6101 - Officer Accession Programs

1 GENERAL 6101.1
12 BUTTONS 6101.12


a.  This chapter applies to the insignia worn by personnel in officer accession programs.

b.  The Superintendent, U. S. Naval Academy, is authorized to prescribe insignia for the use of midshipmen within the limits of the U.S. Naval Academy, in ceremonies or activities held outside the limits of the Academy, for detachments of midshipmen operating with other naval personnel, or in connection with ceremonies or activities held outside the limits of the Academy in which midshipman detachments participate.

c.  Insignia worn by NROTC midshipmen and other officer candidate program personnel, conform to that prescribed for U.S. Naval Academy Midshipmen.  NROTC Marine option midshipmen wear gold, enlisted Marine Corps emblems in place of the anchor insignia.

d.  Upon commissioning, all midshipmen uniforms, regardless of issue source, shall comply with uniform guidelines established for commissioned officers.


a.  Combination Cap.  Insignia on combination caps consist of a cap device, chin strap and retaining buttons.

(1) Cap Device.  The insignia is a gold, fouled anchor.  The length of the anchor, including the fouling, measures 1-13/16 inches; 1-1/8 inches wide at flukes; 1-1/8 inches wide at the stock with other dimensions proportionate.  Attach the device to the mount of the cap band, with the unfouled arm of the stock facing the wearer's right.

(2) Chin Strap.  The chin strap is 3/8 inch wide, faced with gold lace and fastened at each end by a 22 1/2 line, Navy eagle, gilt button.

b.  Garrison Cap

(1) Insignia is a gold metal fouled anchor 1-1/16 inches in length with other dimensions proportionate.  The unfouled arm of the stock faces front.  Pin it to the left side of the cap in an upright position with the center 2 inches from the front seam and 1-1/2 inches above bottom edge.


a.  USNA.  Consists of stripes worn on the sleeves of blue coats to indicate class.

(1) Midshipmen, First Class.  Wear one stripe of yellow braid, 1/8 inch wide, around each sleeve, placing the lower edge of the stripe 2 inches from and parallel to the edge of the cuff.

(2) Midshipmen, Second Class.  Wear two stripes of yellow braid, 1/8 inch wide on the left sleeve only.  Place the stripes diagonally on the sleeve between the rear and front seams with the lowest stripes 4-1/2 inches above the edge of the cuff at the front seam and 11 inches at the rear seam.

(3) Midshipmen, Third Class.  The insignia is same as described for Midshipmen, Second Class, but only the lower stripe is worn.

(4) Midshipmen, Fourth Class.  Wear no sleeve stripes.

b.  NROTC.  Consists of horizontal stripes worn on the left sleeve of blue coat to indicate class.  Stripes are made of gold nylon braid 1-1/2 inches long and 1/8 inch wide with 1/4 inch spacing between stripes.  They are centered midway between shoulder and elbow.

(1) Seniors.  Wear three stripes.

(2) Juniors.  Wear two stripes.


(3) Sophomores.  Wear one stripe.


(4) Freshmen.  No stripes.

a.  Midshipmen Officers.  Wear stripes and a gold star on both sleeves of blue coat.  Place the stripes made of yellow braid, 1/8 inch wide, around each sleeve with the lower edge of the first stripe 2 inches from and parallel to the edge of the cuff, with 1/4 inch spaces between stripes.  Center a gold embroidered, five-pointed star, that is 1 inch across, above the stripe(s).  One ray of the star points down, and the point is 3/4 inch above the upper stripe.

(1) Captain.  Wear six stripes.


(2) Commander.  Wear five stripes.


(3) Lieutenant Commander.  Wear four stripes.


(4) Lieutenant.  Wear three stripes.


(5) Lieutenant (junior grade).  Wear two stripes.


(6) Ensign.  Wear one stripe.


(7) Second Class Stripers.  Second class midshipmen serving as midshipmen Ensigns are authorized to wear a 1 inch embroidered star 2-3/4 inch above the bottom of the left sleeve of the Service Dress Blue uniform.

b.  Midshipmen Petty Officers.  Wear a badge consisting of an eagle and anchor, in combination with stars and chevrons, midway between shoulder and elbow on the right sleeve of blue coat.

(1) Brigade Chief Petty Officer.  The badge consists of an eagle perched, with wings expanded, on the stock of a fouled anchor, the eagle's head and the unfouled arm of the anchor's stock face the front.  Below the anchor are three chevrons, apex down.  An arch formed by two arcs connects each end of the upper chevron with each arm of the stock of the anchor.  Above the eagle are four stars, two stars equally spaced on each side of the imaginary line through the head of the eagle and the crown of the anchor. The eagle, anchor, and stars are gold embroidered, the chevrons are gold lace.  One point of each star points down.

