Reindeer Games Reviews
- ️@metacritic
Some movie-goers will be more annoyed than surprised by the finale.
The plot's preposterous and Affleck is way too callow for a role that would have fit Robert Mitchum like a second-hand suit.
This movie is oddly charming, with the potential to be something of a classic.
Ótimo suspense de ação,creio que ao contrário do que Charlize Theron disse esse não é o pior filme dela e de fato não é um filme ruim do diretor John Frankenheimer infelizmente seu último filme. História intrigante,com um desenvolvimento inteligente. Com sólidas atuações de Ben Affleck,Charlize Theron,Gary Sinise,Donal Logue,James Frain.
The out-of-control plot doesn't unfold gracefully or organically; it simply speeds along with no regard for anything other then getting to the next plot twist.
Punishing, visceral violence is the key element.
As late Christmas presents go, Reindeer Games is best left unwrapped.
Affleck simply wasn't meant to play action heroes or tough guys. He's about as tough as tapioca pudding.
While you may like comedies and you make like thrillers, this film does neither of the above with any pizazz.
Reindeer Games is an incredible disposable action flick with a silly and cliched plot. Fortunately, it is tremendously fun. Directed by John Frankenheimer, Reindeer Games has a largely silly plot with odd plot twists along the way that do not really seem to make sense. It is as if they are thrown in there at the very end just to make the film seem less predictable. While I was enjoying the movie up until the ending, this element really detracted from the final product. Starring Ben Affleck, Gary Sinise, and Charlize Theron, Reindeer Games features solid acting performances that are largely hammed up a good bit. In particular, Sinise turns in a hammy and over-the-top performance as the villainous Gabriel Mercer. A kooky sort of criminal who is dead set on pulling off this robbery at all costs, Gabriel. He is the "brother" of Ashley Mercer (Theron), who assists him in roping in Nick Cassidy, a convict being let out of jail, into helping them knock off a casino Nick once worked for. However, unfortunately, Nick is killed and in his place, his cellmate Rudy Duncan (Affleck) pretends to be Nick. Tasked with helping Santa fly his sleigh, Rudy is forced to assist them in robbing the casino while also keeping up the ruse that he is Nick Cassidy. What ensues is an action-packed and a tense robbery, betrayals, and constant deception. Admittedly, Reindeer Games did not quite end up as I would have expected, so I cannot predictable. That said, in its action, the film is certainly quite cliche. Fortunately, John Frankenheimer knows action and makes the film compelling. In particular, the robbery sequence is filled with twists and fun action set pieces. Throughout, Frankenheimer instills the scene with tension and keeps the audience guessing as to what will transpire next. Unfortunately what transpires next is a ludicrous conclusion. Yes, the rest of the film is absolutely nuts too. I admit. However, the ending is a step above and really seems incredibly contrived and convenient just to make the film longer and seem more twisty than it really was. Other than this though, Reindeer Games does not really deserve its poor reputation. Is it good? Not by any means. Is it disposable? Again, yes. However, it is fun while it lasts and watching three very good actors in Affleck, Sinise, and Theron, have this much fun in a Frankenheimer film is worth a little over an hour and a half of your time. For action junkies, Reindeer Games should more than fit the bill with the last half hour feeling as though it were lifted straight out of a Michael Bay movie.
Reindeer Games could have been a good film, but it is not. It is not even a serviceable one. With the possible exception of the talent involved, everything about this movie smacks of a B movie, the kind of film that, with a lesser cast, would have been shipped directly to Cinemax or Showtime. Reindeer Games suffers from a poorly written screenplay that, coupled with static and uninspired direction, lends the production a cheap and cheesy feel. And the big "twist" at the end, which will undoubtedly become one of the film's prime selling hooks, comes from so far afield that it's impossible to logically predict. The real problem is the storyline these actors find themselves trapped in. Written by Scream 3 scribe Ehren Kruger, Reindeer Games is an inept blend of routine action sequences, howlingly bad dialogue, and standard thriller plot elements. There are far better movies in its category to even watch it for free.(Rent Mission Impossible instead).
Worst Christmas action movie. Thought it would be good as it is a Ben Affleck movie. But the worst, Reindeer Games is directed by John Frankenheimer, a legend who directed the original The Manchurian Candidate (the best political thrillers), Birdman of Alcatraz and just now saw Ronin, a movie which was the return of John Frankenheimer. A very decent cast, with Ben Affleck, Charlize Theron and Gary Sinise, it has sub-par acting and a bad plot. A lot of plot twist, won't recommend this. This movie was a critical and commercial failure, and a disappointing film from John Frankenheimer before his death.
The little action that exists in Reindeer Games is let down by the nonsensical plot turns, the uninspired performances and unlikeable characters. The heist storyline has been done over one hundred times, every one better than this.
Production Company Dimension Films, Marty Katz Productions
Release Date Feb 25, 2000
Duration 1 h 44 m
Rating R
Tagline The trap is set. The game is on.
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