‘Every monastery is to continue the tradition of welcoming guests and the needy as Christ according to local circumstances. Let those whom the providence of God has led to the monastery be received by the brothers with reverence and kindness but without allowing this service to impair monastic quiet.’
Constitution 30
Tel: 01530 839162, 832298 or 832022 (option 3)
The Guest House accommodation is for relatives and friends of the monks, retreatants, and those interested in our life. The Abbey is a religious house and is unable to accommodate bed and breakfast, half-board, or tourist guests.
This varies from two nights up to five days which is the normal allocation in any one year. We do not normally accept bookings for one night only. Special arrangements are possible, upon request, from the Guestmaster.
The Abbey does not charge guests for their stay, but we are grateful for offerings made to help reduce the cost of running the Guest House.
The preferred method of booking is by email. For those without access to the internet, bookings may be made by phone 9.30 am – 12.00 pm (Mon-Sat). The brethren retire at 8.00 pm and are not available to respond to emails or phone calls after this time.
Fr Nicholas OCSO (Guestmaster)
Tel: 01530 839162, 01530 832298 or 832022 (option 3)
Please download and read the following documents for more information:
Guesthouse guidelines May 2023
‘Guests are never lacking in a monastery.’ Rule of St Benedict, 53