MHC class I-independent activation of virtual memory CD8 T cells induced by chemotherapeutic agent-treated cancer cells
Cancer cells can evade immune recognition by losing major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I. Hence, MHC class I-negative cancers represent the most challenging cancers to treat. Chemotherapeutic drugs not only directly kill tumors but also modulate the tumor immune microenvironment. However, it remains unknown whether chemotherapy-treated cancer cells can activate CD8 T cells independent of tumor-derived MHC class I and whether such MHC class I-independent CD8 T-cell activation can be exploited for cancer immunotherapy. Here, we showed that chemotherapy-treated cancer cells directly activated CD8 T cells in an MHC class I-independent manner and that these activated CD8 T cells exhibit virtual memory (VM) phenotypes. Consistently, in vivo chemotherapeutic treatment preferentially increased tumor-infiltrating VM CD8 T cells. Mechanistically, MHC class I-independent activation of CD8 T cells requires cell–cell contact and activation of the PI3K pathway. VM CD8 T cells contribute to a superior therapeutic effect on MHC class I-deficient tumors. Using humanized mouse models or primary human CD8 T cells, we also demonstrated that chemotherapy-treated human lymphomas activated VM CD8 T cells independent of tumor-derived MHC class I. In conclusion, CD8 T cells can be directly activated in an MHC class I-independent manner by chemotherapy-treated cancers, and these activated CD8 T cells may be exploited for developing new strategies to treat MHC class I-deficient cancers.
Keywords: DNA-damaging agents, B-cell lymphomas, virtual memory CD8 T cells, cancer immunotherapy, MHC class I
Subject terms: Tumour immunology, Immune evasion
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules are expressed on every single nucleated cell in our body. In humans, MHC molecules are called human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complexes. MHC class I molecules present peptides derived from self or foreign antigens to our CD8 T cells; thus, they are essential for antigen-specific CD8 T-cell immune responses. Once cancer cells lose their MHC class I expression, they cannot be recognized by conventional CD8 T cells in an antigen-specific manner; consequently, these cancer cells resist current immunotherapies, including immune checkpoint blockade (e.g., anti-PD-1 therapies).1–3 This problem is highly relevant to cancer immunotherapy because (1) MHC loss occurs frequently in many different types of cancers, including human B-cell lymphomas, and correlates with poor prognosis and poor patient survival.4–14 In colon cancer patients, low expression of MHC class I was found to confer a significantly worse prognosis than high MHC class I expression.15,16 (2) Loss of MHC class I reduces tumor immunogenicity, disables antigen-specific antitumor immunity, results in a low percentage of tumor-infiltrating T cells, and enhances resistance to immunotherapy.1,2 The percentage of MHC class I loss, including total loss, haplotype loss, or allelic loss, ranges from 40 to 90%, depending on the type of cancer.1,17 (3) Current immunotherapies are hindered by the fact that MHC loss can be irreversible due to structural rearrangements of the MHC locus11 or mutations/deletions of β2-microglobulin (β2 M),5,10,13,14 an essential component of the MHC class I complex. Thus, MHC class I-negative cancers represent the most challenging cancers to treat, clearly presenting a critical unmet need in cancer immunotherapy. To resolve this problem, we aim to identify novel mechanisms of MHC class I-independent antitumor immune responses that may lead to new strategies for treating MHC class I-deficient tumors.
Chemotherapy is widely used to treat different types of cancers. Chemotherapeutic drugs, such as cytarabine (Ara-C) or doxorubicin (DOX), were initially thought to prevent tumor growth by inhibiting cellular proliferation or inducing cell death. However, recent studies indicate that chemotherapeutic drugs may enhance the immunogenicity of tumor cells or cause immunogenic cell death (ICD) in various tumor models, thus sensitizing tumor cells to immune recognition or activating antitumor immune responses.18–22 Increasing evidence shows that chemotherapeutic efficacy depends on tumor immunogenicity and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs).15,23–27 Chemotherapeutic drugs could increase the number of CD44hi T cells in the spleen and lymph nodes of naive mice and enhance T-cell proliferation in breast cancer patients.28,29 However, it remains unknown whether chemotherapy-treated tumor cells can directly activate CD8 T cells and whether such a mode of CD8 T-cell activation requires tumor-derived MHC class I.
CD8 T cells play an essential role in immunity against infection and cancers.30,31 CD8 T cells are a heterogeneous population consisting of naive and memory subsets. Among CD8 memory T cells, conventional (or classical) memory CD8 T cells are generated by antigen (Ag) stimulation in the periphery and play a critical role in secondary immune responses against infection. Recent studies have identified new subsets of CD8 memory T cells, including virtual memory (VM) CD8 T cells,32,33 which exhibit “innate-like” properties and produce IFN-γ upon inflammatory cytokine stimulation in an Ag-independent manner.34–36 VM CD8 T cells acquire their memory phenotypes in response to IL-15.33–35,37 VM CD8 T cells express a high level of chemokine receptors (CXCR3) and adhesion molecules (e.g., CD44 and LY6C), which may enable them to be efficiently recruited to peripheral tissues that release “damage” signals. Innate-like memory CD8 T cells can infiltrate different types of human cancers, and their reactivation correlates with the remission of chronic myeloid leukemia.38,39 We propose that these “innate-like” memory CD8 T cells may be preferentially activated by chemotherapy-treated cancer cells. Given that these memory CD8 T cells can provide protective capacity in an Ag-independent manner,33 the potential benefit of engaging them in antitumor immunity is significant. For instance, the ability of VM cells to carry out bystander killing33,36,37 makes them well suited to control cancers with irreversible MHC class I defects. However, it remains unclear whether VM CD8 T cells preferentially respond to chemotherapeutic treatment or play a role in controlling tumor growth upon chemotherapy.
