
MSDC's 3,000+ members enjoy strong advocacy to protect physicians and patients, free or discounted educational and networking opportunities, practice management assistance, and timely information on legislative and regulatory issues that affect the daily practice of medicine.

Whether you are a medical student beginning your studies or a professor of medicine at one of DC's three medical schools, a primary care physician on the front lines of healthcare delivery, an entrepreneurial physician managing your own practice, or a hospital-based physician, MSDC exists to serve your needs. Members include physicians of all specialties and practice settings and allied health professional who support them.

For 205 years, MSDC offered one option for DC area physicians. Beginning in 2023, DC area physicians can choose their membership and benefits based on what fits their practice and career. We are proud to offer a tiered membership for physicians to participate in their Society as they wish.

Learn about MSDC's membership options.

Learn about MSDC's tiered membership and what that means for you.

See why you should join here.