The Dark Knight Rises Reviews
- ️@metacritic
Summary It has been eight years since Batman vanished into the night, turning, in that instant, from hero to fugitive. Assuming the blame for the death of D.A. Harvey Dent, the Dark Knight sacrificed everything for what he and Commissioner Gordon both hoped was the greater good. For a time the lie worked, as criminal activity in Gotham City was ...
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Summary It has been eight years since Batman vanished into the night, turning, in that instant, from hero to fugitive. Assuming the blame for the death of D.A. Harvey Dent, the Dark Knight sacrificed everything for what he and Commissioner Gordon both hoped was the greater good. For a time the lie worked, as criminal activity in Gotham City was ...
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A cinematic, cultural and personal triumph, The Dark Knight Rises is emotionally inspiring, aesthetically significant and critically important for America itself – as a mirror of both sober reflection and resilient hope.
With spectacle in abundance and sexiness in (supporting) parts, this is superhero filmmaking on an unprecedented scale. Rises may lack the surprise of Begins or the anarchy of Knight, but it makes up for that in pure emotion.
batman the dark knight rises a mediocre film the storyline was mediocre the whole film in general was very interesting but i expected more from this film not better than the dark knight
I honestly think this is the best Batman movie of the **** that’s my opinion
The Dark Knight Rises ultimately justifies its length (in fact, a good argument could be made for a longer cut) and the last 45 minutes is nothing short of spectacular. From the point where the narrative takes a leap of faith, it never lets up.
The Dark Knight Rises may be a hammy, portentous affair but Nolan directs it with aplomb. He takes these cod-heroic, costumed elements and whisks them into a tale of heavy-metal fury, full of pain and toil, surging uphill, across the flyovers, in search of a climax.
Christopher Nolan's capper of his Batman trilogy is a summer blockbuster of grand inclinations in both form and content.
Doesn't rise as much as it flounders and frustrates, in what would appear to be a case of a filmmaker prioritizing ego over efficiency, and engaging in generally muddled storytelling.
Halfheartedly, I give The Dark Knight Rises - the third and final Batflick in the Nolan trilogy - one star for eardrum-busting sound effects and glaucoma-inducing computerized images in blinding Imax, but talk about stretching things.
A very great Batman movie. Maybe not as good as The Darl Knight but nevertheless still a masterpiece in its own way! Perfect end to the trilogy….
It has a great opening "heist" scene to challenge The Dark Knight, physio that would make even a chiropractor wince, a phoned-in soundtrack, and a stupid ending.
[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]
If the first two films did not impress me this is the one I liked the least and that I think is the worst of the trilogy. Nothing comes back in the script, action scenes shot very badly, characters who do not convince by writing. A film that I didn't like at all.
Why is it that Bane is literally so cool in every other incarnation of him /except/ for the one he's most notably known for? This movie ****, dude. The portrayal of Bane is literally so exaggerated its comedic. You could say that about this entire movie, actually-- the whole conflict that it rides on is so out of the feeling of anything real it's hard to get invested in. Bale has never been a good Batman to me, and this movie just cements his mediocrity. The Dark Knight is perfect because its everything this movie isn't-- almost never wasting a moment, always keeping you guessing, beautiful performances that bring you into the characters, a story and plot full of themes that are coherent and come full circle, a well believable world and take on the story, and of course, not one but two amazing villains. This movie has none of that. It's predictable, has little replay value, I don't care about ANY of the characters, blah blah blah "darkness", and i **** hate Bane. It really **** that this movie ends an iconic trilogy. It just doesn't do it justice at all!
Production Company Warner Bros., Legendary Entertainment, DC Entertainment, Syncopy, DC Comics
Release Date Jul 20, 2012
Duration 2 h 45 m
Rating PG-13
Tagline The Legend Ends
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