Diocese of Adelaide
This diocese extends along the eastern shore of the Gulf St Vincent from the town of Eudunda in the north to Aldgate in the south. It comprises the Adelaide Plains, the Barossa Valley and Kangaroo island. It was founded in 1847 and the mother church is Saint Peter’s Cathedral in North Adelaide. The first official meeting of The Mothers’ Union in August 1895 was convened by Mrs Dorothy Harmer, young wife of the newly appointed bishop. There are 228 members who represent a Diocesan branch and 15 parishes. Members celebrate Lady Day in St Peter’s Cathedral with our Patron, Her Excellency the Governor of South Australia, Frances Adamson AC in attendance. Members commemorate Mary Sumner Day annually. This event is rotated among the parishes. The chaplain is The Reverend Jo Smith. At any gathering, members observe The Wave of Prayer. The Work of AMUA Adelaide Two film mornings per year, raise funds for the designated projects as advised by Australia Council. Locally, we support the Next Step programme (part of St John’s Youth Services) and The Mothers’ Union Adelaide Augustus Short Scholarship. Click Here for more info re the Scholarship. Council and diocesan meetings are held at “WISE Employment” in the Adelaide CBD. By hiring the meeting rooms from this enterprise, we support programmes run by St John’s Youth Services. Our Ordination Candidates Fund provides a monetary gift to each new deacon along with a Mothers’ Union Service Book. MOBO, an organisation which trains and employs staff with disabilities, is used to package and mail our magazines 4 times a year. A bequest by a former Adelaide Diocesan Chaplain, Fr Frank Mayger, bears the cost of magazines and postage to clergy in the Murray, Willochra and Adelaide Dioceses. Members support many worthy causes often initiated by their parishes. One notable example is the Quickest Warmth Project run by Anglicare which supplies various items for struggling families. |
Two film mornings per year, raise funds for the designated projects. Currently, the major ones are The Parenting Programme in PNG, St John’s Youth Services, and The Mothers’ Union Adelaide Augustus Short Scholarship. (read more in The Link March 2022 page 4)
Council and diocesan meetings are held at “say.kitchen” in the Adelaide CBD. By hiring the meeting rooms from this enterprise, we support programmes run by St John’s Youth Services.
Our Ordination Candidates Fund provides a monetary gift to each new deacon along with a Mothers’ Union Service Book.
Bedford Phoenix, an organisation which trains and employs staff with disabilities, is used to package and mail our magazines 4 times a year. A bequest by a former Adelaide Diocesan Chaplain, Fr Frank Mayger, bears the cost of magazines and postage to clergy in the Murray, Willochra and Adelaide Dioceses.
Members support many worthy causes initiated by their parishes. One notable example is the Quickest Warmth Project which supplies many items for struggling families.