In this study, by using multiple tumor models, we show that CD8 T cells can be directly activated by chemotherapy-treated tumor cells independent of tumor-derived MHC class I, whereas untreated tumor cells cannot. Most of the activated CD8 T cells appear to be innate-like and exhibit VM phenotypes. In vivo chemotherapeutic treatment significantly increased total CD8 TILs and preferentially increased VM CD8 TILs in tumors. By testing a combination of chemotherapy and adoptive cell transfer therapy, we revealed a critical role of VM CD8 T cells in enhancing therapeutic efficacy for MHC class I-deficient tumors.
Materials and methods
Mice and in vivo treatment
Mice (6–8 weeks) were injected subcutaneously in both flanks with 1 × 106 A20 lymphoma cells (WT BALB/c), MC38 colon cancer cells (WT C57BL/6 (B6)), or DHL16 lymphoma cells (humanized BRGS). When tumors reached a certain size, tumor-bearing recipient mice were randomized into groups, and treated as indicated. Humanized BRGS mice were provided by the Humanized Mouse Core of the Translational Research Networking and Preclinical Models (TRNPM) facility at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (AMC). Briefly, humanized mice were generated via injection of CD34+ HSCs isolated from cord blood (CB) into sublethally irradiated newborn BRGS pups (1–3 days old), as described previously.40–43 CD34-CB-BRGS humanized mice (hu-CB-BRGS) were provided to us, and human chimerism was >25% in the blood at both 10 and 15 weeks post engraftment for humanized mice to be used in subsequent experiments. All mice were maintained under specific pathogen-free conditions in the vivarium facility of the University of Colorado AMC. Animal work was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (Aurora, Colorado, USA).
Tumor dissociation and flow cytometry
Tumors were harvested from tumor-bearing mice. Tumor weight was measured before dissociation, and tumors were processed into single-cell suspensions. The antibodies used for flow cytometry are listed in Supplementary Table 1. Dead cells were excluded by the Live/Dead Fixable Green Dead Cell Stain Kit (Invitrogen). BD Fix/Permeabilization buffer was used for intracellular staining of IFN-γ and granzyme B (GZMB) in TILs. Before IFNγ staining, equal numbers of tumors were cultured in vitro for 6 h in the presence of 50 ng/mL phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) (Sigma Aldrich), 1 μg/mL ionomycin (Sigma Aldrich), and 5 μg/mL BFA (BioLegend). For Eomes staining, a True-nuclear Transcription Factor Buffer Set was used (BioLegend). Data were acquired on a BD Fortessa or a BD FACSCalibur, and analyzed with FlowJo software V10 (Oregon, USA).
Cell culture
A20 lymphoma cells and MC38 cells were obtained from the cell line vendor ATCC in 2017. The SU-DHL-16 cell line was a gift from Dr. Wing C. (John) Chan (City of Hope Medical Center) in 2016 and cultured, as described previously.3 Cell line authentication and mycoplasma testing were performed by the Molecular Biology Service Center at the Barbara Davis Center (University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus) in 2019. The cells were tested and authenticated with PCR assays as described ( The number of passages between thawing and use in the described experiments generally ranged from two to five.
Tumor cells were cultured at 0.5 × 106/ml and treated with Ara-C or doxorubicin (DOX) at the indicated concentrations for 16 h. Tumor cells were thoroughly washed with PBS at least three times before coculture with CD8 T cells. Total CD8 T cells were isolated from the spleen and/or lymph nodes of WT naive BALB/c or B6 mice by a negative selection kit (Stem Cell Technologies, Canada), and cultured with either untreated or treated tumor cells in the presence of human IL-2 (33 IU/ml). Four days after coculture, CD8 T cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. For cell sorting, cells were stained with the desired antibodies and sorted with a BD Aria Fusion Sorter. Human CD8 T cells were isolated from human blood or hu-CB-BRGS mice by a positive selection kit (Stem Cell Technologies, Canada), cultured with untreated or treated tumor cells in the presence of human IL-2 (100 IU/ml), and collected 4 days after coculture for flow cytometry analysis.
Chemotherapy-treated tumor cells activate CD8 T cells that acquire VM phenotypes
To test our hypothesis that DNA-damaged cancer cells may directly activate CD8 T cells, we set up a new experimental system by coculturing chemotherapy-treated or untreated tumor cells with syngeneic CD8 T cells. We first tested A20 cells, a B-cell lymphoma line derived from the BALB/c mice,44 that were untreated or treated with DOX or Ara-C. Chemotherapeutic drugs were thoroughly washed off, and equal numbers of untreated or treated A20 cells were cultured with total CD8 T cells from WT naive BALB/c mice. DOX- or Ara-C-treated A20 cells promoted CD8 T-cell proliferation (Supplementary Fig. 1a) and activated CD8 T cells by enhancing granzyme B (GZMB) (Fig. 1a) or IFN-γ (Supplementary Fig. 1B) production. Notably, CD8 T-cell activation was only induced by live cancer cells, but not dead cells (Supplementary Fig. 2A); thus, we titrated the concentration of chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer cells (Supplementary Fig. 2B–E). Untreated A20 lymphomas failed to activate CD8 T cells (Fig. 1a; Supplementary Fig. 1A, B). Since lymphomas grow aggressively, it is possible that untreated lymphomas cannot activate CD8 T cells due to competition for growth factors or nutrients in culture media. To test this, we titrated the input number of untreated lymphoma cells while keeping the same number of CD8 T cells. We observed no activation of CD8 T cells regardless of the input number of untreated A20 lymphoma cells (data not shown). We conclude that only DNA-damaged A20 lymphoma cells activate CD8 T cells.
