RecName: Full=Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L2; AltName: Full=Ca - Protein - NCBI
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RecName: Full=Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L2; AltName: Full=Calcium-independent alpha-latrotoxin receptor 2; Short=CIRL-2; AltName: Full=Latrophilin-2; Flags: Precursor
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: Q8JZZ7.3
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Articles about the Adgrl2 gene
Synaptic cell-adhesion molecule latrophilin-2 is differentially directed to dendritic domains of hippocampal neurons.
[iScience. 2024]
Synaptic cell-adhesion molecule latrophilin-2 is differentially directed to dendritic domains of hippocampal neurons.
iScience. 2024 Feb 16; 27(2):108799. Epub 2024 Jan 16.
The G Protein-Coupled Receptor Latrophilin-2, A Marker for Heart Development, Induces Myocardial Repair After Infarction.
[Stem Cells Transl Med. 2022]
The G Protein-Coupled Receptor Latrophilin-2, A Marker for Heart Development, Induces Myocardial Repair After Infarction.
Lee CS, Cho HJ, Lee JW, Son HJ, Lee J, Kang M, Kim HS. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2022 Mar 31; 11(3):332-342.
Parahippocampal latrophilin-2 (ADGRL2) expression controls topographical presubiculum to entorhinal cortex circuit connectivity.
[Cell Rep. 2021]
Parahippocampal latrophilin-2 (ADGRL2) expression controls topographical presubiculum to entorhinal cortex circuit connectivity.
Donohue JD, Amidon RF, Murphy TR, Wong AJ, Liu ED, Saab L, King AJ, Pae H, Ajayi MT, Anderson GR. Cell Rep. 2021 Nov 23; 37(8):110031.
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