
History | Minnesota Chess

The Minnesota State Chess Association has been in continuous operation since its founding in 1894. The organization was formally incorporated in 1981. The MSCA holds many chess tournaments on an annual basis, with the oldest tradition being the Minnesota Open, held for the 131st consecutive year in February 2024.

Minnesota Chess Hall of Fame 🏛️

Original Class

Louis Uedemann

E.P Elliot

Daniel Voje

David Kuhns

Curt Brasket

George Tiers

2018 Class

Larry Lampert

Ed Zelkind

George Barnes

2019 Class

Sean Nagle

John Bartholomew

Victor Adler

Brian Ribnick

🏆️ Current State Champions

Open: Samrug Narayanan

Senior: Leonard Johnson

Blitz: Andrew Titus ⚡️

Quick: Andrew Titus 💥

Grand Prix: Josiah Jorenby 🏁

K-12: Jordan Timm

K-8: Alan Xu

K-5: Ryan Zhou

K-3: Vihaan Prakhya

GK-12: Joshini G. Sudhakar & Katie Lu

Previous State Champions 📜

See our new State Champions spreadsheet! Now with more categories.

🟠 Open 1894 ➵

🟠 Senior 1992 ➵

🟠 Blitz 2014 

🟠 Quick 2024 

🟠 Grand Prix 2023 

🟠 K-12 Senior High 1966 ➵

🟠 K-8 Junior High 2003 ➵

🟠 K-5 Elementary 1969 

🟠 K-3 Primary 2011 

(We still have some data to fill in, particularly for K-8.)

🦉 Minnesota Chess Journal

Publication of new editions of the MCJ is on hold, but new news can be found in news.

Volume 60, 2023