Fig. 1.
Chemotherapy-treated tumor cells activate CD8 T cells. A20, B16F10, or MC38 cells were either untreated or treated with Ara-C or DOX for 16 h, washed, and cocultured with purified total CD8 T cells from WT naive BALB/c (for A20 cells) or B6 (for B16F10 or MC38 cells) mice. The expression of different markers in CD8 T cells was examined by flow cytometry after coculture. Cells were cultured with BFA for 6 h before granzyme B (GZMB) staining. a Chemotherapy-treated A20 cells enhanced CD8 T-cell activation. A20 cells were treated with 1 μM Ara-C or 200 nM DOX, and cocultured with purified total CD8 T cells from WT naive BALB/c mice for 4 days. Representative FACS plots (left) and percentages of GZMB+ CD8 T cells in total CD8 TILs (right) are shown. b, c DOX-treated tumor cells activated CD8 T cells. B16F10 (b) and MC38 (c) cells were treated with 1 μM DOX, and cocultured with purified total CD8 T cells from WT naive B6 mice for 4 days. Representative FACS plots (left) and percentages of GZMB+ CD8 T cells in total CD8 TILs (right) are shown. d Phenotypes of activated CD8 T cells resembled those of virtual memory (VM) CD8 T cells. e Activated CD8 T cells coexpressed Tim3, CTLA-4, PD1, and Eomes. For panels d and e, A20 cells were treated with 1 μM Ara-C and cocultured with purified total CD8 T cells from WT naive BALB/c mice. Representative data are shown from three independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated with an unpaired t test or one-way ANOVA; **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001
Consistently, DOX-treated B16F10 melanoma cells also activated CD8 T cells by enhancing GZMB production (Fig. 1b). Furthermore, DOX-treated MC38 cells, a colon cancer cell line, activated CD8 T cells in a similar fashion (Fig. 1c), thereby implicating the generality of our findings to other types of cancers. We characterized the phenotypes of activated CD8 T cells and found that CD8+GZMB+ T cells were also CD44+CD122+NKG2D+; furthermore, the majority of them were CD49d− (Fig. 1d; Supplementary Fig. 3A), consistent with VM CD8 T cell phenotypes. All CD8 T cells activated by Ara-C-treated A20 tumor cells expressed Eomes, and upregulated the coinhibitory receptors CTLA-4, Tim-3, and PD-1 (Fig. 1e). Moreover, these activated CD8 T cells also expressed phosphor-AKT (Supplementary Fig. 3B). Taken together, these findings lead us to conclude that chemotherapeutic drug-treated cancer cells can activate CD8 T cells that acquire VM CD8 T-cell phenotypes.
Chemotherapeutic treatment enhanced total CD8 TILs and preferentially increased VM CD8 TILs in different tumor models
To determine whether CD8 T cells contribute to chemotherapeutic effects, A20 B-cell lymphoma cells were transplanted into syngeneic WT BALB/c mice, which developed secondary tumors approximately 2 weeks after tumor inoculation. When the tumor size reached ∼1000 mm3, we randomized recipient mice into two groups and treated them with vehicle control or Ara-C. A single dose of Ara-C treatment eliminated A20 lymphomas (Fig. 2a); however, depleting CD8 T cells completely abrogated the durable effects of Ara-C treatment since all tumors relapsed (Fig. 2b). We analyzed TILs 5 days after Ara-C treatment and found that the number of CD8 TILs was significantly increased by Ara-C treatment (Fig. 2c). Furthermore, Ara-C treatment induced more production of IFN-γ from CD8 TILs than no treatment in tumor-bearing recipients (Fig. 2d, e). Further characterization of CD8 TILs showed that Ara-C treatment significantly increased the percentage and number of VM CD8 TILs (CD8+CD44+CD122+CD49d−) (Fig. 2f–h).
Fig. 2.
