Yuzawa-machi Naeba Ski Resort 2010 (gig) – MuseWiki: Supermassive wiki for the band Muse

Muse show
Venue Naeba Sukī-jō[source?] [en: Naeba Ski Resort] (Fuji Rock Festival[source?])
Date 30th July 2010[source?]
Location Naeba, Yuzawa-machi[source?]
Country Japan
Songs 15[source?]
Support Unknown
Start Unknown
Capacity Unknown
Price Unknown
Sold out? Unknown
Gig nav
Bergenhus festning Fuji Rock Festival Jisan Valley Rock Festival

The most voted songs on the official set-list polls were Stockholm Syndrome, Bliss, Escape, Spiral Static, and Falling Away with You, the first of which was played during the gig.


After Uprising Bellamy "Arigato [en: Thank you] Fuji!"
After Knights of Cydonia "Thanks you Japan, we love you! It's very good to see you!"


See also

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