(2) Regimental Chief Petty Officer.   Same as prescribed for Brigade Chief Petty Officer except there are three stars above the eagle, forming a triangle.

(3) Battalion Chief Petty Officer.  Same as prescribed for Brigade Chief Petty Officer, except there are two stars arranged horizontally above the eagle.

(4) Company Chief Petty Officer.  Same as prescribed for Brigade Chief Petty Officer, except there is one star, the center of which is 7/8 inch above the eagle's head.

(5) Mustering Petty Officer, Platoon.  Same as prescribed for Company Chief Petty Officer, without a star above the eagle.

{No picture available}

(6) Platoon Petty Officer, First Class.  Same as prescribed for Mustering Petty Officer, Platoon omitting the arch above the chevrons.

(7) Platoon Petty Officer, Second Class.  Same as prescribed for Platoon Petty Officer, First Class omitting the lower chevron.

a.  Midshipmen Officers.  Wear stripes of gold nylon braid and a gold star on both sleeves of the blue coat.  Stripes measure 1-1/2 inches long and 1/8 inch wide, centered on the outer side of the sleeve with lower stripe 2 inches above and parallel to the edge of the cuff, the stripes to be 1/4 inch apart.  Center a gold embroidered, symmetrical five pointed star, 1 inch across, above the stripes.  One ray of the star points down, and the point is 3/4 inch above the upper stripe.

(1) Captain.  Six stripes.


(2) Commander.  Five stripes.


(3) Lieutenant Commander.  Four stripes.


(4) Lieutenant.  Three stripes.


(5) Lieutenant (junior grade).  Two stripes.


(6) Ensign.  One stripe.


b.  Midshipmen Petty Officers.  Wear insignia on the blue coat identical to that worn by U.S. Naval Academy Midshipmen Petty Officers, <article 6101.4>, except the highest NROTC Petty Officer rank is Battalion Chief Petty Officer.

a.  General.  Sleeve insignia consists of a gold star device or appropriate staff corps device indicating officer candidate status and combinations of gold color pin-on bars with star insignia indicating officer candidate status.


Star Insignia.  Place a gold embroidered, symmetrical five-pointed star 1-1/4 inches across, with one ray pointing down on each sleeve of blue coat centered 3-3/8 inches above the cuff.


Rank Insignia.  On each sleeve of the blue coat, Officer Candidates wear gold color metal bars identical to the shirt collar rank insignia prescribed for USNA an NROTC midshipmen sleeve of blue coat, to indicate rank. Center these metal bars below the gold star insignia with the upper bar 3/4 inch below the point of the star, and parallel to the edge of the sleeve.

(1) Commander.  Wear five bars.


(2) Lieutenant Commander.  Wear four bars.


(3) Lieutenant.  Wear three bars.


(4) Lieutenant (junior grade).  Wear two bars.


(5) Ensign.  Wear one bar.


(6) All Other Officer Candidates.  Wear a plain gold star on the sleeve of blue coat.

a.  General.  They consist of gold or yellow embroidered insignia.  Wear it on the right sleeve of blue coat to indicate membership in the Midshipman Drum and Bugle Corps, or excellence in competition.

(1) Member, Midshipman Drum and Bugle Corps. The insignia consists of a bugle of conventional design.  Center the device on the outer face of the sleeve, with the lower edge of bugle 9 inches above the edge of the sleeve, the bugle is horizontal, and the bell faces the front.


(2) Navy "E".  A block letter "E", 5/8 inch high and 1/2 inch wide, centered on the outer face of the sleeve, midway between shoulder and elbow or 1 inch below the midshipmen petty officer insignia.  USNA midshipmen who qualify for this mark wear it for one year, following date of qualification.

a.  General.  There are two types of shoulder boards, one indicating class and one indicating rank.  Both measure either 5-1/2 inches (men), or 4-1/2 inches (women) long and 1-3/4 inches wide with outer end squared and inner end terminating in a symmetrical peak made of dark blue cloth.  They are rigid and attached on the shoulder at the inner end by a 22 1/2-line Navy eagle, gilt button snap fastener.  They are worn on the coat of Full Dress White uniforms, the blue overcoat, reefer, Dinner Dress jacket and on the white tropical shirt.  NROTC Marine midshipmen replace the anchor insignia on the shoulder boards with the gold, enlisted Marine Corps emblem.

b.  Class Shoulder Boards.  The insignia for shoulder boards consists of a metal fouled anchor alone or in combination with stripes, indicating the wearer's class.

