Table 2 Overview of all meta information extracted by TranSPHIRE.
From: TranSPHIRE: automated and feedback-optimized on-the-fly processing for cryo-EM
Meta data | EPU | Latitude S |
Stage coordinates | X | X |
Microscope defocus | X | X |
Applied defocus | X | X |
Pixel size | X | X |
Exposure time | X | X |
Number of fractions | X | X |
Image dimensions | X | X |
Microscope voltage | X | |
Microscope dose | X | |
Phase plate information | X | |
Super resolution mode | X | |
Gridsquare number | X | X |
Hole ID | X | X |
Spotscan ID | X | X |
Acquisition time | X | X |
Beam tilt information | X |
- List of meta data automatically extracted by TranSPHIRE during data acquisition using either EPU (FEI Thermo Fisher Scientific) or Latitude S (Gatan).