Flooded out

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MELTING Himalayan glaciers are threatening to unleash a torrent of floods
into mountain valleys, and ultimately dry up rivers across South Asia. A new
study, due to be presented in July to the International Commission on Snow and
Ice (ICSI), predicts that most of the glaciers in the region will vanish within
40 years as a result of global warming.

“All the glaciers in the middle Himalayas are retreating,” says Syed Hasnain
of Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi, the chief author of the ICSI report. A
typical example is the Gangorti glacier at the head of the River Ganges, which
is retreating at a rate of 30 metres per year. Hasnain’s four-year study
indicates that all the glaciers in the central and eastern Himalayas could
disappear by 2035 at their present rate of decline.

Glaciers cover around 17 per cent of the Himalayas and contain thousands of
cubic kilometres of water. Taken together with those on the neighbouring Tibetan
plateau, they represent the largest body of ice on the planet outside the polar
regions. Furthermore, their meltwater makes up two-thirds of the flow of great
South Asian rivers such as the Ganges, on which hundreds of millions of people

But Hasnain’s working group on Himalayan glaciology, set up by the ICSI, has
found that glaciers are receding faster in the Himalayas than anywhere else on
Earth. Hasnain warns that as the glaciers disappear, the flow of these rivers
will become less reliable and eventually diminish, resulting in widespread water

Meanwhile, the retreating glaciers have formed dozens of precarious meltwater
lakes. Water accumulates between the tip of the glacier and the mound of debris
and rock, known as moraine, left behind by the glacier when it was at its
longest. “The moraine is unstable. Occasionally these lakes burst, releasing
enormous amounts of water,” says Hasnain, “This is recognised as a serious
problem in India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Tibet and China.”

The largest breakout so far came in August 1985, at Dig Tsho in the Khumbal
Himal region of Nepal. A wall of water up to 15 metres high rushed down the
steep valley for 90 kilometres, drowning people in their homes and destroying a
hydroelectric plant.

The next disaster could be downstream of the Imja glacier lake in Nepal’s
Sagarmatha national park, a popular trekking destination. A lake that began
forming there in the 1960s now holds about 30 million cubic metres of water.
Researchers predict that it will burst within five years.

And it is not alone. According to Bidur Upadhyay, a hydrologist at Tribhuvan
University in Nepal, the breaching of the nearby Tsho Rolpa lake, which covers
more than a square kilometre, “could cause a catastrophe any summer”.

The ICSI study follows reports of a worldwide decline in glaciers. Alpine
glaciers have retreated by 25 per cent over the past hundred years. Scientists
blame global warming, as global average temperatures are now more than 0.5
°C higher than a century ago.