(1) Midshipman, First Class.  Center a gold metal fouled anchor, 1-1/16 inches in length, with other dimensions proportionate, on the shoulder board with the crown 2 inches from the squared end and the unfouled arm of the stock to the front.  Place one yellow stripe, 1/8 inch wide, with the outer edge 5/8 inch from and parallel to the squared end of the shoulder board (right and left).


(2) Midshipman, Second Class.  Same as prescribed for Midshipman, First Class, except that there are two yellow stripes, 1/8 inch wide, placed diagonally across the shoulder board.  The front edge of the bottom stripe is 5/8 inch and the rear edge of the bottom stripe is 1-5/8 inches from the squared end of the board.  The stripes are parallel and spaced 1/8 inch apart; lower end to the front (right and left).


(3) Midshipman, Third Class.  Same as prescribed for Midshipman, Second Class, but the upper stripe is omitted (right and left).


(4) Midshipman, Fourth Class.  Same as prescribed for Midshipman, First Class, but the stripe is omitted (right and left).  For women the anchor crown is 1-1/4 inches from the squared end.


c.  Rank Shoulder Marks.  The insignia worn on shoulder boards consists of a star, in combination with stripe(s), to indicate the wearer's rank.

(1) Captain.  Wear six yellow stripes, 1/8 inch wide.  Place the lowest stripe 5/8 inch from and parallel to the squared end of the mark.  Space other stripes 1/4 inch apart.  Center a gold plated metal, five point star, 1/2 inch across on the shoulder board, with one point facing toward and 1/2 inch from the upper stripe.


(2) Commander.  Same as prescribed for Captain, except there are five stripes.


(3) Lieutenant Commander.  Same as prescribed for Captain, except there are four stripes.


(4) Lieutenant.  Same as prescribed for Captain, except there are three stripes.

(5) Lieutenant (junior grade).  Same as prescribed for Captain, except there are two stripes.


(6) Ensign.  Same as prescribed for Captain, except that there is one stripe.

a.  Men.  Consist of shoulder boards indicating officer candidate status, worn on the shoulders of white coats and blue overcoats.  The shoulder board is of the same design and dimensions as for officers.  One simulated gold embroidered, symmetrical five-point star, 1-1/4 inches across, is positioned on shoulder board with its center 2 inches from the squared and with one ray pointing toward the squared end of the board.


b.  Women.  Same as prescribed for wear with garrison cap and worn on shoulder straps of the blue rain coat.  Place insignia on each shoulder strap, (right and left), with shank of the anchor lying parallel to and on the long dimension of the strap.  The anchor's base is 1 inch from the shoulder seam.

a.  General.  Coat collar insignia consists of plain gold anchors indicating midshipman status and gold stars indicating Distinguished Midshipman worn on the collars of the blue coats.


Service Dress Blue Coat

(1) Anchor Insignia.  A plain gold anchor 17/16 inch long, the stock, 3/4 inch wide, and the flukes 1-1/17 inches wide.  The stock inclines at an angle of 8 degrees from the horizontal (right and left).  Pin it on each collar tip of the coat so the anchor's crown is 1/2 inch above the notch of the lapel (males), 1 inch from the bottom and midway between the two sides (females), and the center line of the shank is parallel to and approximately 3/4 inch from the collar's outer edge.  The lower end of the stock is outboard and the stock approximately horizontal.


(2) Star Insignia.  Same as described above for Service Dress Blue coats and worn on each side of the collar in the same relative position.

a.  General.  Shirt collar insignia consists of gold fouled anchor, eagle, and bar worn on the collar tips of blue and khaki shirts, to indicate the wearer's class and/or rank.


Insignia Indicating Class and Petty Officer Rank (USNA and NROTC)

(1) Anchor Insignia.  A gold metal fouled anchor, 5/8 inch (right and left).


(2) Eagle-Anchor Insignia.  Consists of a spread eagle on gold metal fouled anchor.  The device is 11/16 inch (right and left).


(3) Manner of Wear.  Pin the anchor or eagle-anchor insignia to the collar in a vertical position with the center of the insignia approximately 1 inch from the front edge and 1 inch below the upper edge of the collar.  The anchor's stock is parallel to the upper edge of the collar and the unfouled arm of the stock faces front.


(a) Midshipmen, First Class of other than Officer Rank.  Wear the eagle-anchor insignia on both collar points.

(b) Midshipmen, Second Class of other than Officer Rank.  Wear the anchor insignia on both collar points.

