On the mechanism of Verhoeff's elastica stain: a convenient stain for myelin sheaths - PubMed
- PMID: 90671
- DOI: 10.1007/BF00508352
On the mechanism of Verhoeff's elastica stain: a convenient stain for myelin sheaths
H Puchtler et al. Histochemistry. 1979 Aug.
Verhoeff (1908) recommended an iron-hematein formula containing Lugol's solution for demonstration of elastic tissue; sections are differentiated until desired staining patterns are obtained. Verhoeff's stain colored a variety of tissue structures and showed higher substantivity for myelin sheaths than for elastin. Addition of HCL or omission of Lugol's solution decreased or abolished coloration of pseudo-elastica and thus enhanced selectivity for elastin. Substitution of Fe++ for Fe+++ abolished dye binding by elastin. A review of chemical data indicated interaction of components of Lugol's solution with the dye. Hematein and Fe+++ form a variety of cationic, anionic and non-ionic chelates; the ratio of these compounds changes with time. Dye binding apparently occurs mainly via van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonds. Verhoeff's elastica stain is definitely not specific for elastin and is inferior to orcein and resorcin-fuchsin because of the required differentiation with its inherent bias to produce patterns which conform to expectations. However, Verhoeff's elastica stain is far superior to other metal-hematein technics for myelin sheaths. The combined Verhoeff-picro-Sirius Red F3BA stain can be performed in 30 min and does not require differentiation. It is therefore suggested to reclassify Verhoeff's elastica stain as a method for myelin sheaths.
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