Figure 2 | European Journal of Human Genetics

Figure 2

Multidimensional scaling plot, based on linearized RST distances among the Hutterites and a pan-European reference dataset composed of 6154 individuals (Roewer et al, 2005), calculated from microsatellite data. The stress value is 0.16. Mos, Moskow; Kie, Kiev; Pol, Poland; Slo, Slovenia; Cro, Croatia; Rom, Romania; GeN, Northern Germany; Sge, Southern Germany; Vie, Vienna; Tra, Transylvania; Bul, Bulgaria; Bud, Budapest; Sty, Styria; Gre, Greek; Tur, Turkey; Alb, Albania; ItS, Southern Italy; ItW, Western Italy; Fra, France; Est, Estonia; Nor, Norway; NoN, Northern Norway; ItN, Northern Italy; ItE, Eastern Italy; ItC, Central Italy; Spa, Spain; Por, Portugal; PoN, Northern Portugal; Bel, Belgium; Swe, Sweden; UK, United Kingdom; Tyr, Tyrol; ST, South Tyrol; Swi, Switzerland; Net, Netherlands; NeN, Northern Netherlands; NeS, Southern Netherlands; Den, Denmark; Fin, Finland; Ire; Ireland; Hut, Hutterites.

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