Criminal Minds Reviews

  • ️@metacritic

I would not go so far as to say that Criminal Minds: Evolution is the product of “What if Criminal Minds and a prestige cable drama had a baby?” But that wouldn’t be too far off. It’s just wonderfully different, in assorted ways that longtime viewers may not have realized they wanted.

It's not clear how seriously Patinkin takes the whole thing--it's the same actorly mystery that makes David Caruso's whispery bitterness such a kick on CSI: Miami. [31 Oct 2005, p.39]

This show hit the sweet spot RIGHT before things went fully woke in TV and media. The show is cheesy and not that believable at all, but they got one thing right: The characters all have chemistry with eachother (except for EL). Points should be taken off for trying to make a morbidly obese woman seem charismatic or attractive. Not one scene of hers in the entire series made me even crack anything that resembled a smile. There is nothing charismatic or sexy about an obese woman. That's simply disgusting because it's harmful to any potential child she might have. And obese women tend to have weaker kids who also end up obese and sloppy.

This show is a perfect example of what an amazing show could be. An amazing cast that has tons of chemistry with each other, you always feel the emotion coming out of the characters, that's how good the acting is from each and every one of them from this amazing and brilliant and well thought out show. The producers, writers, and director did an excellent and very strong job at putting their all into this show, they chose all the right settings, the script was also very genuine and emotional, always. This show will always have a special place in my heart, I highly recommend it if you want an amazing comfort show just to bawl your eyes out to, or just want a good laugh. This show truly is the peak of television, it will forever stand the test of time. I cherish this show deeply and I will always love it with a special place in my heart.

It has a few points going for it: Mandy Patinkin's onscreen magnetism; some truly eerie episodes; and a smartness that it wears on its sleeve. On the downside, it draws on too many other recent hits -- "CSI," "Crossing Jordan," "Medium," "House," "Law & Order: SVU""Law & Order: SVU" -- for visual style, character tics, mind games and an ability to find the truth in confounding evidence.

At times the plotting is facile, and the scripts have their share of groaners ("Agent Rossi has forgotten more about serial offenders than we will ever know!"), but nobody comes to Criminal Minds for complexity and nuance. Showrunner Erica Messer knows that her viewers want something very simple and satisfying.

The problem with "Criminal Minds" is its many confusing maladies, applied to too many characters. As a result, the cast seems like a spilled trunk of broken toys, with which the audience - and perhaps the creators - may quickly become bored.

Everything about Criminal is patched together from other shows, from the FBI setting to the tired visual gimmickry.

CBS' crummiest imitation of CSI yet.

I love this Series, good acting/memorable actors & every episode is interesting.

By far, one of the best police shows of all time. Shows perfect placement, many types of criminals, a killer cast and crew, and amazing acting, writing, and directing.

Criminal Minds was Real LIT back in season 1-10 The team was elite Storyline but after Hotch and Morgan The Best characters left it started to dip I only stayed for season 12 because you had Reid getting framed and Mr.scratch Like whole **** was going down in that season but the team was eh You had luke and another forgettable character and the rest after that Season 13 the firsrt 5 episodes were real good but nothing happened in that season it was real boring and at the end of that seasson you had a cult from seassons ago coming back and haunting the team then seasson 14 comes I watched 1 episode and there were alotta skips so much I quitted watching the show So summary any seasson after 10 isnt it

I COULD go into the many character-based flaws covered by a couple critics (Boston Globe, NYT) who had some foresight early on in the series. I've recently been relegated to IONs continuous re-runs. Question: has anyone done a statistical breakdown? How many shows end with an “unsub” holding a knife or gun at a potential victim's throat, with BAU member(s) talking them down... “Put down the gun...”. Writers must be bored or actually deem it a challenge for new “life-threatening/ending” dialogue between BAU and perp in the final scene. Just turn my back/change channel once I hear, “You don't need to do this (Milo)”. It's THEIR low – lack of new, creative endings.

One of the most unrealistic/cringy/cheesy ass shows of crime I've ever seen in my life, its painful to watch how they 'solve' these crimes. Another show where they are always winning, the bad guy is killed.. people saved.. three rainbows pop up.. and unicorns flock in the street. The hacking.. don't get me started on this stupid hacking.

Production Company:

  • Touchstone Television
  • Paramount Network Television
  • The Mark Gordon Company
  • ABC Signature
  • CBS Paramount Network Television
  • CBS Studios
  • CBS Television Studios
  • Paramount+

Initial Release Date: Sep 21, 2005

Number of seasons: 19 Seasons

Rating: TV-14

Young Artist Awards

• 4 Wins & 13 Nominations

ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards

• 8 Wins & 8 Nominations

Image Awards (NAACP)

• 2 Wins & 8 Nominations