
. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Feb 12.

Published in final edited form as: Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2016 Mar;30(1):179–206. doi: 10.1016/j.idc.2015.10.006


Cryptococcosis is an infectious disease with worldwide distribution and wide array of clinical presentations caused by pathogenic encapsulated yeasts in the genus Cryptococcus. Currently, there are 2 species of Cryptococcus that commonly cause disease in humans: Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii. C neoformans was first identified as a human pathogen in the late 19th century, but was not recognized as a common cause of human disease until the late 1970s.1,2 Over the last several decades, as vulnerable populations have expanded, cryptococcal meningitis became an infection of global importance, with up to 1 million new infections annually and significant attributable morbidity and mortality, especially among patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and AIDS.3 Although C neoformans and C gattii share many features of a highly evolved, environmentally savvy yeast, there are important species- and strain-specific differences with respect to geographic distribution, environmental niches, host predilection, and clinical manifestations that should be emphasized. As molecular techniques of identification have evolved, we have gained further insight into the pathobiology of these encapsulated yeasts, and their capacity to adapt to environmental pressures, exploit new geographic environments, and cause disease in both immunocompromised and apparently immunocompetent hosts.4 Despite increased availability of and success with antiretroviral therapy (ART), the worldwide burden of and mortality associated cryptococcal disease remains unacceptably high, and novel strategies of screening and preemptive therapy offer great promise at making a sustained and much needed impact on this sugarcoated opportunistic mycosis.


Cryptococcus is a genus of basidiomycetous fungi with more than 30 species ubiquitously distributed in the environment. There are only 2 species commonly known to cause human disease, C neoformans and C gattii. The epidemiology of C neoformans is well-characterized and this organism causes disease in both immunocompromised and apparently immunocompetent hosts. C gattii, conversely, has historically been regarded as a pathogen of apparently immunocompetent patients. However, preexisting conditions and immunocompromised states, including subclinical immune defects, are also reported as risk factors for infection with this species.58 These species differences in clinical presentation may be primarily determined by variable host predilections, but may also be better characterized as we further our understanding of molecular subtypes.912

Historically, the genus was further classified into 3 varieties, 5 serotypes (based on structural differences in the polysaccharide capsule), and 8 molecular subtypes (Table 1). Molecular methods of identification have enhanced our appreciation for the significant genetic diversity among the C gattiiC neoformans complex and have called into question the current 2 species classification system. Recent proposed taxonomy changes based on the understanding of molecular studies have divided the pathogenic cryptococcal species from their classic divisions into better-defined molecular and genetic divisions. At present, the following divisions have been proposed: C neoformans var. grubii (serotype A) with 3 genotypes (VNI, VNII, VNB); C neoformans var. neoformans (serotype D or VNIV); and 5 other cryptic species, C gattii, C bacillisporus, C deuterogattii, C tetragattii, and C decagattii (serotypes B/C or VGI-IV).13 Phylogenetic analyses, combined with recognized heterogeneity with respect to virulence, host preference, and antifungal susceptibility do provide evidence to support further taxonomic classification into a 7-species/4 hybrid species scheme (Table 2). The molecular taxonomy of cryptococcal species is a vibrant area of evolution that has allowed for a greater understanding of specific strain characteristics, including fitness and predilection for certain environmental niches13; clinical correlations have yet to match this molecular precision, however, and for this review we will tend to lump the yeasts into their historical species designations, C neoformans and C gattii.

Table 1.

Current classification of pathogenic Cryptococcus species

Serotype Species and Varieties Molecular Types
A C neoformans var. grubiia VN I, VN II
B C gattii VG I, VG II, VG III, VG IV
C C gattii VG I, VG II, VG III, VG IV
D C neoformans var. neoformans VN IV
AD C neoformans VN III

Table 2.

Proposed taxonomy changes for the Cryptococcus neoformans/C gattii complex

Current Species Name Genotype by RFLP Proposed Species Name
C neoformans var. grubii VNI C neoformans


C neoformans var. neoformans VNIV C deneoformans

C neoformans intervariety hybrid VNIII C neoformans × C deneoformans hybrid

C gattii VGI C gattii
VGIII C bacillisporus
VGII C deuterogattii
VGIV C tetragattii
VGIV/VGIIIc C decagattii

C neoformans var. neoformans × C gattii AFLP4/VGI hybrid C deneoformans × C gattii hybrid

C neoformans var. grubii × C gattii AFLP4/VGI hybrid C neoformans × C gattii hybrid

C neoformans var. grubii × C gattii AFLP6/VGII hybrid C deneoformans × C deuterogattii hybrid

Approximately 95% of cryptococcal infections are caused by C neoformans (serotype A) strains with the remaining 4% to 5% of infections caused by C neoformans (serotype D) or C gattii (serotypes B/C strains). Whereas C neoformans var. grubii (serotype A) is found worldwide, C neoformans var neoformans (serotype D) is primarily observed in European countries and C gattii has historically been geographically restricted to tropical and subtropical regions, such as southern California, Hawaii, Brazil, Australia, Southeast Asia, and central Africa. More recently, C gattii has been identified in temperate climates such as Vancouver Island and the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and parts of Europe, suggesting an ecological shift possibly related to global temperature and moisture changes.4,1012 Although C gattii causes up to 15% of all cases of cryptococcosis in Australia and New Zealand, C neoformans remains the predominant species even in these endemic areas.14 In certain areas of Africa around Botswana, where C neoformans and C gattii live together in the environment, active sexual recombination has been reported.15 Although outbreaks of cryptococcosis are ongoing among immunocompromised populations worldwide, to date only C gattii strains have been reported to produce a geographically defined outbreak of disease.4

