Figure 2: Sinter terracettes and microbial palisade fabric. | Nature Communications

Scale bar measurements indicated. (a) Dresser terracettes (red arrows) with preserved primary porosity (green arrow) and a horizon containing Dresser stratiform geyserite (black arrow). Scale bar, 1 cm. Inset box of c. displays palisade fabric. (b) >1,800-year-old sinter terracettes (red arrows) with preserved primary porosity (green arrow) from a sinter buttress at Te Kopia, New Zealand. Scale bar, 1 cm. Micrographs in XPL of (c) Dresser palisade fabric oriented vertical to bedding (scale bar, 1 mm) and (d) close-up (scale bar, 250 μm). (e) Sinter with preserved palisade fabric, Te Kopia, New Zealand. Scale bar, 1 mm.