Figure 4 | Scientific Reports

SEM. C. tuberculata (A–C) and R. pulmo (D–F) rhopalium. Control animals.

(A) Rhopalium shows different hair cell densities on its surface. (B) Detail from A corresponding square 1. Nearest the hood and on the opposite proximal side of the statocyst the hair cells are more abundant. (C) Detail from A corresponding square 2. On the most distal part of the statocyst the sensory cells are more scattered and less abundant. (D) Rhopalar canal located next to the rhopalium. (E,F) different density of the epithelium that covers the rophalar canal. (E) Detail from D corresponding square 3. (F) Detail from D corresponding square 4. Scale bars: (A) = 100 μm. (D) = 500 μm. (B,C,E,F) = 20 μm.