C neoformans is found throughout the world in association with excreta from certain birds such as pigeons,16 environmental scavengers such as ameba and sowbugs,17,18 and in a variety of tree species in their hollows. C gattii is commonly associated with several species of eucalyptus trees in tropical and subtropical climates.19 However, recently as it has emerged as an important pathogen capable of widespread outbreaks within new geographic niches including British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest United States,4,1012 it has been associated with temperate trees, such as firs and oaks.9,2022

The life cycle of Cryptococcus involves both asexual and sexual forms.23 The asexual form is the haploid encapsulated yeast that reproduces by mitosis with narrow-based budding and is found in clinical and environmental specimens. The sexual state is observed at present under certain laboratory conditions, resulting in meiosis between 2 mating types (MATa and MATα) to form clamp connections, basidia and basidiospores. The α mating type strains represent the vast majority of clinical and environmental isolates, probably related to their ability to produce haploid fruiting. Even same sex mating between 2 strains of the same type (MATα–MATα) does occur and is thought to produce the infectious spores that cause human infection.24,25 This nonclassical mating between 2 α–α strains allows for further genetic diversity and is implicated in the production of hypervirulent, clonal strains responsible for the C gattii outbreak on Vancouver Island, suggesting that such mechanisms may confer the yeast the ability to exploit new geographic niches.26,27 Furthermore, there are locations in Botswana where there are equal proportions of MATα and MATa isolates in both environmental and clinical populations, providing evidence that sexual recombination remains active even with the spread worldwide of relatively clonal strains.15,28


Cryptococcosis was considered an uncommon infection before the AIDS pandemic; however, it was an awakening mycosis giant in the 1970s because it was associated with malignancy, organ transplantation, and certain immunosuppressive treatments. The incidence of disease increased significantly in the mid 1980s, with HIV/AIDS accounting for more than 80% of cryptococcosis cases worldwide.2931 Cryptococcal meningitis preferentially occurs in persons with impaired cell-mediated immunity and is a major AIDS-related opportunistic infection as the CD4+ cell count falls below 100 cells/μL. With widespread implementation of successful antiretroviral therapy (ART), the incidence of HIV-associated cryptococcosis has decreased significantly in most developed nations, although the incidence in other at-risk populations has not changed (Table 3).32 Furthermore, the prevalence of and morbidity and mortality associated with cryptococcal meningitis remain unacceptably high in settings where access to ART and other necessary health care resources are limited, specifically sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia. In fact, mortality peaked at approximately 600,000 deaths per year in the first decade of the 21st century; even today, it is likely that cryptococcal meningitis–related deaths approach several hundred thousand per year.3 Although both C neoformans and C gattii can also cause disease in apparently immunocompetent hosts, the percentage of infections owing to C gattii in such patients is significantly higher than for C neoformans.

Table 3.

Risk factors for Cryptococcus infection

HIV infection Rheumatologic diseasesa Systemic lupus erythematosus Rheumatoid arthritis
Corticosteroid and/or immunosuppressive therapies Idiopathic CD4+ lymphopenia
Solid organ transplantationa Chronic liver disease (decompensated)b
Malignant and lymphoproliferative disordersa,b Renal failure and/or peritoneal dialysis
Sarcoidosis Hyper-IgM syndrome or hyper-IgE syndrome
Treatment with monoclonal antibodies (etanercept, infliximab, alemtuzumab) Diabetes mellitusc
Anti-GM CSF antibodies

Pathogenesis and Host Immunity

Cryptococcal infection occurs primarily by inhalation of the infectious propagules (either poorly encapsulated yeast cells or basidiospores) from environmental reservoirs with deposition into pulmonary alveoli. Traumatic inoculation into tissues has been described33 and may occur infrequently. The yeast may potentially enter via the gastrointestinal tract, although this entry is less consistent. Primary pulmonary infection is generally thought to be asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic despite high rates of serologic reactivity in children in certain urban settings.34 Clearance of the infection by the host may occur. However, in many individuals, after yeasts are deposited in alveoli, they encounter alveolar macrophages, which play a central role in the immune response.35 Host response to cryptococcal infection primarily involves a helper T cell response with cytokines including tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interferon-γ, and interleukin-2, resulting in granulomatous inflammation.36 In many circumstances, this yeast will establish a latent infection within phagolysosome, with dormant (yet viable) yeasts within the thoracic lymph nodes or a pulmonary granuloma that can persist in an asymptomatic individual for years. When local immunity is suppressed, the yeast can grow and disseminate outside these pulmonary lymph node complexes similar to the pathophysiology that is observed in cases of reactivation tuberculosis or histoplasmosis.31,37 In some hosts, C gattii disease seems to be more likely than C neoformans disease to present as a progressive granulomatous pulmonary infection, but less likely to disseminate to the central nervous system (CNS). This general observation has been made in human outbreaks and characterized in mouse models, but there remains substantial overlap between species.12,31,38 In a patient with severely compromised cellular immunity, the yeasts reactivate and can proliferate at the site of initial infection and can disseminate within phagocytes or as yeast cells and gain access to other body sites.39 Both direct invasion of the blood–brain barrier via transcytosis of free yeast forms through a series of mechanisms between yeast and host factors40 and/or transport via macrophages into the CNS (the “Trojan horse” mechanism) seem to occur.4143 Whether certain immune states permit additional body sites of latency (eg, the CNS or prostate) have not yet been elucidated fully.