Chemotherapeutic treatment enhanced total CD8 TILs and preferentially increased VM CD8 TILs in different tumor models. a, b A20 lymphoma cells were inoculated into WT Balb/c mice that were treated with a single dose of Ara-C (2 mg/mouse, i.p.) on day 20 after tumor inoculation. a Ara-C suppressed A20 lymphoma growth (vehicle control n = 8; Ara-C treated n = 8). b Ara-C’s therapeutic effects depended on CD8 T cells. PBS or an anti-CD8 antibody (250 μg/mouse/dose, i.p.) was given to recipient mice (n = 9 vs. n = 5) on days 18, 20, 22, and 24 after tumor inoculation. c–h Treatment with Ara-C increased and activated total or VM CD8 T cells in tumors. Tumors were harvested on day 5 after Ara-C treatment (n = 4 per group). Harvested tumors were stimulated with PMA/ionomycin for 6 h in vitro for IFN-γ staining. Cells were stained with anti-mouse CD45, CD8, CD44, CD122, CD49d, and IFN-γ antibodies and analyzed by FACS. c Numbers of CD8 TILs in A20 lymphomas. d, e Representative FACS plots (d) and percentages (e) of IFN-γ+ CD8 T cells in total CD8 TILs. f, g Representative FACS plots (f) and percentages (g) of CD44+CD122+CD49d− (VM) CD8 T cells in total CD8 TILs. h Numbers of CD44+CD122+CD49d− CD8 T cells in A20 lymphomas. i–l Treatment with DOX increased total or VM CD8 T cells in the MC38 colon cancer model. MC38 cells were inoculated into WT C57BL/6 mice that were treated with vehicle or a single dose of DOX (0.1 mg/mouse, i.p.) on day 8 after tumor inoculation (n = 4–6 per group). Representative FACS plots (i), numbers of total (j) or VM (k) CD8 T cells in MC38 tumors and the percentage of VM CD8 T cells in total CD8 TILs (l) are shown. Representative data are shown from three independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated with an unpaired t test; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001
To generalize our findings, we next tested the effects of another chemotherapeutic drug, DOX, on CD8 TILs. MC38 colon cancer cells were transplanted into syngeneic WT B6 mice, and when the tumor size reached ~200 mm3, we treated tumor-bearing mice with vehicle control or DOX. Similar to what we observed in Ara-C-treated tumors, the number of total and VM CD8 TILs was significantly increased in DOX-treated MC38 tumors compared with controls (Fig. 2i–k), and the percentage of VM CD8 T cells was preferentially increased in total CD8 TILs in DOX-treated MC38 tumors (Fig. 2l). To examine the functionality of CD8 T cells, we transplanted MC38 cells into syngeneic CD8−/− mice. When the tumor size reached ~200 mm3, tumor-bearing mice were randomized into four groups: vehicle control, DOX-treated, CD8 T cell-transferred, or combination treatment (DOX plus CD8 T cells). The combination treatment significantly inhibited tumor growth compared with other treatments (Supplementary Fig. 4A, B). Overall, our data show that CD8 T cells, especially VM CD8 T cells, play a critical role in mediating chemotherapeutic effects.
Mechanisms of CD8 T-cell activation induced by chemotherapy-treated tumors
To dissect the mechanism of CD8 T-cell activation, we physically separated the Ara-C-treated A20 cells and CD8 T cells using transwells and found that GZMB upregulation in CD8 T cells was abrogated compared with that in the untreated negative or Ara-C-treated positive control (Fig. 3a). We conclude that CD8 T-cell activation requires cell–cell contact between Ara-C-treated lymphoma cells and CD8 T cells. Next, we asked whether this mode of CD8 T-cell activation requires MHC class I. We previously employed the CRISPR/Cas9 technique to generate A20 β2M-KO lymphoma cells.3 Using WT and β2M-KO lymphomas, we showed that Ara-C-treated WT and β2M-KO A20 lymphomas activated CD8 T cells to a similar extent (Fig. 3b). Our data demonstrate that Ara-C-treated lymphoma cells can activate CD8 T cells independent of tumor-derived MHC class I. Furthermore, we employed an MHC class I-blocking antibody45 in our coculture assay and found that blocking MHC class I had no effects on the activation of CD8 T cells mediated by Ara-C-treated B2M-KO A20 lymphoma cells (Supplementary Fig. 5A), further confirming an MHC class I-independent response.
Fig. 3.
Mechanisms of CD8 T-cell activation mediated by Ara-C-treated tumor cells. A20 cells were either untreated or treated with 1μM Ara-C for 16 h, washed, and cocultured with purified total CD8 T cells from WT naive BALB/c mice. a Tumor cells (upper chamber) and CD8 T cells (lower chamber) were separated by transwells during coculture. b WT or B2M-KO A20 lymphoma cells were either untreated or Ara-C treated. Representative FACS plots (left) and percentages of GZMB+ CD8 T cells in total CD8 T cells (right) are shown. c A20 lymphoma cells were either untreated or Ara-C treated. Vehicle control, a Src inhibitor (AZD0530, 1 μM), a Syk inhibitor (PRT062607 HCL, 1 μM), a PI3Kδ inhibitor (IC87114, 5 μM), or a PI3Kα inhibitor (A66, 7 μM) was added to the coculture system. GZMB expression in CD8 T cells was examined by flow cytometry after 4 days of coculture. Cells were cultured with BFA for 6 h before GZMB analysis. d Cells were treated as described in (c). Phospho-AKT expression in CD8 T cells was examined by flow cytometry after 4 days of coculture. e Cells were treated as described in (c). Phospho-vehicle control or a TLR4 inhibitor (TAK242, 1 μM) was added to the coculture system. Representative data are shown from three independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated with an unpaired t test; N.S. not significant; **P < 0.01
We previously showed that Ara-C treatment increased cyclin A2 protein expression.46 Thus, we used cyclin A2 expression as an indicator of Ara-C treatment efficacy. The translation inhibitor cycloheximide (2 or 20 μg/ml) efficiently inhibited the upregulation of cyclin A2 induced by Ara-C treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5B). However, A20 lymphoma cells cotreated with cycloheximide plus Ara-C still activated CD8 T cells similarly to Ara-C-monotherapy-treated A20 lymphoma cells (Supplementary Fig. 5C). These data suggest that Ara-C-treated lymphomas do not activate CD8 T cells through newly synthesized proteins; instead, the putative activating factors might be pre-existing and translocate to the cell membrane, where they activate CD8 T cells. To identify such putative activating factor(s), we applied various blocking antibodies to the coculture system. However, blocking CD44, PD-1, or LAG-3 had no effects on the activation of CD8 T cells (Supplementary Fig. 5D, F). In addition, CD8 T-cell activation was not affected by an anti-CD8-blocking antibody (Supplementary Fig. 5G), consistent with our data showing that MHC class I is not required for such a mode of CD8 T-cell activation. While Ara-C-treated A20 cells upregulated Rae-I (data not shown), a ligand for NKG2D, blocking NKG2D had no effects on the CD8 T cell activation induced by Ara-C-treated A20 tumors (Supplementary Fig. 5E).
