The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Reviews

  • ️@metacritic

Summary It’s great to be Spider-Man. For Peter Parker, there’s no feeling quite like swinging between skyscrapers, embracing being the hero, and spending time with Gwen. But being Spider-Man comes at a price: only Spider-Man can protect his fellow New Yorkers from the formidable villains that threaten the city. With the emergence of Electro, Pet...

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Summary It’s great to be Spider-Man. For Peter Parker, there’s no feeling quite like swinging between skyscrapers, embracing being the hero, and spending time with Gwen. But being Spider-Man comes at a price: only Spider-Man can protect his fellow New Yorkers from the formidable villains that threaten the city. With the emergence of Electro, Pet...

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There is still Spider-Man's personal turmoil, crises of romance and loyalty, that Webb occasionally holds a few beats too long. Yet the performances ring true, with arresting chemistry where it counts.

Aerial sequences are often thrilling. However, interpersonal relations are front and center in this installment.

Um dos melhores filmes do Homem Aranha, com um final maravilhoso. Pena que cancelaram a sequência

please make the amazing spider man 3 movie

Lacks the origin-story freshness of its predecessor (even if the inaugural Garfield Spider-Man came only five years after the final installment of the Sam Raimi-directed Tobey Maguire Spider-Man trilogy). It lacks a charismatic central character, too.

Even at a hefty 142 minutes, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hasn’t the time for its surfeit of plot, nor for the sprawling ensemble of supporting characters caught in the sticky web Webb weaves.

Folks, I confess: I'm coping with a mild case of arachno-apatha-phobia, defined as the fear of another so-so "Spider-Man" sequel.

Ultimately, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is noteworthy for one thing—not waiting until the third or fourth film to achieve the overstuffed, increasingly garish look one associates with less popular (2007’s Spider-Man 3) and outright ridiculed (1997’s Batman and Robin) franchise efforts.

The project as a whole conveys a drab sense of bureaucratic necessity, a "let's get this over with" wheeziness.

ADMITANLO! Amazing Spider-Man 2 Es Una Gran película, Vale que La Trama No es La Mejor del Mundo, PERO TIENE SUS VIRTUDES: Los Efectos Especiales, La Banda Sonora, Las Actuaciones De Mis Reyes ANDREW GARFIELD y EMMA STONE, GWEN ((si gwen es en sí una virtud para un producto de spidey))

Visually i think Marc Webb's did the most incredible and simply the best Spider-Man shot in every Spider-Man movie including now the three seperate live action movies and actors, and he still include those impressive shot in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, what flaws in this sequel was that compare to the first one, it just filled with weaker story, weaker performances, and just weaker villain, and it's quite disappointing overall.

The movie is dead average for most of the runtime. The villain is poorly designed, and the romance issues between Peter and Gwen aren't very interesting. However, the ending is awesome, and actions from the first film actually have consequences in this one.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is an even bigger mess than Spider-Man 3. Like Spider-Man 3, this film has multiple unlikable villains that drag the plot all over the place. Unlike Spider-Man 3, it's also tasked with the unenviable position of setting up a Marvel-like cinematic universe comprised of only Spider-Man characters. If they tried (and failed) to recreate Batman Begins' success with the first Amazing Spider-Man, Sony wants the second one to be their Avengers-like payday. Every bit of it falls flat on its face.

Ok, I will be honest this movie is more rewatchable than the first one as I like the tone much better even though it doesn't match at all with the first. But the movie is a huge mess and is in my opinion the worst Spiderman movie ever made. There were like 15 storylines going on at once which unfortunately caused the villain not to be very well developed and they just feel like CGI and boring characters. Also, there are just unnecessary things that just needed to be cut.

Production Company Columbia Pictures, Marvel Entertainment, Avi Arad Productions, Matt Tolmach Productions

Release Date May 2, 2014

Duration 2 h 22 m

Rating TV-PG

Tagline No more secrets.

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