Advances in the molecular biology of Cryptococcus have confirmed multiple yeast virulence factors.44 The 3 classical and prominent virulence factors of C neoformans include capsule formation, melanin pigment production, and thermotolerance.23,36 The prominent antiphagocytic polysaccharide capsule, which is composed of glucuronoxylomannan, is unique to Cryptococcus species and is considered an essential virulence factor that has multiple effects on host immunity and can increase in size with exposure to body tissues and fluids.45,46 In addition, C neoformans possesses an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of diphenolic compounds to form melanin, which, when expressed, may have a biological role to protect the yeasts from host oxidative stresses and which may partially explain the organism’s neurotropism into sites with high concentrations of the diphenolic catecholamines. Finally, the ability to grow at 37°C is a basic part of the virulence composite for most pathogenic fungi in humans including Cryptococcus, and molecular studies have linked high temperature growth with multiple signaling pathways and enzymes that this yeast has acquired or adapted to over time to retain or enhance its mammalian pathogenicity. Other virulence factors include phospholipase and urease production and multiple enzymes associated with protection against oxidative stresses, conferring survival within the phagolysosome.44 It is estimated that more than 100 genes are important for optimal fitness of the yeast in mammalian hosts. The yeast has even adapted sophisticated mechanisms to escape the intracellular environment by modifying the permeability of the phagosome membrane and via nonlytic exocytosis (vomocytosis), allowing cell-to-cell or host compartment transfer of yeast ant its virulence factors without damage to the host macrophages.47,48

The many factors in the immunologic responses to Cryptococcus cannot be covered completely in this review, but several observations can be made. First, exposure is frequent and the healthy immunocompetent individual is generally resistant to cryptococcal disease. In fact, even in this group, some apparently normal hosts with cryptococcosis have been found to possess anti-granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor antibodies as a potential immune defect.7,8 Second, the effective immune response is through a helper T cell–supported reaction and anything that weakens it may let cryptococci survive and thrive. This includes destruction of CD4+ cells by HIV, reduction of TNF activity by anti-TNF inhibitors, or the multifaceted immune suppressant effect of corticosteroids. From activated macrophages and not alternative macrophages to the development of protective antibodies over nonprotective antibodies, immunity changes over the course of cryptococcal infections. In fact, even some of our protective host mechanisms might be used against us as surfactant D may be coopted by Cryptococcus to gain entry into the lung.49 Clearly, cryptococcosis emphasizes the Goldilocks paradigm of immunity. It produces disease when immunity is too little or too much, but when the human host immunity is just right, disease does not appear.


C neoformans and C gattii have a major predilection for establishing clinical disease in the lungs and CNS. Other less frequent body sites of infection include skin, prostate, eyes, and bone/joints. However, it should be emphasized that this yeast can widely disseminate and infect most organs in severely immunosuppressed patients and thus has the ability to appear at any human body site.

Pulmonary Infection

The respiratory tract serves as the most important portal of entry for Cryptococcus. Clinical manifestations of pulmonary cryptococcosis range from asymptomatic colonization of the airways or a simple pulmonary nodule on a chest radiograph to life-threatening pneumonia with the presence of an acute respiratory distress syndrome.50,51 In a normal host, asymptomatic, isolated pulmonary infection can occur in about one-third of patients and can be identified simply by an abnormal chest radiograph. In fact, the most common radiologic findings of cryptococcosis include well-defined single or multiple noncalcified nodules and pulmonary infiltrates (Fig. 1), although pleural effusions, hilar lymphadenopathy, and lung cavitation may also be observed. Patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis can present acutely with symptoms of pneumonia.50 For example, in the recent outbreak of C gattii infections in Vancouver Island area, several cases of severe, symptomatic pulmonary cryptococcosis in apparently immunocompetent individuals occurred.12 In an immunocompromised patient, however, cryptococcal pneumonia is usually symptomatic and in some cases can progress rapidly to acute respiratory distress syndrome, even in the absence of CNS involvement. Pulmonary involvement ranges from 10% to 55% of patients with AIDS-associated cryptococcal meningoencephalitis, although CNS symptoms usually predominate the clinical picture.51

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Solitary pulmonary nodule. In an asymptomatic patient with isolated pulmonary cryptococcosis. (Courtesy of J. R. Perfect, MD, Durham, NC.)

Serum cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen testing is usually negative in cases of true isolated pulmonary cryptococcosis, but at times can be positive in the absence of CNS involvement or other apparent sites of infection. In immunocompromised individuals with Cryptococcus isolated from the lung or other sterile body site, however, a lumbar puncture to rule out CNS disease should be considered regardless of a patient’s symptoms or serum antigen titer results. The only setting wherein a screening lumbar puncture may not necessarily be required is a patient with Cryptococcus isolated from the lung in the apparently immunocompetent patient without referable CNS symptoms and disease that clinically seems to be limited to the lungs.

Central Nervous System Infection

Clinical manifestations of CNS cryptococcosis include a myriad of signs and symptoms, such as headache, fever, cranial neuropathies, altered mentation, lethargy, memory loss, and signs of meningeal irritation.2,30,31 Symptoms usually develop over a period of several weeks. However, on some occasions, patients present more acutely or lack typical features, such as headache. In severely immunocompromised, HIV-infected patients with CNS cryptococcosis, the burden of fungal organisms is usually high and can reach levels of more than 1 million yeasts per milliliter of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). These patients may consequently have a shorter onset of signs and symptoms, greater CSF polysaccharide antigen titers, and higher intracranial pressures than other more immunocompetent individuals.