Given that these activated CD8 T cells also expressed phosphor-AKT (Supplementary Fig. 3B), we next tested whether the PI3K pathway is involved in the activation of CD8 T cells induced by chemotherapy-treated tumor cells. Various kinase-specific inhibitors were employed in our coculture assays. Inhibitors of Src, Syk, or PIK3CD (p110δ), a catalytic subunit of PI3K, partially blocked the CD8 T-cell activation induced by Ara-C-treated A20 lymphomas, whereas an inhibitor of PIK3CA (p110α) appeared to completely block CD8 T-cell activation (Fig. 3c). Consistently, the Src, Syk, or PIK3CD inhibitors partially reduced the phosphor-AKT level, while the PIK3CA inhibitor almost abrogated it (Fig. 3d). Moreover, these inhibitors at the indicated concentrations had no effect on tumor cell growth, and pretreating tumor cells with such inhibitors did not affect CD8 T-cell activation, suggesting a direct inhibitory role of these inhibitors on CD8 T cells (data not shown). Overall, these data reveal a critical role of the Src, Syk, and PI3K pathways in the CD8 T-cell activation induced by chemotherapy-treated tumor cells.
To further investigate the mechanisms of CD8 T-cell activation, we employed additional inhibitors and found that an inhibitor of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), TAK242, partially inhibited the activation of CD8 T cells mediated by chemotherapy-treated cancer cells (Fig. 3e). These data imply that the TLR signaling pathway may be involved in CD8 T-cell activation; moreover, these data suggest that additional molecules or signaling pathways may also contribute to such a mode of CD8 T-cell activation.
VM CD8 T cells preferentially responded to chemotherapy-treated tumors, and CD8 T cells activated by chemotherapy-treated tumors exhibited potent cytotoxicity independent of MHC class I
Since the phenotypes of activated CD8 T cells resemble those of VM CD8 T cells, we sorted different subsets of CD8 T cells from WT naive BALB/c mice and confirmed their purity, and then tested which subset preferentially responded to chemotherapy-treated tumors (Supplementary Fig. 6A, B). Upon coculture with Ara-C-treated B2M-KO A20 tumor cells, the CD8+CD44+C122+CD49d− subset (VM CD8 T cells) produced the highest level of GZMB (Supplementary Fig. 6A), demonstrating that VM CD8 T cells preferentially responded to chemotherapy-treated tumor cells independent of tumor-derived MHC class I. In contrast, the CD44−CD122−CD49d− subset did not produce a high level of GZMB (Supplementary Fig. 6A), suggesting that naive CD8 T cells did not acquire VM CD8 T-cell phenotypes during coculture and that GZMB production in the unsorted total CD8 T cells was likely attributed to the expansion of pre-existing VM CD8 T cells.
To test whether activated CD8 T cells exhibit cytotoxicity to untreated tumor cells, we set up a complex sequential coculture assay (Fig. 4a). We first cocultured total CD8 T cells with either untreated or Ara-C-treated B2M-KO A20 cells for 4 days. Then, we isolated these CD8 T cells and added them into another coculture with untreated B2M-KO A20 cells. Two days later, flow cytometry analysis was performed to examine tumor cell death (Fig. 4a). Untreated B2M-KO A20 tumor cells that were cultured alone (group I) showed little cell death (Fig. 4b, c). CD8 T cells that were not activated by Ara-C-treated B2M-KO A20 cells also led to a minimal level of tumor cell death in groups II and III (Fig. 4b, c). In contrast, due to coculture with CD8 T cells previously activated by Ara-C-treated B2M-KO A20 cells, untreated B2M-KO A20 cells exhibited the highest level of cell death in group IV, demonstrating a potent effector function of these activated CD8 T cells (Fig. 4b, c).
Fig. 4.
