Where'd You Go, Bernadette Reviews

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Summary Based on the runaway bestseller, Where'd You Go, Bernadette is an inspiring comedy about Bernadette Fox (Cate Blanchett), a loving mom who becomes compelled to reconnect with her creative passions after years of sacrificing herself for her family. Bernadette's leap of faith takes her on an epic adventure that jump-starts her life and lea...

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Summary Based on the runaway bestseller, Where'd You Go, Bernadette is an inspiring comedy about Bernadette Fox (Cate Blanchett), a loving mom who becomes compelled to reconnect with her creative passions after years of sacrificing herself for her family. Bernadette's leap of faith takes her on an epic adventure that jump-starts her life and lea...

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It’s not always a comfortable place to be, but with Linklater explores it here with humour, rather than pathos. And once again, with his persistent humanism, he offers us a question worth exploring.

Where’d You Go, Bernadette has to be seen, and demands to be believed, because of Cate Blanchett. Like “Blue Jasmine” (2013), which earned her a second Oscar, this new film lies at her command.

This is a great film. This is a great film. This is a great film. This is a great film.

¿Dónde estás, Bernadette? (2019) Sinopsis: Basada en un exitoso bestseller, ¿Dónde estás, Bernardette? es una inspiradora comedia dirigida por Richard Linklater acerca la búsqueda personal y el re-descubrimiento de los impulsos. Protagoniza la ganadora del Premio de la Academia Cate Blanchett, quien da vida a Bernadette Fox, una afectuosa mujer que desaparece repentinamente para reconectarse con sus pasiones después de años de sacrificarse por su familia. **** desapariciones pueden ser engañosas. Opinión: No se como empezar, dejé pasar mucho tiempo antes de animarme a ver esta película, me fascinó, la amé y me agarró el corazón a dos manos desde el inicio hasta el final, el argumento, el cual está clarito en la sinopsis, es tan solo la punta del iceberg siendo más profunda de lo que parece. Quién se lleva todos los aplausos es Cate Blanchett, la cual brinda una actuación que sobrepasa los límites de la perfección y la pulcritud, por dios, me sentí tan empático, identificado y emocionado con su personaje que casi logra hacerme llorar, bueno, no casi, de hecho lo logró, su personaje es un poco difícil de explicar, pero sentí en lo más profundo de mí alma que tanto ella como yo, compartíamos simultáneamente los mismos temores e inseguridades. Indignante que haya sido ignorada en las premiaciones... Valoración: 5 de 5

Linklater is a naturally empathetic filmmaker, and you can feel him trying to find something he can latch onto in the Desperate Housewives cat-fighting that dominates the movie in the early going. He’s helped ultimately by the story, and by the performances of Blanchett and Wiig, who are given room to embellish their characters and relationships.

Mishandles Maria Semple’s best-selling comic novel into a clattery mess. There are deftly human moments to be found, but you have to dig for them like potatoes.

Linklater, as brilliant a filmmaker as he is, is a kind of Zen rationalist; his shot language and essential humanity invite us to look at Bernadette and think, “You need help.” But that stops the character, even in her baroquely witty lashing out, from becoming a projection of a larger passion.

It is the Oscar winner’s most affected performance to date, which is truly saying something when you consider that she has already played both Katherine Hepburn and Bob Dylan.

There is, buried deep somewhere in Linklater’s film or however many edits it may have undergone – the thing reeks of indecision – an insightful, even invigorating story about what happens to a creative genius once they stop creating. But the actual work presents a good argument that, for some artists, it might be best to quit while you’re ahead.

Cate Blanchett's performance is great and I also love Kristen Wigg. Such a heartwarming film. It's very interesting to watch this film with your mom, especially she also (kind of) gave up her dream to raise you.

This is a nice comedy by Linklater tough it is not successful in all of its parts and it may reasonably considered a minor work from the Texan director. I think Cate Blanchett is fantastic in it and she is wonderfully directed.

Everything Cate does is exceptional. The overall picture and storytelling falls a little short but it is a nice film.

While somewhat ambling in its approach, this offbeat comedy-drama nevertheless delves into a number of thoughtful notions, especially in the areas of creativity and fulfillment and what can happen when they aren't satisfied. Cate Blanchett and newcomer Emma Nelson deliver fine performances as an outspoken and unusual mother-daughter duo in a quirky tale that's sporadically overwritten and sometimes verges on losing control of the room. Far from perfect (or even adequately developed for that matter) but certainly not the unmitigated train wreck some have made it out to be.

So many is wrong with this Movie. The Story is without any conflict, nothing is happening not even during the climax. Everything is fixing it self and has no repercussions. It’s like they were afraid to bring any obstacles in the way of the main characters. All the green screen scene where especial atrocious. Is it so hard to make the Actor look a little cold in I don’t know Antarctica? I can’t believe this is a movie made in 2019 its bad, really bad. If you don’t have any connection to one of the actors don’t watch this. Not even Kristen Wiig could safe this and she is amazing.

Production Company Annapurna Pictures, Color Force, Detour Filmproduction

Release Date Aug 16, 2019

Duration 1 h 49 m

Rating PG-13

Tagline Her Mystery, Their Journey, Our Adventure.

Women Film Critics Circle Awards

Austin Film Critics Association