Although disease severity is determined primarily by host immune factors, different species and/or strains of Cryptococcus may produce unique clinical manifestations, which can have implications for management. For instance, in certain areas of the world, C gattii has been observed to cause cerebral cryptococcomas and/or obstructive hydrocephalus with or without large pulmonary mass lesions more frequently than C neoformans.12,52,53 These patients with parenchymal brain involvement may have a high intracranial pressure and present with cranial neuropathies. In such patients, who have been observed to respond poorly to antifungal therapy, early neurosurgical intervention to control pressure or ensure a correct diagnosis and longer antifungal treatment courses may be required for a successful outcome.9,54

Skin Infection

Cutaneous infections are the third most common clinical manifestations of cryptococcosis and patients can present with a variety of skin lesions. Lesions are often indistinguishable from those owing to other infections; as such, a skin biopsy with culture and histopathology are absolutely essential for definitive diagnosis. Primary cutaneous cryptococcosis is very rare and is usually associated with skin injury and direct inoculation of the yeasts33; thus, the appearance of cutaneous lesions usually heralds the presence of disseminated infection. Solid organ transplant recipients on tacrolimus seem to be more likely to develop skin, soft tissue, and osteoarticular infections owing to Cryptococcus.55 Tacrolimus acts on the temperature signaling molecule calcineurin in Cryptococcus and has anticryptococcal activity at high temperatures, but it loses this direct antifungal activity as environmental temperatures decrease; this may in part explain the increased frequency of cutaneous lesions in patients receiving calcineurin inhibitors.56

Prostate Infection

The prostate is not a rare site for cryptococcal infection, but prostatic cryptococcosis is usually asymptomatic. For instance, latent C neoformans infection has been recognized to disseminate in the bloodstream during urologic surgery on the prostate for other indications.57 The prostate gland may thus serve as an important reservoir for disease relapse in patients with a high fungal tissue burden.58 Cultures of urine or seminal fluid may still be positive for Cryptococcus after initial antifungal treatment of cryptococcal meningitis in poorly controlled AIDS patients,59 strongly supporting the need for prolonged antifungal treatment to eradicate infection in sanctuary sites in these severely immunocompromised patients.

Eye Infection

In early reports of cryptococcal meningitis before the AIDS epidemic, ocular signs and symptoms were noted in a substantial proportion of cases,60 such as ocular palsies and papilledema. Several other ocular manifestations of cryptococcosis have been identified, including extensive retinal disease with or without vitritis, which can lead to irreversible blindness.61 Visual loss may be owing to optic nerve infiltration by yeasts or vascular compromise from intracranial hypertension. The former process results in rapid visual loss with limited effective treatments, whereas the latter phenomenon results in more gradual visual loss and can be interrupted with aggressive management of increased intracranial pressure.

Infection at Other Body Sites

C neoformans can cause disease in essentially any organ of the human body. In fact, the first identification of this fungus from a clinical specimen was from a patient with tibial osteomyelitis in the 19th century.1 Bone involvement of cryptococcosis typically presents as circumscribed osteolytic lesions in any bone of the body, but most commonly the vertebrae, and cryptococcal osteomyelitis has been associated with underlying sarcoidosis.62 Bone marrow infiltration can be observed in severely immunocompromised hosts. Fungal peritonitis63 and cryptococcuria are also reported in several case series. An appreciation for this yeast’s protean clinical manifestations is essential, both at the time of initial diagnosis, as well as when immune defects are restored during treatment and immune restoration phenomena can present.

Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome

Restoration of pathogen-specific immunity can result in a phenomenon known as the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), an entity that can occur before (“unmasking IRIS”) or during (“paradoxic IRIS”) antifungal therapy. Cryptococcal IRIS is best characterized in HIV-infected patients with CNS infection and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality.6476 In addition, IRIS is estimated to occur in 5% to 11% of solid organ transplant recipients with cryptococcal infection and is associated with increased risk of allograft failure7783 and may also be observed in non-HIV, nontransplant patients.84 Proposed criteria for IRIS in HIV-associated disease include onset of symptoms within 12 months of ART initiation (with concomitant CD4+ recovery).85 These criteria are imprecise and do not address all populations at risk (Box 1). As such, it is incumbent upon the treating provider to have a high level of suspicion for this entity, as opposed to alternative diagnoses, which include progressive infection (from inadequate antifungal therapy, direct antifungal drug resistance, or persistent immune deficits), coinfection with other opportunistic infections, malignancy, or drug toxicity.

Box 1. Suggested diagnostic criteria for the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome.

New appearance or worsening of any of the following:

Clinical or radiographic manifestations consistent with an inflammatory process:

  • Central nervous system: Contrast-enhancing lesions on neuroimaging (computed tomography or MRI); cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis (ie, >5 white blood cell count per μL); increased intracranial pressure (ie, opening pressure of ≥20 mm H20), with or without hydrocephalus.

  • Pulmonary: Nodules, cavities, masses or pleural effusions.

  • Other: Lymphadenopathy, skin, soft tissue, osteoarticular lesions.

Histopathology showing granulomatous lesions.

Symptoms occurring during receipt of appropriate antifungal therapya that cannot be explained by a newly acquired infection or another process (neoplasm, etc).

Negative results of cultures, or stable or reduced biomarkers for the initial fungal pathogen during the diagnostic workup for the inflammatory process.

All 3 criteria must be present for a positive diagnosis.

a Exclude intrinsic and de novo drug resistance, and suboptimum drug concentrations.

Adapted from Sun H, Alexander B, Huprikar S, et al. Predictors of immune reconstitution syndrome in organ transplant recipients with cryptococcosis: implications for the management of immunosuppression. Clin Infect Dis 2015;60(1):36–44; and Singh N and Perfect JR. Immune reconstitution syndrome associated with opportunistic mycoses. Lancet Infect Dis 2007; 7:398.

