Theme: Time travel - MobyGames
Game Groups > Theme: Time travel
Games which use time travel (or similar time continuum effect) as a plot device.
- This is not a game group that features manipulation of time game mechanics. Game mechanics that allow manipulation of time features (e.g. Bullet Time™) may not necessarily qualify as a Time Travel game. The time manipulation element must explicitly be identified in a supporting plot or story. Thus, games such as Max Payne should be excluded from this game group, as the manipulation of time exists only as a gameplay feature with no supporting plot. Those games are listed in the Gameplay feature: Time Manipulation game group.
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- Gameplay feature: Aging
- Gameplay feature: Day / night cycle
- Gameplay feature: Fishing
- Gameplay feature: Hunting
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- Gameplay feature: Survival cooking
- Gameplay feature: Time manipulation
- Legend of Zelda series
- Protagonist: Elf
- Theme: Time loop
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