Poker Face (2023) season 1 Reviews
- ️@metacritic
Summary With the gift of telling when someone is lying, Charlie (Natasha Lyonne) travels across the country and helps solve crimes in this drama series created by Rian Johnson.
Season Premiere: Jan 26, 2023
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Summary With the gift of telling when someone is lying, Charlie (Natasha Lyonne) travels across the country and helps solve crimes in this drama series created by Rian Johnson.
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A cut above the best. ... You need a consistent and entertaining center to keep things grounded and Lyonne’s shrugging-charismatic performance is as deft as they come.
Lyonne is perfect, bumbling and stumbling like Peter Falk in his trench coat (right down to the cigarettes). ... Johnson hasn’t reinvented the TV wheel. But he’s merged two types of TV sensibilities into something that feels comfortable and new at the same time. “Poker Face” is a joy. Don’t miss it.
Great series. Season 2 should come soon.Amazing performances from Natasha Lyonne plus the guest stars were impeccable to a tee.
Fantastic! This is a clever and fun show. I like that each episode has it's own story. That make the series more enjoyable. Natasha Lyonne is on a roll. After a great run with Russian Dolls, she continues to entertain us. Is she channeling Peter Falk's Columbo in Poker Face? Maybe a little bit. I feel she is just being herself in all her roles. It works for her and us. Great show!
Even though this is a procedural, it’s more elevated, more cinematic and more entertaining than most. ... Lyonne is perfectly suited to this milieu.
Poker Face plays it a lot more straight [than Knives Out]. But it’s gripping, grisly when it needs to be, and Lyonne is charm on a stick. Anyone who claims they aren’t enjoying it is probably telling porky pies.
Lyonne’s performance, simultaneously laid-back and wired, makes “Poker Face” worth the buy-in. ... This is a low-stakes table, but it’s a fun one to hang out at.
Charlie Cale may be too similar to Lyonne's other characters to make the impression that Jessica Fletcher or Lieutenant Columbo did, but this is a worthy use of the esteem Lyonne has generated as she hits middle age. Some episodes ramble on a bit long, but it's hard to mind when there's so much going for them.
“Poker Face” plays a pretty small-stakes game. That might well add up to a winner by Peacock’s standards, but it isn’t worth going “All in” on it just yet.
Every episode falls in place, it can be dark, but most of the time it's a lot of fun - and I can't get enough of it. I'm hoping Peacock sees the value of Poker Face and keeps it going for a long time to come.
admirable [ ad-mer-uh-buhl ] adjective worthy of admiration; inspiring approval, reverence, or affection.
Predictable after a couple episodes. Decent premise though. Falls into the network old safe network TV cycle but the acting is decent
So bland, uninspired, and filled with nonsense that I couldn't even get to the end of the first episode. The worst part was probably when Charlie confronts the two killers in their office without even the slightest concern that they may then want her dead also. I found the whole thing to be ridiculously pathetic.
Serviceable acting and nothing else. I wasn't impressed and going by how few reviews it has, neither was anyone else (sorry you people giving it 10s, you also loved his awful star wars movies so your opinions are objectively worthless). Rian Johnson has never met an original story he didn't want to take a steaming pile of crap on, so it's not too surprising. Natasha Lyonne was barely competent in Russian Doll, I don't know why I thought this would be any different. The original Columbo ran for 10 seasons. This probably won't make it past two. Just save yourself some time and stick with the original, better project.