Cryptococcal IRIS is thought to represent a dysregulated reversal of a Th2 (anti-inflammatory) to a strong helper T cell (pro-inflammatory) immune response in the setting of immune recovery.86 Multiple factors are thought to be associated with future IRIS episodes, including high yeast burden at baseline, ineffective host immune response to initial infection, and rapid restoration of immunity.67,73 Host immune responses in various compartments may not be uniform and are likely influenced by baseline parameters at the site.87 Differences in baseline CSF cytokine and chemokine expression are thought to facilitate the development of cryptococcal IRIS, potentially via myeloid cell trafficking to the CNS and, consequently, production of excessive inflammation.88,89 In fact, evidence of increased macrophage activation and linked CSF pleocytosis have been observed in patients receiving early ART and may mediate increased mortality, even before recognition of the clinical syndrome of IRIS.87

Clinical features of cryptococcal IRIS are similar to active cryptococcal infection itself, most commonly presenting as CNS disease, although lymphadenitis, pneumonitis, multifocal disease, soft tissue involvement, and mediastinitis have all been reported.85,90 Meningeal disease is the most serious presentation.85 A hallmark finding is suppurative or necrotic granulomatous inflammation with yeast forms seen on histopathology of infected tissues despite negative cultures.77,80,90,91 Despite changes in inflammatory markers, there are no reliably specific diagnostic tests for IRIS, and establishing the diagnosis presents a considerable clinical challenge, especially with atypical presentations or manifestations at distant sites.69,92 CSF opening pressure and white blood cell count67,68,73 at the time of an IRIS event are significantly higher than baseline values for individual patients, which combined with negative cultures, may help to distinguish IRIS from relapsed infection.70

Management of cryptococcal IRIS is largely based on expert opinion.93 First, ensuring the efficacy of antifungal therapy is essential94,95; in the absence of disease relapse or direct antifungal drug resistance, modification of antimicrobial therapy is generally not indicated.93 A significant proportion of minor cases simply improve without specific treatment.65,66,76 Corticosteroids have been shown to decrease the need for hospitalization and improve short-term quality of life and functional status in paradoxic tuberculosis-associated IRIS.96 Although steroids may be essential in treating a serious life-threatening CNS IRIS episode owing to Cryptococcus, they should not be used for prevention of IRIS or to control CNS pressure, and may be harmful in some cases.97 Immunomodulatory agents including those with anti–TNF-α activity have been used in cases of steroid-refractory IRIS.65,98101 Other strategies, including therapeutic lumbar drainage for intracranial hypertension93,102 and, at times, surgical drainage of suppurative lymph nodes,86,91 are important adjunctive measures that may be considered in severe disease. Continuation of ART in the setting of IRIS is generally recommended and has been performed safely.66,71,92,103,104


Definitive diagnosis of cryptococcosis is made by isolation of Cryptococcus from a clinical specimen or direct detection of the fungus by means of India ink staining of body fluids. There are several other methods used for the diagnosis of cryptococcosis, including histopathology of infected tissues and serologic methods. Molecular methods, although available and extensively used for research purposes, are not used currently in routine clinical practice.

Direct Examination/India Ink

The most rapid method for diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis is direct microscopic examination for encapsulated yeasts by India ink preparation of CSF. Cryptococcus can be visualized as a globular, encapsulated yeast cell with or without budding, ranging in size from 5 to 20 μm in diameter (Fig. 2). The sensitivity of India ink staining of CSF depends on fungal burden and is reported to be 30% to 50% in non–AIDS-related cryptococcal meningitis and up to 80% in AIDS-related disease. False positives can result from intact lymphocytes, other tissue cells and nonviable yeast forms, which further limits the diagnostic utility of direct microscopy of CSF for cryptococcal meningitis.105

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

India ink staining. Encapsulated yeast seen on India ink preparation of cerebrospinal fluid in a patient with cryptococcal meningitis. (Courtesy of J. R. Perfect, MD, Durham, NC.)

Culture and Identification

Cryptococcus can be cultured readily from biologic samples such as CSF, sputum, and skin biopsy on routine fungal and bacterial culture media. In adults with HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis, CSF and blood cultures are positive in up to 90% and 70% of patients, respectively (reviewed in106). Colonies are usually observed on solid agar plates after 48 to 72 hours incubation at 30°C to 35°C in aerobic conditions and will appear as opaque, white-to-cream colonies that may turn orange-tan or brown after prolonged incubation. The mucoid appearance of the colony is related to the capsule size around the yeasts. Despite relatively rapid growth for most strains, cultures should be held for up to 4 weeks, particularly for patients receiving antifungal treatment.

Cytology and Histopathology

Cryptococcus can be identified by histologic staining of tissues from the lung, skin, bone marrow, brain, and other organs.107 Histopathologic staining and cytology of centrifuged CSF sediment and other bodily fluids are more sensitive than the India ink staining method.108111 The organism is observed as a yeast that reproduces by narrow-based budding. The yeast is best identified by special stains that label the polysaccharide capsule including mucicarmine, periodic acid-Schiff, and Alcian blue stains.2 The Fontana–Masson stain identifies melanin in the yeast cell wall. Other fungal stains such as Calcofluor, which binds fungal chitin, or Gomori methenamine silver, which stains the fungal cell wall, are also used to identify the organism from clinical specimens.2,109


The diagnosis of cryptococcosis improved significantly with the development of serologic tests for the cryptococcal polysaccharide capsular antigen (CrAg), which is shed during infection. Latex agglutination and enzyme immunoassay techniques have been available widely (using both serum and CSF), the former of which had been the most commonly used methodology until recently, with overall sensitivities and specificities of 93% to 100% and 93% to 98%, respectively.112,113 False-positive results of latex agglutination testing usually have initial reciprocal titers of 8 or less,112 whereas false negatives can be seen owing to a prozone effect in the setting of extremely high antigen titers, which can be overcome with dilution.114 Low fungal burden, as in chronic low-grade meningitis or in the very early stages of infection, and improper specimen storage can also cause false-negative results in latex agglutination tests.115 Recently, a lateral flow assay was approved for use in serum and CSF, with sensitivity and specificity of greater than 98% in both specimen types (including whole blood from finger stick samples) and sensitivity of 85% in urine.116123 The semiquantitative test offers many advantages over the other serologic methods, including rapid turnaround (approximately 15 minutes), minimal requirements for laboratory infrastructure, stability at room temperature, low cost, and wider capture of C gattii polysaccharides.116 Combined with these advantages, the assay’s excellent performance across a broad range of clinical settings, including settings with low burden of HIV infection and high rates of C gattii infection,100104 make it an attractive option for point-of-care testing in both resource-available and resource-limited settings.116,117,124

