The setting is good, the atmosphere and music are also well done. And the movie is not so politically correct like the 2 before, there are even some nice political incorrect dialogues. There are only little problems: the story could be more detailed, especially some explanations for some behaviours are missing or too superfically written. In addition the movie could be a little bit longer.

The movie does have its own kind of blockheaded poetry.

It's 90 minutes of flying, dismembered limbs and explosions of blood, but give the man credit. Stallone can do action. If you want action and nothing but, here it is.

The movie is neither cathartic nor entertaining. The action scenes (and there are many of them) feel mechanized and calculated.

The orgy of violence, as ghastly as in any video game, should go a long way toward erasing whatever goodwill Stallone earned with his sentimental "Rocky Balboa."

With its first-person-shooter perspective and gun-andrun narrative, this one’s for the PlayStation crowd. It’s not a movie. It’s an adrenaline pump and purveyor of raw carnage.

!!!amazing movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rambo 2008 resulto ser un gran bajón a mi parecer. La historia no es tan interesante como las anteriores. El resto de personajes nuevos son muy olvidables y la acción en si llega a ser genérica, demasiado repetitiva y demasiado exagerada. La violencia es tan exagerada que llega incluso a ser irrealista en ocasiones. Sorprendentemente los efectos especiales y los cambios de cámara son incluso peores que las de la trilogía original... Rambo sigue siendo igual de carismático que siempre, y algunas escenas con el si estuvieron a la altura... Algo es algo se podría decir... Mientras mas pasan las películas de Rambo, siento que la historia se va cada vez dejando de lado para centrarse en la acción. Esa es una de las razones principales por las que creo que la primera es la mejor con diferencia. Rambo 1 logro un perfecto balance entre historia y acción, cosa que esta ni aspira a eso, siendo muy mediocre en ambos aspectos. Sin duda alguna, después de haber visto The Last Blood, puedo decir que Rambo 2008 es la peor de la saga con diferencia.

Starts out pretty interesting, good even, but towards the ending it just gets so mindlessly dumb it falls short of being even somewhat noteworthy. Hard to rate, depends largely on whether or not the gore appeals to you. A 5 is be pretty generous with an ending like that, but I'll let it slide for the short time in which I thought the users were right and this might actually be well worth watching.

this is easily one of my least favourite and i literally don't even know why

Il s’agit du quatrième Rambo si je ne m’abuse et c’est déjà le Rambo de trop… quoiqu’auparavant, on pouvait (déjà) trouver à y redire, notamment à l’égard d’un certain Rambo 3 qui faisait le zouave en Afghanistan… non, bien avant, c’était du temps des Soviétiques et la guerre était encore (toujours) un peu froide, surtout à Hollywood mais bref… Donc, même le 3 était déjà une grosse connerie en soi, une tellement grosse connerie qu’on en avalait notre pop-corn de travers… mais là avec le 4 qui va faire le kakou en Birmanie pour sauver des touristes ravis de la crèche, on touche le fond… et même qu’il continue de creuser le père Rambo ! s’il con-tinue comme ça, il va se retrouver au Vietnam… faudrait d’ailleurs le prévenir qu’il y a toujours des cocos là-bas. En tout cas, Sylvestre s’est collé à la réalisation et si la violence est… violente, le montage est un peu trop nerveux, le cadrage désordonné et les caméras ont un peu la tremblote de Parkinson (c’est l’âge). L’action reste assez rare et de toute façon comme on vient de le dire, elle est si mal filmée qu’on n’en veut pas… Quant au fameux personnage, il est devenu une caricature des plus prévisibles, en plus de s’avérer plus grognon et bougon que d’habitude (c’est l’âge…). Papy Rambo devrait donc arrêter ses conneries parce que là, il se ridiculise… totalement !

Production Company Lionsgate, The Weinstein Company, Millennium Films, Nu Image Entertainment GmbH, Equity Pictures Medienfonds GmbH & Co. KG IV, Emmett/Furla Oasis Films, Rogue Marble

Release Date Jan 25, 2008

Duration 1 h 32 m

Rating TV-MA

Tagline Heroes never die.... They just reload.

Golden Trailer Awards

• 1 Win & 1 Nomination