CD8 T cells activated by Ara-C-treated B2M-KO A20 lymphomas exhibited strong cytotoxicity against untreated B2M-KO A20 lymphomas. a Schematics of the experimental procedures. A20 B2M-KO cells were either untreated (Group III) or treated (Group IV) with 1 μM Ara-C for 16 h, washed, and cocultured with purified total CD8 T cells from WT naive BALB/c mice. CD8 T cells were cultured alone as a control (Group II). Four days after coculture, CD8 T cells were isolated from the coculture, and 0.25 × 106 isolated CD8 T cells were added to 0.1 × 106 CFSE-labeled A20 B2M-KO cells in 48-well plates and cultured for an additional 2 days. Anti-NKG2D antibody, vehicle control, or a GZMB inhibitor (Z-AAD-CMK, BioVision, 25 μM) was added to the indicated wells, as shown in panel d. Untreated A20 B2M-KO cells were cultured alone as a control (Group I). b–d Two days after the second coculture, cells were collected and stained with an anti-B220 antibody and 7-AAD or an anti-cleaved caspase 3 antibody. Representative flow plots (b) and quantification (c) of CFSE+7-ADD+ A20 cells (gated on B220+ population) are shown. The untreated B2M-KO A20 cells in group IV exhibited the highest level of cell death due to coculture with CD8 T cells previously activated by Ara-C-treated B2M-KO A20 cells. d Inhibition of GZMB reduced the level of tumor cell death mediated by activated CD8 T cells. Blocking NKG2D had no effects on tumor cell death. Representative data are shown from three independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated with one-way ANOVA, ***P < 0.001
Our results showed that upon coculture with chemotherapy-treated tumor cells, CD8 T cells produced GZMB (Fig. 1a–c), which can mediate the apoptosis of target cells. To further investigate how tumor cells were killed, we first examined GZMB expression in tumor cells and found that tumors did not express any GZMB in the absence or presence of Ara-C treatment (Supplementary Fig. 7). In contrast, we detected GZMB in Ara-C-treated tumor cells when they were cocultured with CD8 T cells (Supplementary Fig. 7). Furthermore, in our sequential coculture assay, a GZMB inhibitor (Z-AAD-CMK) significantly reduced tumor cell death upon coculture with activated CD8 T cells compared with the vehicle control (Fig. 4d, Group IV); however, NKG2D blockade had no effects on tumor cell death (Fig. 4d, Group IV). We also included cleaved caspase 3 as an apoptotic marker in our sequential coculture assay. Upon coculturing with activated CD8 T cells, tumor cells expressed much more cleaved caspase 3 than other control groups (Fig. 4d, bottom panel, Group I–III vs. Group IV). Taken together, our data show that CD8 T cells activated by chemotherapy-treated tumors exhibit strong cytotoxicity against untreated tumor cells independent of tumor-derived MHC class I, but dependent on GZMB.
VM CD8 T cells led to a better therapeutic effect on MC38 B2M-KO tumors
We showed that DOX-treated MC38 tumor cells activated CD8 T cells (Fig. 1c); however, it remains unknown whether MHC class I affects CD8 T-cell activation. We employed the CRISPR/Cas9 approach as described previously3 to generate MHC class I-deficient MC38 cell lines (MC38 B2M−/−) (Fig. 5a). The deletion of the B2M gene was confirmed by PCR and Sanger sequencing, as shown with an example of the MC38 B2M−/− colon cancer line (Fig. 5b) that harbored a deletion on each allele of the B2M gene (Supplementary Fig. 8A, B). Western blot results further confirmed the absence of B2M protein in the MC38 B2M−/− cells (Fig. 5c). CD8 T cells were activated to the same extent by chemotherapy-treated WT or B2M−/− MC38 tumor cells in vitro (Fig. 5d, e), demonstrating a dispensable role of tumor-derived MHC class I in the CD8 T-cell activation induced by chemotherapy-treated tumor cells.
Fig. 5.
Adoptive transfer of VM CD8 T cells inhibited the growth of MHC class I-deficient tumors. a Deletion of the β2M gene resulted in the absence of MHC class I expression in MC38 cells. b The deletion of the B2M gene was confirmed by PCR and Sanger sequencing as shown with one example of MC38 B2M−/− cells that harbored a deletion on each allele of the B2M gene (deletion on allele 1: 3220–3398 or allele 2: 3391–3397 of B2M genomic DNA (NC_000068.7:122,147,687–122,153,082, total length of 5396 bp)). c The deletion of B2M protein was confirmed by western blot in B2M−/− MC38 cells. β-Actin was used as a loading control. d, e Chemotherapy-treated WT and B2M-KO MC38 cells mediated similar magnitudes of CD8 T-cell activation. MC38 cells were either untreated or treated with 1 μM DOX for 16 h, washed, and cocultured with purified total CD8 T cells from WT naive B6 mice. GZMB expression in CD8 T cells was examined by flow cytometry after 4 days of coculture. Representative FACS plots (d) and percentages of GZMB+ CD8 T cells in total CD8 T cells (e) are shown. f Tumor growth upon DOX treatment and adoptive transfer of T cells. MC38 B2M-KO cells were inoculated into CD8KO mice that were treated with DOX (0.1 mg/mouse, i.p.) on day 7 and day 11 or adoptively transferred sorted CD8 T cells (0.5 × 106 r.o. plus 0.5 × 106 i.p.) on day 8 after tumor inoculation. g Tumor volumes on day 16 after tumor inoculation. Statistical significance was calculated with an unpaired t test or one-way ANOVA, **P < 0.01
To compare the therapeutic effects conferred by total vs. VM CD8 T cells, we sorted the total or VM CD8 T cells from syngeneic WT B6 mice and transferred them to CD8−/− mice-bearing MC38 B2M−/− tumors that were either untreated or treated with DOX (see schematics in Fig. 5f). Treatment with either T cells or DOX alone had little effect on tumor growth (Fig. 5f, g). In contrast, adoptive transfer of total CD8 T cells plus DOX treatment significantly inhibited the growth of MC38 B2M−/− tumors (Fig. 5g). Furthermore, VM CD8 T cells showed a better therapeutic effect than total CD8 T cells when combined with DOX treatment (Fig. 5g). In addition, treatment with VM CD8 T cells plus DOX led to a significantly longer survival of recipient mice compared with treatment with total CD8 T cells plus DOX, indicating that VM CD8 T cells may be more potent at inhibiting tumor growth and prolonging recipient survival than total CD8 T cells (Supplementary Fig. 9). Of note, treatment with total CD8 T cells plus DOX also led to a significantly longer survival of recipient mice compared with treatment with the vehicle control (Supplementary Fig. 9), implying that other subsets of CD8 T cells may also contribute to the therapeutic effects.
