Institut für Molekulare Evolution

  • ️Wed Mar 12 2025

Willkommen am Institut für Molekulare Evolution an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. Unsere Forschungsinteressen sind frühe Evolution, der Ursprung des Lebens, die Entstehung des Stoffwechsels durch H2-abhängige CO2-Reduktion an hydrothermalen Quellen auf der frühen Erde, Endosymbiose, Zellevolution und Genomevolution.


Mariarita Bertoldi and Gianluca Molla wrote a comment on one of our latest papers (Schlikker et al. FEBS J (2024)):

Protometabolic functions of pyridoxal: A link between early amino acid synthesis and enzyme evolution

FEBS J (2025)

doi: 10.1111/febs.70056

Helena Kauppila visualized the Moon-Forming Impact, inspired by and with scientific advice from William Martin.

Helena Kauppila is a visual artist with a doctorate in mathematics, deeply fascinated by complex systems and the phenomena of emergence.

Have a look on her website and more paintings from her here.

14.11.2024 Graduation | Delfina Henriques Pereira

Doctoral hat

Delfina Henriques Pereira successfully finished her doctorate with the thesis entitled

"Cofactors and H2 metabolism at the origin of life".

The Geochemical Origin of Microbes

CRC Press, Boca Raton (2024)

doi: 10.1201/9781003378617


Chemical antiquity in metabolism

Acc Chem Res (2024)

doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.4c00226

William Martin receives the 2023 Kimura Motoo Award by The Motoo Kimura Trust Foundation for the Promotion of Evolutionary Biology:

For the outstanding works on “early evolution of eukaryotic organisms”

13.12.2023 Graduation | Alexander MacLeod

Doctoral hat

Alexander MacLeod successfully finished his doctorate with the thesis entitled

"On the phylogenetic distribution of plastid developmental components in the chloroplastida".

Exhibition in the University Library:

Der Ursprung des Lebens /The Origin of Life

Zweisprachige Ausstellung/Bilingual exhibition


Verlängert/Extended: Aug 27, 2023

03.07.2023 Graduation | Falk Nagies

Doctoral hat

Falk Nagies successfully finished his doctorate with the thesis entitled

"Patterns and causes of gene evolution over long evolutionary distances in prokaryotes ".

Exhibition in the University Library:

Der Ursprung des Lebens /The Origin of Life

Zweisprachige Ausstellung/Bilingual exhibition


May 10 – July 20, 2023

William Martin speaks about the origin and early evolution of life

The ancestral mitotic state: Closed orthomitosis with intranuclear spindles in the syncytial last eukaryotic common ancestor

Genome Biology and Evolution evad016 (2023)

doi: 10.1093/gbe/evad016