The Angry Birds Movie Reviews
- ️@metacritic
Summary On an island populated entirely by happy, flightless birds (or almost entirely), Red (Jason Sudeikis), a bird with a temper problem, speedy Chuck (Josh Gad), and the volatile Bomb (Danny McBride) have always been outsiders. But when the island is visited by mysterious green piggies, it’s up to these unlikely outcasts to figure out what t...
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Summary On an island populated entirely by happy, flightless birds (or almost entirely), Red (Jason Sudeikis), a bird with a temper problem, speedy Chuck (Josh Gad), and the volatile Bomb (Danny McBride) have always been outsiders. But when the island is visited by mysterious green piggies, it’s up to these unlikely outcasts to figure out what t...
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Proves to be more than just a gimmick, and it doesn't skimp on any of the quirky wackiness that you might expect from a film about blob-shaped, flightless birds battling pigs.
The animation punches well above its weight with properly Looney Tunes-standard sight gags, polished, highly expressive character design, and rendering so intensely computed nearly every barbule and rachis on each individual feather is visible.
[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]
Don't get me wrong. Angry Birds doesn't depict any on-camera violence against person, bird, or pig. But there's a darkness at the heart of this movie that's hard to reconcile.
If you loved the game, you might enjoy watching the script contort itself into ever more zany shapes to incorporate the necessary elements: giant slings, teetering towers, boomeranging toucans. But it’s not enough to counteract the tiresome, sub-Lego Movie snarkiness of the script or the bright, busy and unengaging animation.
Sudeikis is well-cast as a bird whose “cardinal sin” is cynicism, but he has virtually nothing funny to say.
The Angry Birds Movie basically hits all the squares on the Lazily Conceived Family Cartoon bingo card.
Maybe it’s supposed to be the enlightening tale of one bird’s self-redemption from neurotic negativity, but I just wanted to punch this film in the snout.
All I need to say is that this is an all-time classic movie. Flawless from every perspective.
No es una película excelente, pero no es tan mala como se dice; la animación es buena, la trama es divertida y los personajes son carismáticos; es bastante decente.
This isn't a bad movie but I have a few problems with it. The humor isn't really that funny. I laughed 2 times on the cake part and that other part in it. The animation is decent but could use improvement. Other than that the movie's fine.
omg this film is just horrible it has no story line and has no connections to the original game which audiences loved the poor humour cold only be funny to a infant or a fetus anyone with an iq over 4 will find this painful to watch
The Angry Birds Movie will make you full of rage, though not in a good way. Now to be fair, the animation is colorful, detailed, and has a Looney Toons feel to it. All the voice performances are fine and some of the jokes are funny. It's also faithful to the game it's based on with elements of the game incorporated into the plot. That's about it, because the rest of the film is filled with filler and non- stop jokes that aren't funny at all. The plot is so simplistic that the story could have been done in an 1/2 hour television special. So to fill in the 90 minute run time, the movie has a bunch of filler scenes and don't contribute to the plot. To make sure the children don't get distracted, the film makers make sure there is constant noise, jokes every second, and rocket- ship fast pacing. Because of this, most of the jokes fall flat from having no build up and by going too fast. Although some work, the majority don't. Some "adult" jokes are too inappropriate for the target audience. Because of the pacing, there is no character development. Every character is either a stereotype or simply bland. Because the film never shuts up, there is no emotional moments that makes us care for the characters. It's just color and never- ending action. As far as the plot goes, like the mobile game, the green pigs come to Bird Island and steel their eggs. The birds then use a slingshot and their individual special abilities to beat the pigs. Again, while the plot is faithful to the game, it's so simple. Imagine the possibilities with this concept, but the filmmakers go at it in the easiest way possible. Noise and color for the kids, and inappropriate jokes for the adults. When the inevitable final showdown occurs between the birds and pigs, it's not exciting. That's because the pigs are non- threatening villains, are stupid, and no one ever gets hurt. Overall, The Angry Birds Movie has great animation, is faithful to the game, and is occasionally funny. But that doesn't make up for bland/ stupid characters, filler scenes, constant noise, and mainly unfunny jokes. Only young kids will get enjoyment from this.
Production Company Columbia Pictures, Rovio Entertainment, Sony Pictures Animation
Release Date May 20, 2016
Duration 1 h 37 m
Rating PG
Tagline Meet Bomb
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