(c) Midshipmen, Third Class.  Wear the anchor insignia on the right collar point only.

(d) Midshipmen, Fourth Class.  Wear no insignia on the collar.


c.  Insignia Indicating Class and Petty Officer Rank (Other Officer Candidate Programs).  It is the same as the shirt collar anchor insignia prescribed for U.S. Naval Academy and Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Midshipmen.  This insignia is worn by all officer candidates, on collar points of the khaki and blue shirts in a horizontal position with the crown to the front.  The unfouled arm of the stock points up.  Officer candidates wear:

Fourth Classmen:   No insignia.

Third Classmen:     One anchor, right collar.

Second Classmen:  One anchor, on each collar.

First Classmen:      One eagle-anchor on each collar.

d.  Insignia Indicating Midshipman and Officer Candidate Rank.  Consists of gold metal bars, on the collar tips of blue and khaki shirts to indicate the wearer's rank.  On closed collar shirts, pin this insignia on the collar so that the center of the first bar is approximately 1 inch from the front edge and 1 inch below the upper edge of the collar.  The upper edge of bars are parallel to upper edge of collar.  On open collar shirts, all midshipmen, except Captains, center insignia one inch from the front and lower edges of the collar and position it with the vertical axis of the insignia along an imaginary line bisecting the angle of the collar point.  Captains wear insignia one quarter inch from the lower and outside edges of the collar and position it with the vertical axis of the insignia along an imaginary line bisecting the angle of the collar point.


(1) Captain.  Wear six parallel bars, each 3/4 inch wide, and spaced 1/8 inch apart, connected by a thin strip of wire or metal.


Commander.  Wear five parallel bars each 3/4 inch wide, and spaced 1/8 inch apart and connected by a thin strip of wire or metal.


Lieutenant Commander.  Wear four paral­lel bars each 3/4 inch wide, and spaced 1/8 inch apart and connected by a thin strip of wire or metal.


Lieutenant.  Wear three parallel bars each 3/4 inch wide, and spaced 1/8 inch apart and connected by a thin strip of wire or metal.


Lieutenant (junior grade).  Wear two parallel bars each 3/4 inch wide, and spaced 1/8 inch apart and connected by a thin strip of wire or metal.


Ensign.  Wear one bar.

a.  Description.  Aiguillettes consist of either one loop of gold nylon cord or one blue and one gold nylon cord loop, 3/16 inch in diameter.  Each loop is 17 inches in circumference.  The loops are sewn together all around and joined at the top by a 1/2 inch section of nylon braid binding strip, to which a safety pin is attached.


Manner of Wear.  Wear aiguillettes on uniforms as prescribed by the Commandant of Midshipmen; pinned to the shoulder at the arm seam.  Midshipmen officers of the watch wear one loop aiguillettes.


a.  Description

(1) Star.  Five pointed 1/2 inch gold colored metal star awarded to midshipmen assigned to the Superintendent's List.

Manner of Wear

(a) For Service Dress Blue (SDB) uniform, stars will be centered 1/2 inch above the lapel anchors.  Two rays of the star will be bisected by the center line of the anchor.


(b) For Full Dress Blue (FDB) uniform, the star shall be worn in the same relative position to the collar anchors as with SDB.

(c) For Service Dress White (SDW), Summer White (SW), Winter and Summer Blue, the star shall be worn on the left breast pocket flap centered 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket.


(2) Athletic Awards.  11/32 inch gold colored N or N-Star device.


Trident Scholar.  Gold colored metal trident worn by midshipmen participating in the Trident Scholar Program.


Color Company "E".  11/32 inch letter "E" worn by the midshipmen of the color company for one year following the date of qualification.


Service Selection Device.  3/8 inch gold colored metal warfare specialty or staff corps device worn by midshipmen first class representing their service selection.


YP Squadron.  One-half inch diameter smooth gold star worn by midshipmen currently designated in command of a YP.

Manner of Wear

(a) SDB, SDW, SW - Worn on right breast in same relative location as ribbons on the left breast.  If name tag is worn, center the star 1/4 inch above the name tag.

(b) Winter and Summer Blue Uniforms - Center 1/4 inch above the name badge.


b.  Manner of Wear.  Unless specified (14.a(1) and (6)), USNA breast insignia is worn centered 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket on SDB, SDW, SW, and Winter and Summer Blue uniforms.  If two or more awards are authorized they shall be worn centered in a horizontal line with each award 3/4 inch apart, from right to left in the order of precedence.  Order of precedence:

Superintendent's List Star

"N" or "N"-Star

Trident Scholar

Color Company "E"

Service Selection Device