Norman Myers (1934–2019) - Nature Ecology & Evolution

  • ️Raven, Peter H.
  • ️Mon Feb 03 2020
  • Obituary
  • Published: 03 February 2020

Nature Ecology & Evolution volume 4pages 177–178 (2020)Cite this article


Conservationist who changed how we think about threats to biodiversity.


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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

    Stuart L. Pimm

  2. Missouri Botanic Garden, St. Louis, MO, USA

    Peter H. Raven


  1. Stuart L. Pimm

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  2. Peter H. Raven

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Correspondence to Stuart L. Pimm or Peter H. Raven.

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Pimm, S.L., Raven, P.H. Norman Myers (1934–2019). Nat Ecol Evol 4, 177–178 (2020).

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  • Published: 03 February 2020

  • Issue Date: February 2020

  • DOI: