
Executive Committee | Middle Temple


The Executive Committee is the Inn’s primary Committee, to which Parliament delegates authority for oversight of the business affairs of the Inn and for the development of Inn-wide strategy and policy. Its membership is approved by Parliament, and it is accountable to Parliament.  Its role is to ensure that the Inn’s executive management is operating effectively and efficiently in the Inn’s interests. In greater detail:

  • Oversight, on behalf of Parliament, of the conduct of the Inn’s affairs;
  • Strategy: development and approval of the Inn’s five-year rolling plan;
  • Approval of the Inn’s annual budget and five-year financial forecasts;
  • Effective governance of major capital projects;
  • Coordination of policy between the Standing Committees;
  • Advising Parliament on questions referred to it;
  • Establishment of working groups to address specific issues;
  • Dealing with matters on behalf of Parliament, as necessary;
  • Monitoring of the Inn’s Risk Register; and
  • Approval and annual review of the Inn’s Business Continuity Plan.

Executive Committee meetings provide the opportunity for the Chairs of the Standing Committees to bring forward for discussion items of common concern in order to ‘join up’ their thinking and assist their interaction.  This enables the development of an Inn-wide strategy and rolling plan with appropriate financial forecasts.

There are up to 12 meetings of the Executive Committee per year, of which one is a whole-day strategic planning session. Outside these meetings, the Executive Committee delegates decision-making (with appropriate reporting) to the Treasurer and Under Treasurer.

The Executive Committee has 9 voting members, as follows:

  • Treasurer,  Deputy Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer Elect                     
  • Chairs of the five other Standing Committees                                    
  • Chair of the Hall Committee                                                       

And in addition to the 14 voting members:

  • One non-voting representative of MTSA (observer)
  • One non-voting representative of MTYBA (observer)
  • The Inn's three Bar Council Representatives (observers)
  • Under Treasurer (Secretary)

The Executive Committee has the power to co-opt members with specific expertise in relation to areas or matters of need, for a time-limited period, as it sees fit. It may also request the ad hoc attendance of Benchers with specific expertise or responsibility.