Pediatric Research
- ️Tue Aug 13 2024
Welcome to Pediatric Research
The official publication of the American Pediatric Society, the European Society for Paediatric Research, and the Society for Pediatric Research
Basic Science Article 13 August 2024
Junior Social Media Editor Applications Open
The Editors-in–Chief of Pediatric Research are excited to announce the third year of our Junior Social Media editor program. This is a one-year program designed for early career individuals interested in the social media program for Pediatric Research. The EICs and social media editor, Damian Roland, will be selecting two individuals each year to participate in this program. Deadline: April 1.
New Manuscript Submission Process
The Editors-in-Chief of Pediatric Research are excited to announce that starting February 1st, 2024 we will update our new manuscript submission workflow in favor of a streamlined process.
January Conversation with Senior Investigator Karin Nelson. Listen by clicking the link above.
Global climate change: the defining issue of our time for our children’s health
'While climate change is a major problem and may be the most pressing issue on children’s health, very few research articles on this topic are submitted to Pediatric Research. The science and research may be outside the mainstream of research done in academic Pediatric Departments. However, we feel it is important to educate our readership on this issue, arm researchers with the tools to contribute to this field, and begin to craft and implement efforts to prepare for and manage the changes underway, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from healthcare and biomedical research. To this end, we invited a series of papers on global climate change that will include an overview, a research toolbox, and the role that researchers can play in managing global climate change. In addition to invited papers, we welcome relevant papers for submission.'