Baseline cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen titers in serum and CSF correlate with fungal burden and carry prognostic significance in patients with cryptococcal meningitis.122,125,126 However, there is limited value in serial monitoring of antigen titers acutely in assessing treatment response, because the kinetics of antigen clearance is a slower and less predictable marker of treatment response than quantitative culture.122,127 Quantitative CSF yeast culture and its serial use for measurement of effective fungicidal activity has become a primary research tool for effectiveness of therapeutic regimens.128 The quantitative yeast count has been correlated with outcome129 and effective fungicidal activity has correlated with success of antifungal regimens, including survival.95,128,130 Despite a decade of use and validation of its effectiveness in clinical studies, the use of quantitative CSF yeast culture for the determination of effective fungicidal activity has not yet become a part of routine clinical practice.


Basic Principles

Amphotericin B deoxycholate (AmBd) is the cornerstone of treatment for severe cryptococcal infection, including meningoencephalitis. Treatment is summarized in Table 4. A standard induction dose of 0.7 to 1 mg/kg/d is recommended. Liposomal amphotericin B (3–6 mg/kg/d) has become a preferred alternative with similar outcomes and less nephrotoxicity, and is recommended specifically for primary induction in patients at risk for renal dysfunction.93,131,132 Flucytosine (5-FC) is used in combination therapy with AmBd as first-line therapy in cryptococcal meningitis or severe pulmonary cryptococcosis at a dosage of 100 mg/kg/d in divided doses.133,134 This combination represents the most potent fungicidal regimen, with faster CSF sterilization and fewer relapses, and is associated with lower attributable mortality.133139 Because the interruption of induction therapy is associated with poorer outcome, in resource-available areas the liposomal product has become the preferred polyene. Unfortunately, there are still no comparative studies with 5-FC combined with lipid formulations of amphotericin B as opposed to AmBd. Early mycological failure (defined as persistently positive CSF cultures at day 14) correlates with late treatment failure and poor outcome,140 and lack of 5-FC is independently associated with both early141 and late137 mycological failure. This improved fungicidal activity of combination therapy translates into a direct survival benefit compared with AmBd monotherapy.135 5-FC should be dose adjusted for renal dysfunction, with therapeutic drug monitoring to decrease its primary side effect of bone marrow suppression.142 There are emerging data that lower doses of 5-FC in combination with amphotericin may demonstrate similar fungicidal activity.138

Table 4.

Treatment recommendations for HIV-associated cryptococcal meningoencephalitis

Induction therapy
Primary regimen
  AmBd (0.7–1 mg/kg/d) plus flucytosine (5-FC) (100 mg/kg/d)a 2 wk
Alternative regimensb
  If 5-FC intolerant or unavailable: AmBd (0.7–1 mg/kg/d) or L-AMBc (3–4 mg/kg/d) or ABLC (5 mg/kg/d) 4–6 wk
  AmBd (0.7–1 mg/kg/d) plus fluconazole (800 mg/d) 2 wk
  Fluconazole (≥800 mg/d, preferably 1200 mg/d) plus 5-FC (100 mg/kg/d) 6 wk
  Fluconazole (800–2000 mg/d, preferably 1200 mg/d) 10–12 wk
  Itraconazole (200 mg BID) 10–12 wk
Consolidation therapy
 Fluconazole (400 mg/d) 8wkd
Maintenance or suppressive therapy
 Fluconazole (200 mg/d) ≥1 ye
Alternative reqimensa
  Itraconazole (200 mg BID) ≥1 ye
  AmBd (1 mg/kg IV per week) ≥1 y

Although combination induction therapy remains the recommended first-line therapy for severe cryptococcosis, 5-FC availability is limited in settings where the disease burden and mortality rates are the highest. Alternative combination therapies have been investigated, the most efficacious of which is AmBd plus fluconazole (800 mg/d), which results in improved rates of fungal clearance, neurologic recovery, and survival compared with AmBd alone or in combination with lower doses of fluconazole.143,144 This combination offers a more feasible and potentially viable option for effective initial therapy in settings where access to 5-FC is limited. Optimizing treatment outcomes without exhausting limited resources is critical in many settings. Standardized fluid and electrolyte supplementation protocols for patients treated with amphotericin B in these resource-limited settings have been associated with improved early survival.145 Additionally, shorter courses of amphotericin B in combination with other agents may be considered in these settings, although clinical endpoints for such regimens have not been rigorously evaluated.146,147 An ongoing trial evaluating the combination of intermittent dosing of high-dose of liposomal amphotericin B with high-dose fluconazole in resource-limited settings is underway to address this unanswered question (AmBition-CM, ISRCTN10248064). Additional alternative induction regimens are available in the guidelines but their use is not encouraged based on limited data of the success with these regimens.148 Fluconazole monotherapy for meningitis is not recommended for induction given its fungistatic nature, poor success, and higher relapse rates as well as increased rates of resistance in relapse.93,94 However, in areas without access to AmBd, high doses (≥1200 mg/d) of fluconazole should be commenced.

