The Book Of Boba Fett season 1 Reviews
- ️@metacritic
Summary Bounty hunter Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison) and Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen) return to Tatooine in this spinoff of The Mandalorian.
Season Premiere: Jun 8, 2021
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Summary Bounty hunter Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison) and Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen) return to Tatooine in this spinoff of The Mandalorian.
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The first chapter may be a bit of a slow burn, but The Book of Boba Fett was well worth the wait. Morrison makes for a spectacularly fun lead, bringing new life to the Bounty Hunter, and he pairs nicely with Wen, creating very exciting energy when the pair are in scenes together.
While The Book of Boba Fett has a lot of potential, it might remain a hard sale to the casual fan asking “Boba who?”.
[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]
That is storytelling. Great storytelling. Best Disney Star Wars show to date. And I thought The Mandalorian was great.
This is still a show designed for Star Wars-crazed adults to watch with their kids, but it’s on the darker and grungier end of this family-friendly approach, even relative to some of the places we’ve seen Mando operate.
As a series opener, it’s an entertaining, low-key start with Fett’s gangster’s paradise the most compelling aspect. But, even for a first episode, it needs a bit of jet-pack propulsion.
“The Mandalorian” found great success as a live-action Saturday morning cartoon, delivering episodic adventures filled with fun cameos and a smattering of serialized hooks. But the premiere of “Boba Fett” is too low-stakes to scratch that same itch. Fights are simply staged. Conquests are predictable. ... Banter goes in one ear and out the other.
The premiere episode is “Mandalorian”-lite — competently put together, with the same quiet atmosphere and deliberate pace but without some of the earlier show’s moody stylishness or attention to detail.
It may get better as it goes along, but “Book of Boba” is starting out so stale and puerile it’s hard to see daylight and/or originality peeking through even eventually. If you’re not tired of seeing these “Star Wars” beans fried, refried, refrigerated and refried again, this must seem like a Golden Age to you. The rest of us know the only “golden” thing here is what’s spilling off the screen.
Yes! Boba back! Boba back! Boba back! Boba back! Boba back! Boba back! Boba back!
It's not terrible or ****'s Mixed, a little on the boring side To sum up: .Worst than "Mandalorian" -Slow story progression that don't really go somewhere -Fluctuating quality in episodes...both in action scenes and story -Tatooine Mods are now the "most irritating and out of place characters in the StarWars. franchise" stealing the first places from Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks and even Midichlorian . -Boba gets the "Cruella re-design **** it isn't a cool-bad guy anymore but It is now a p.c. rebel that get bullied from everyone. -Lots of cameo from others S.W **** barerly introducted and **** they feels like unnecessary fanservice. It's a pity.
[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]
Weaker than Mandalorian in every way. The writing is mediocre to bad, the acting is unimpressive, and the story is not interesting. Just watch Mandalorian and skip this.
A very mediocre show, with a weak storyline. The characters are unlikable. Forgettable.