City Council | Morgantown, WV
About the Council
The City of Morgantown supports a City Manager form of government, adopted in the City Charter in 1977.
In Morgantown, the Mayor and City Council serve part-time and are elected on a non-partisan basis. Under the manager form of government, the City Council acts as the legislative body in establishing policy and law and the City Manager handles the day-to-day management of the City organization. The manager form has become the most popular form of local government in the United States in communities with a population of 5,000 or greater.
In compliance with Open Governmental Proceedings Law, the Agendas for Council Meetings are made available from a number of sources for your convenience before, and at the meetings. Copies of the Meeting Agenda are available in the City Clerk's office in the afternoon on the Thursday before a meeting. Copies are available in Council Chambers on the day of the Meeting. Agendas are also posted in two places in City Hall and are available for review at the Morgantown Public Library as well. Citizens can download their own copy of the Agenda Packet on the Council Agenda/Minutes page of the City of Morgantown Website; the information is uploaded to the website in the afternoon on the Thursday before a meeting.
All meeting Agendas and Minutes are prepared by the City Clerk's Office. For more information about who the City Clerks are and what their office does, visit the City Clerk's webpage.
Minutes are a written, permanent record of what occurs at each Council Meeting. The minutes of a given meeting are prepared by the City Clerk's Office after the meeting, and then submitted for Council's approval at the next regular meeting as part of the Agenda Packet. Minutes are not official until approved by Council, and then become a permanent record of the City and of Council's proceedings. Minutes can also be found at the Morgantown Public Library, and on the Council Agenda/Minutes page of the City of Morgantown Website.