A 3-stage regimen of induction, consolidation, and maintenance is standard treatment for cryptococcal meningitis in all patients, irrespective of host risk factors.93,133 In HIV-infected patients, initial induction treatment usually begins with combination therapy as described, followed by consolidation treatment with fluconazole (400–800 mg/d) for 8 weeks in patients who have demonstrated favorable response. Longer courses of both induction (eg, 6 weeks) and consolidation (or “eradication”) therapy have been suggested in C gattii meningoencephalitis, irrespective of host immune status, owing to the observed severity of neurologic disease in this group of patients,11,52,53 but this is not certain and in general C gattii should be treated similarly to C neoformans. After consolidation, long-term suppression is commenced with oral fluconazole (200–400 mg/d). This approach has decreased rates of relapse from approximately 40% to less than 5% in severely immunosuppressed patients.149 Secondary prophylaxis is discontinued after 1 to 2 years of antifungal therapy in patients who respond to ART with an increase in CD4+ cell counts to greater than 100 cells/μL and a decrease in HIV viral load to undetectable levels for at least 3 months.93,150,151 The other triazoles (itraconazole, voriconazole, and posaconazole) are active against cryptococcal isolates in vitro and, in combination with AmBd, may have similar fungicidal activity to 5-FC,144 but owing to differences in bioavailability, CSF penetration, drug interactions, cost, and lack of robust studies in cryptococcosis, these agents are not recommended as first-line agents for consolidation or maintenance therapy. However, they may have a role in refractory cases.152155

Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy

In HIV-associated cryptococcal infection, ART has a major impact on long-term prognosis. However, several studies have suggested an increased risk of IRIS among HIV-infected patients initiated on ART early after the diagnosis of an opportunistic infection.64,65,156 More contemporary studies have demonstrated conflicting results regarding outcomes of cryptococcal infection based on timing of ART initiation,103,157,158 and studies in tuberculosis have demonstrated a survival benefit with earlier ART (despite increased rates of IRIS).159,160 Recently, the Cryptococcal Optimal ART Timing Trial (COAT) provided some definitive guidance to delay initiation of ART in patients with cryptococcal meningitis for a minimum of 4 weeks after starting antifungal therapy. This randomized trial demonstrated improved survival in patients with cryptococcal meningitis in whom ART initiation was deferred for up to 5 weeks after diagnosis as compared with immediate ART (within 1–2 weeks).161 Although increased rates of IRIS observed with early ART did not attain statistical significance, markers of macrophage activation were increased in this early group, suggesting that subclinical or compartmentalized IRIS may occur and influence mortality.87,161

Organ Transplant Recipients

Organ transplant recipients with CNS cryptococcal infection are managed similarly to HIV-infected patients, although lipid formulations of amphotericin B are preferred to limit nephrotoxicity.93 A longer course of induction therapy is indicated if CSF cultures remain positive at 2 weeks, because this scenario is associated with an increased 6-month mortality.162 Relapse rates among organ transplant recipients are lower than in HIV-associated disease, such that a shorter course of maintenance therapy can be pursued following standard consolidation, but generally these patients are treated for 1 year.93,162 Drug interactions between fluconazole and immunosuppressive agents should be anticipated owing to CYP3A4 inhibition, and a preemptive reduction in calcineurin inhibitors should be considered. Management of immunosuppression in the setting of cryptococcal infection requires recognition of the increased risk of IRIS.77,80,163 Thus, stepwise reduction in immunosuppression is recommended, although the approach should be individualized for each patient.

Non–HIV-Infected, Nontransplant Patients

Very few prospective data are available on the management of cryptococcal infection in the apparently immunocompetent host lacking classical risk factors for cryptococcosis.134 This heterogeneous group of patients is diagnosed later, irrespective of disease severity.32,84 Recommendations for longer induction therapy (≥4 weeks) are based on the recognition of poorer outcomes and higher mortality rates in this group of patients both in early134,164 as well as contemporary32 studies. However, in patients with good prognostic factors and excellent antifungal induction response, 2-week induction therapy can be successful. Therapy should be extended further if 5-FC is not included (or there is limited exposure to this drug) in the induction regimen.93 Recommendations for consolidation and maintenance parallel those for HIV-infected patients and reflect high relapse rates (30%) within the first year before the introduction of consolidation and maintenance antifungal strategies.93,134 Criteria for stopping treatment in these patients include resolution of symptoms and at least 1 year of suppressive antifungal therapy.

Management of Intracranial Pressure

Along with the optimization of antifungal therapy, management of increased intracranial pressure is critically important in cryptococcal meningoencephalitis. Intracranial hypertension frequently corresponds with CSF fungal burden, potentially mediated by CSF outflow obstruction by clumped yeast forms even during early therapy, and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.97,165 Intracranial imaging should be performed before lumbar puncture if impaired mentation or focal neurologic deficits are present. A baseline CSF opening pressure should be obtained in all patients. Aggressive attempts to control increased intracranial pressure should occur when patients are symptomatic, although emerging data suggest there may be benefit to therapeutic lumbar punctures, irrespective of baseline opening pressure in resource-limited settings.166 Treatment options for managing acutely elevated intracranial pressure include repeated lumbar punctures (daily until pressure and symptoms are stable for >2 days), lumbar drain insertion, ventriculostomy, or ventriculoperitoneal shunt, if obstructive hydrocephalus develops.97 Consideration of early neurosurgical consultation has been recommended in cases of meningoencephalitis owing to C gattii where CNS inflammation is often severe.52,53 Medical treatments such as corticosteroids (unless IRIS suspected or in cases of severe C gattii infection), mannitol, and acetazolamide are generally not recommended.52,53,129,167 If shunt placement is necessary, CSF sterilization is not required before insertion, which can be performed once appropriate antifungal therapy has been commenced.168

Persistent and Relapsed Infection

Persistent and relapsed infection must be distinguished from IRIS. Persistent disease has been defined as persistently positive CSF cultures after 1 month of antifungal therapy, whereas relapse requires new clinical signs and symptoms and positive cultures after initial improvement and fungal sterilization.93 Surrogate markers, including biochemical parameters, India ink staining, and cryptococcal antigen titers, are insufficient to define relapse or alter antifungal therapy. General recommendations for management in these persistent or relapsed cases include resumption of induction therapy, often for a longer duration and at increased dosages, if tolerable, and pursuance of comparative antifungal susceptibility testing.93 Although primary direct antifungal resistance to azoles and polyenes is rare, decreased susceptibility to fluconazole has been observed in some cases of culture-positive relapse.94 There has not yet been a convincing minimum inhibitory concentration breakpoint for cryptococcal species in antifungal susceptibility testing; thus, the importance of comparative minimum inhibitory concentration testing with the original isolate in cases where resistance is suspected cannot be overemphasized.169,170