Chemotherapy-treated human lymphomas activated human VM CD8 T cells
Previous studies reported that human VM CD8 T cells express KIR/NKG2A and Eomes.47,48 To examine the effects of chemotherapeutic treatment on human VM CD8 T cells, we transplanted SU-DHL-16 (DHL-16) lymphoma cells into BRGS mice that had been humanized with cord blood stem cells (hu-CB-BRGS). Once the tumor size reached ~500 mm3, tumor-bearing mice were treated with Ara-C, and TILs were analyzed with flow cytometry. Ara-C treatment increased the percentage of total CD8 T cells in human CD45+ TILs (Fig. 6a, b) and the number of total human CD8 TILs (Fig. 6c). Ara-C treatment preferentially increased the percentage of human VM CD8 TILs in the human CD8 TIL population (Fig. 6d) and drastically enhanced the number of human VM CD8 TILs (Fig. 6e).
Fig. 6.
Chemotherapy increased or activated human total or VM CD8 T cells. a–e Ara-C treatment increased human total or VM CD8 T cells. SU-DHL-16 lymphoma cells were inoculated into hu-CB-BRGS mice with similar chimerism of human CD8 T cells. When tumors reached ~500 mm3, mice were treated with a single dose of Ara-C (2 mg/mouse, i.p.). Four days later, tumors were harvested and processed into single cells. Cells were stained with an anti-mouse CD45 and anti-human CD45, CD8, TCR, KIR/NKG2A, and Eomes antibodies, and analyzed by FACS. Representative FACS plots (a), the percentage of human CD8 T cells in total human CD45 TILs (b), the number of total CD8 (c), the percentage of human VM CD8 T cells in human CD8 TILs (d), and the number of VM CD8 T cells (e) in SU-DHL-16 lymphomas are shown. f Deletion of the β2M gene resulted in the absence of HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C expression in SU-DHL-16 cells. g Chemotherapy-treated human lymphoma cells resulted in an increased percentage of human VM CD8 T cells. DHL16 B2M−/− cells were either untreated or treated with 0.5 μM DOX for 16 h, washed, and cocultured with purified human CD8 T cells from hu-CB-BRGS mice. T cell only: T cells were cultured alone as a control. h Chemotherapy-treated human lymphoma cells activated human CD8 T cells. Cells were treated as described in (g). GZMB expression in CD8 T cells was examined by flow cytometry after 4 days of coculture. Statistical significance was calculated with an unpaired t test or one-way ANOVA; **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001
We next tested whether chemotherapy-treated DHL-16 lymphoma cells directly increase and activate human CD8 T cells isolated from hu-CB-BRGS mice. To prevent the mismatch effect of MHC class I between DHL-16 lymphoma cells and cocultured human CD8 T cells, we employed the CRISPR/Cas9 approach to delete the B2M gene in the DHL-16 lymphomas, which led to the loss of HLA-A, B, and C expression in DHL-16 cells (Fig. 6f). Compared with the groups of T cell only or untreated DHL-16 B2M−/− cells, the group of DOX-treated DHL-16 B2M−/− cells had a significantly increased percentage of VM CD8 T cells (Fig. 6g) and enhanced production of GZMB in CD8 T cells (Fig. 6h). Last, when we employed human CD8 T cells isolated from the peripheral blood of healthy donors, similar findings were observed (Supplementary Fig. 10A, B). Taken together, our data demonstrate that chemotherapy-treated human tumors also activated human CD8 T cells, especially VM CD8 T cells, independent of tumor-derived MHC class I.
We employed a new coculture system and in vivo models to uncover a novel mechanism of CD8 T-cell activation by showing that (1) chemotherapy-treated cancer cells directly activated CD8 T cells in an MHC class I-independent manner; (2) these activated CD8 T cells exhibited VM phenotypes and acquired potent effector functions to kill tumor cells independent of MHC class I; (3) in vivo chemotherapeutic treatment preferentially increased and activated CD8 TILs with VM phenotypes; (4) MHC class I-independent activation of CD8 T cells required the PI3K pathway; (5) compared with adoptive transfer of total CD8 T cells, adoptive transfer of VM CD8 T cells in combination with chemotherapy elicited a better therapeutic effect on MHC class I-deficient MC38 tumors; and (6) human lymphomas also activated human VM CD8 T cells independent of MHC class I. Thus, CD8 T cells can be directly activated by chemotherapy-treated cancers independent of MHC class I, and these activated CD8 T cells appear to be more effective at treating MHC class I-deficient cancers than naive CD8 T cells.
More studies have shown that the long-term effects of anticancer drugs cannot be attributed only to their cytotoxic effects on cancer cells and also require essential contributions from the immune system.49,50 Tumor-derived MHC class I expression predicts the chemotherapeutic response in early breast cancer patients.24 Upon chemotherapy, patients with a high level of MHC class I were more likely to remain relapse-free than patients with a loss of MHC class I, who relapsed quickly and much more frequently.24 Consistently, we found that the durable effects of Ara-C treatment on A20 lymphomas completely depended on CD8 T cells (Fig. 2b). Overall, these studies suggest that sensitivity to chemotherapy is largely influenced by CD8 T cell-mediated MHC class I-dependent antitumor immunity. Hence, it is not surprising that MHC class I-deficient cancers exhibit poor prognosis and correlate with poor patient survival1,2 and represent the most challenging cancers to treat in a clinical setting.
