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Council of the European Union LC control 94030915 Descriptive...
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For other uses, see Vanguard. Starbase 906 was a 31st and 32nd century Federation space station, a starbase in Starfleet service until the 3180s decade. It was located in Sector 40 of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. While under White Palm control, this station was renamed Starbase Vanguard. (DSC novel: Wonderlands) In the 2260s decade, Starfleet operated Starbase 47 as Starbase Vanguard in the Taurus Expanse. (SCE eBook: Distant Early Warning) Starbase 906 was active by the 3060s decade. The station
The 'green hull' of NEMO Science Museum was designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano Everything in NEMO is connected to science and technology. Exhibitions, theatre performances, films, workshops en...