Nonmeningeal Disease

Although isolation of Cryptococcus from respiratory tract specimens can occur in the absence of clinical disease (colonization), it is incumbent upon the treating clinician to assess for subclinical disease or potential for complications when Cryptococcus is isolated from any clinical specimen. In the absence of immune compromise, airway colonization carries a low risk for invasive disease and treatment can be deferred; although in most cases, given the safety profile of fluconazole, many clinicians favor treatment in all patients in whom Cryptococcus is isolated. In immunosuppressed patients with isolated pulmonary cryptococcosis, however, treatment is recommended to prevent dissemination.93 This group of patients should be evaluated for systemic disease (including blood and CSF cultures as well as CrAg testing from serum and CSF) to optimize treatment. In any patient in whom cryptococcemia is identified, symptoms are severe, or CSF examination reveals asymptomatic CNS involvement, treatment for cryptococcal meningitis is recommended.93 The potential for severe pulmonary infection owing to C gattii should be appreciated when Cryptococcus is isolated from respiratory cultures in settings where this species is endemic11,12,52,53,171; however, to date, there are no convincing data that species identification is required to optimally select antifungal therapy, and disease severity remains the critical factor in determining initial treatment. Cerebral cryptococcomas often can be managed with prolonged antifungal therapy without the need for surgical removal unless mass effect or other evidence of obstruction is identified. A longer induction phase with AmBd plus 5-FC, followed by 6 to 18 months of consolidation therapy with fluconazole (400–800 mg/d) is recommended. Localized infection of extrapulmonary nonmeningeal sites can occur occasionally with direct inoculation, but more commonly represents disseminated infection. Suspicion for the latter must be maintained when Cryptococcus is identified from a sterile body site, because management strategies differ if disseminated disease is present. Consultation with ophthalmology is indicated in cases of cryptococcal eye disease.93

Screening and Prevention

There is no question that early identification of HIV infection and initiation of ART in patients before progression to severe immunodeficiency is the most effective intervention at reducing the global burden of cryptococcosis and other opportunistic infections. However, despite increased access to ART worldwide, late presentations of HIV infection still occur and the burden of severe cryptococcal infection and related mortality remains disproportionately represented in these populations.

Fluconazole prophylaxis has been shown to be effective for preventing cryptococcosis in patients with advanced AIDS in endemic areas172,173; however, universal prophylaxis is relatively cost ineffective,124 has not been shown to offer a survival benefit,174 and may add to the appearance of azole-resistant strains. As such, this approach is not recommended currently.

Given that mortality from cryptococcal meningitis remains unacceptably high, alternative management strategies have been evaluated and implemented in resource-limited settings, specifically a “screen and treat” approach using serum cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) testing followed by preemptive fluconazole therapy in CrAg-positive patients. CrAg is an early marker of cryptococcal disease, detectable in serum a median of 22 days before the onset of symptoms, and is both highly predictive of incident cryptococcal meningitis and an independent risk factor for death during the first year of ART.175177 This approach is associated with a decreased incidence of cryptococcal meningitis and improved survival among patients with advanced HIV disease and has been successfully implemented in several resource-limited settings, with a baseline prevalence of asymptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia of 5% to 13%.177,178 Moreover, analyses have consistently demonstrated both the cost effectiveness and survival advantage of a “screen and treat” approach, as compared with standard of care or universal fluconazole prophylaxis, at CrAg prevalences as low as 0.6%.178180 As access to lateral flow assay testing in these settings is increased, the cost effectiveness is likely to be greater than initially reported. The World Health Organization now recommends implementation of CrAg screening and preemptive fluconazole therapy in ART-naïve adults with a CD4 count of less than 100 cells/mm3 before initiating ART in endemic settings.181 Several nations in sub-Saharan Africa have since operationalized programs as a part of the existing HIV infrastructure. Several unanswered questions remain, however, including the feasibility of implementation, the dose and duration of preemptive fluconazole, the criteria for lumbar puncture in asymptomatic patients, and the potential impact on azole resistance. Some data suggest a ‘screen and treat’ would be cost effective, even in resource-rich settings, although this is currently not part of standard practice, despite recent reports of CrAg prevalence of more than 3% in the United States.176,182 Routine screening for cryptococcal infection and/or prophylaxis are not recommended in solid organ transplant recipients, even when immunosuppression is augmented in patients with previously (appropriately) treated infection.183

In the arena of direct immune modulation for cryptococcosis management, aside from the use of ART, progress has been slow. First, although both cryptococcal glucuronoxylomannan–tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine and specific monoclonal antibodies to cryptococci have been developed, clinical trials have not been initiated to determine their usefulness in human subjects.184,185 The use of immune stimulation with recombinant gamma-interferon has both immunologic support and 2 positive clinical trials,186189 but has only been used in refractory cases and likely reflects concerns about precisely judging immune stimulation when IRIS can be a deadly problem.


  • Cryptococcosis is a major invasive fungal infection that is capable of widespread disease outbreaks in both immunocompromised and apparently immunocompetent hosts.

  • Molecular advances continue to enhance our understanding of Cryptococcus and provide insight into its evolution into a pathogen of global importance.

  • Diagnosis has improved with the introduction of point-of-care diagnostic assays.

  • Screening and preemptive antifungal therapy offer great promise in making a significant impact in this highly deadly opportunistic mycosis.


Disclosure Statement: Dr J.R. Perfect is a Principal Investigator for the following companies: Amplyx, Astellas, Cidara, Merck, Pfizer, Schering-Plough, Tokoyama, and Viamet.


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