Given that CD8 T-cells activated by chemotherapy-treated cancers exhibited VM phenotypes and strong cytotoxicity against MHC class I-deficient tumors, we tested their potential therapeutic effects in combination with chemotherapy (DOX) in treating MHC class I-deficient tumors. We found that when combined with DOX treatment, adoptively transferred VM CD8 T cells were superior to total CD8 T cells at inhibiting the progression of MHC class I-deficient MC38 tumors. VM CD8 T cells were initially identified to provide immune protection against infectious diseases and to behave like innate immune cells.47,51,52 Our studies extend the functions of VM CD8 T cells by showing their predominant responses to chemotherapy-treated cancers and their ability to proliferate and acquire effector functions to kill cancer cells independent of tumor-derived MHC class I. Taken together, our data highlight a critical role of the VM population in suppressing MHC class I-deficient tumors and suggest its potential to be exploited for adoptive cell therapy (ACT) in clinics. Of note, we showed that VM CD8 T cells activated by chemotherapy-treated cancers expressed CTLA-4, PD-1, and TIM-3 (Fig. 1e), all of which can function as immune checkpoints and have a role in mediating CD8 T-cell exhaustion.53 Thus, we propose that immune checkpoint inhibitors may need to be combined with VM CD8 T cell-based ACT plus chemotherapy to achieve optimal therapeutic effects in treating MHC class I-deficient cancers.
Our findings that Ara-C-treated β2M-KO tumors still activated CD8 T cells definitively demonstrate an MHC class I-independent mode of CD8 T-cell activation. While chemotherapeutic agent-treated cancer cells can elicit immune responses,18–20 it remains largely unknown how DNA-damaged tumors activate CD8 T cells independent of MHC class I. Prior studies showed that DNA-damaging agents (Ara-C or aphidicolin) induced the expression of immune-activating ligands such as Rae-I, a ligand for the stimulatory receptor NKG2D expressed by natural killer cells and CD8 T cells, in a lymphoma cell line (BC2).54 Indeed, we found that Ara-C-treated A20 lymphomas upregulated Rae-I (data not shown); however, the CD8 T-cell activation mediated by chemotherapy-treated tumors was not affected by blocking NKG2D or many other known factors involved in CD8 T-cell activation. An inhibitor of TLR4 (TAK242) partially inhibited the CD8 T-cell activation mediated by chemotherapy-treated cancer cells, implicating the involvement of additional unknown factors in addition to the TLR4 signaling pathway. Our data showed that inhibiting protein translation with cycloheximide did not affect the CD8 T-cell activation induced by Ara-C-treated A20 lymphomas. However, it remains possible that treated lymphoma cells could resume protein translation to generate relevant proteins that activate CD8 T cells after we washed away cycloheximide and Ara-C and cocultured them with CD8 T cells. Thus, we employed RNA-seq to explore the differentially expressed genes in Ara-C-treated lymphoma cells compared with controls. We found that Ara-C treatment enhanced the expression of Tnfsf15, H2-M5, Rae-I, and costimulatory factors (e.g., CD86 and CD80) in A20 lymphoma cells (data not shown). We employed the CRISPR/Cas9 technique to delete H2-M5 in A20 cells, but found no effects of H2-M5 deletion on CD8 T-cell activation. Thus, it is possible that unidentified membrane-bound factor(s) contribute to MHC class I-independent activation of CD8 T cells, while it is also likely that multiple factors may cooperate to activate CD8 T cells independent of tumor-derived MHC class I.
PI3Ks play an important role in cell survival and proliferation, serving as attractive targets for cancer therapy.55 Recently, a p110α and p110δ inhibitor, copanlisib, was approved to treat adult patients with relapsed follicular lymphoma.56 Other PI3K inhibitors are being tested in various clinical trials for other types of cancers;57,58 however, they usually exhibit limited efficacy and severe side effects.57,58 Based on our data, p110α and p110δ are required for the optimal activation of CD8 T cells mediated by chemotherapy-treated cancer cells; thus, the application of PI3K inhibitors may reduce chemotherapeutic efficacy. Overall, our studies indicate that inhibiting these PI3K subunits is detrimental to CD8 T-cell function, thereby providing critical information for delineating the ineffectiveness and side effects of PI3K inhibitors in cancer therapy.
Supplementary information
We thank Dr. Julie Lang and Jeremy Shulman from the TRNPM facility for providing humanized BRGS mice and human peripheral blood samples and Alexandra Krinsky, Nicholas Rotello Kuri, and Kole Degolier for technical help. We apologize to those whose work was not cited due to length restrictions. This work was supported by University of Colorado School of Medicine and Cancer Center startup funds to JHW, Cancer League of Colorado grants R21-CA184707, R21-AI110777, R01-CA166325, R21-AI133110, and R01-CA229174 to J.H.W., and a fund from American Cancer Society (ACS IRG #16–184–56) to Z.C. X.W. was supported by an AAI Careers in Immunology Fellowship. R.A.W. is supported by an NIH F31 fellowship (F31DE027854). S.M.Y.C. is supported by an NIH T32 fellowship (T32 AI007405).
Author contributions
J.H.W. was responsible for conceptualization, funding acquisition, supervision, project administration, and resources. X.W. and J.H.W. designed the experiments. X.W. performed most of the experiments with the help of B.C.W., R.A.W., S.M.Y.C., and Z.C., who are responsible for the investigation of the study. X.W., R.A.W. and J.H.W. wrote the paper.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Supplementary information
The online version of this article (10.1038/s41423-020-0463-2) contains supplementary material.
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