Rick & Morty season 5 Reviews
- ️@metacritic
Summary The animated comedy from Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland follows the adventures of mad scientist Rick Sanchez (Justin Roiland), who returns after 20 years to live with his daughter (Sarah Chalke), her husband (Chris Parnell), and her children Morty (also voiced by Roiland) and Summer (Spencer Grammer).
Season Premiere: Jun 20, 2021
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Summary The animated comedy from Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland follows the adventures of mad scientist Rick Sanchez (Justin Roiland), who returns after 20 years to live with his daughter (Sarah Chalke), her husband (Chris Parnell), and her children Morty (also voiced by Roiland) and Summer (Spencer Grammer).
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It’s a quite brilliant 22 minutes and one with an implicit moral.
If the quality of the first episode of season five is at all indicative of what we’ll be seeing the rest of this season, it’s probably a good thing the show’s creators took the time to get it right. The opening salvo of the new season is spectacular: insane joke density, an ever-present silliness brushing up against bad taste, awkward social situations laid bare, and hilariously tearing classic sci-fi and genre conventions a new one.
absolutely genius and innovative storytelling that never fails to impress and surprise its audience
The only downside to the show is the wait. There is so much more context and it makes it for a much more informed watch
Just as rambling, hyper-specific, and brilliantly dumb as this series always has been. ... If you love the show for its weirdo characters, Mr. Nimbus will leave you quoting and thrusting to his every line. If sci-fi insanity is more your speed, there’s a time-altering B-plot that is so perfectly Rick and Morty you’ll be shocked the show hasn’t done it before.
The show knows how to upend its own expectations, but it’s just as satisfying to see it harness some of the manic sitcom energy it thrives on without having to be a rehashing of some unrelated property.
A nemesis is a fresh ordeal for Rick. That Rick has one at all is surprising, given how many episodes of this show are devoted to showing him bragging about how far beneath him every being in every multiverse is. ... There's a special twinge of dark humor in making one of the many tentacles of Nimbus' power that he "controls the police." ... Welcome to "Rick and Morty" in 2021. The hero has met his match and doesn't quite know what to do. He's vulnerable, and so are we.
There is absolutely nothing out there that comes close to the originality of this show, and despite it's crazy developments, it still doesn't hold back the existential and sentimental punches. 10/10
Rick and Morty. Now this is where it seriously starts to go down hill with this franchise. About 4/10 of these episodes are actually enjoyable. And just because I said they were enjoyable doesn't mean I meant it, these episodes were just a nice break from these very bland episodes. Decent 5th season. 6/10.
Definitely the weakest season thus far, no episode in this round would likely crack the top half of best episodes of the series. The writing here is no longer winking and whimsical, it's downright smug and snarky (while also being rather lazy). It's as though the creators half hate the show and its fans, or find the burden of character development unbearable (the final episode's payoffs were all but muted by the fourth wall demolishing commentating bizarrely resisting getting pulled into serialization in an off-putting and narratively vapid way), and can no longer find humor in their own project, only endless cynicism crammed into conceptual vehicles that work to varying degrees (Mortyplicity was a great concept executed to mediocrity, A Rickconvenient Mort was a terrible spoof), . It feels like riding in a racecar with a driver who is utterly bored with the situation and resents greatly the desire of those in the car to extract pleasure from the things that they do. Why do you guys want to go around the track so much? Fine I'll do it and make fun of you for wanting it. As a result the season's biggest sin is that it's simply not very funny, and occasionally openly hostile towards those watching it. Hopefully there's some magic left in the tank, though I suspect this show's best days are now behind it.
I really miss the good writing of the first three seasons. There is no more progression in the story and the writers try to exaggerate every situation to catch our attention, but I personally am losing interest.
Horrible, horrible writing, just when you think they can't say something cringier, you're surprised by the next line or whacky gag, as one man put it "they're just pushing to see how bad they can make it and get away with it". Seriously the drop in quality is unreal even compared to latter seasons, feels like most of the episodes were written by a very talented edgy 14 year old, they're that hard to watch.