Bupkis season 1 Reviews

  • ️@metacritic

Summary The comedy series co-created by Pete Davidson, has the ex-SNL star playing a fictional version of himself with Edie Falco as his mother and Joe Pesci as his grandfather.

Season Premiere: May 4, 2023

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Summary The comedy series co-created by Pete Davidson, has the ex-SNL star playing a fictional version of himself with Edie Falco as his mother and Joe Pesci as his grandfather.

Bupkis is as zany and wacky as can be and, regardless of personal verdict, it's hard to deny the ambition both in front of and behind the camera. From its excellent ensemble to its strong direction, Bupkis is one of the best new shows of the year.

Happily, the premiere is the weakest of Bupkis’ eight episodes. As the show, which debuts May 4, progresses, it evolves into something as distinctive and authentic as it is messy. ... Davidson proves to be the most competent narrator of his own story.

Meh. The trailer was good so I thought I would check it out (even though Pete Davidson's act and his movie cover most of this). Was not impressed. Lot of gross-out gags and underutilization of Joe Pesci and Brad Garret. The friends were practically wallpaper and the if this is how he spends his time, I'm disappointed in fame and fortune. It doesn't make for good TV.

More thought went into choosing the title font than the writing. Disappointing, lazy, boring.

Not all the episodes of “Bupkis” are of equal quality, but none are bad. Episode 1 is a homerun — if you don’t like it, go no further. The weakest is probably Episode 8, which concentrates on Davidson’s effort to get off drugs.

Bupkis is at times very funny, but when it comes to getting to know more about Pete Davidson, the show’s admirable qualities are more in spite of that than because of it.

What follows is wildly uneven and at times downright annoying, but it’s also a lot more ambitious and interesting than I was expecting, to the point where I’m curious which creative direction a second season might lean.

The series can come alive in specific details, like a flashback episode set at a family wedding Davidson attended just weeks after his father died responding to the World Trade Center attacks in 2001. For the most part, though, “Bupkis” makes the life of a star look as predictable as the show insists it’s exciting.

Awkward, confessional, unsettlingly intimate and only moderately funny,.

I admit I don't understand the fascination with Mr. Davidson. That said, this show is both lewd (without being funny) AND insipidly stupid. Both Falco and Pesci deserve far better vehicles for their significant acting chops than this. The fact that they are stuck in supporting roles for the clown? I officially don't get it.