In memoriam André Haefliger – SwissMAP

9 Mar 2023

We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our colleague André Haefliger on Tuesday, 7 March 2023. Born in 1929 in Nyon, he was first a student in Lausanne, defended his thesis entitled « Structures feuilletées et cohomologie à valeurs dans un faisceau de groupoïdes » in 1958 in Strasbourg under the supervision of Charles Ehresmann and was a professor at the University of Geneva from 1962 until his retirement in 1995. One of the founders of the Mathematics Section, he made numerous contributions to mathematics, notably in topology.

After a conference in his honor in 2019 for his 90th birthday, we had the pleasure of having him with us again in June 2022 for the lecture in tribute to one of his former students, Vaughan Jones.

He will be greatly missed.

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