Winnipeg Free Press Newspaper Archives, Jul 28, 1985, p. 9

  • ️Sun Jul 28 1985

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Winnipeg Free Press (Newspaper) - July 28, 1985, Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg free press july pages 916 Small group carries Torch for Legal Cool microwaves sell like Tempo muppet writer touted for emmy los Angeles tines Hollywood Jeffrey Scott is one of the most prolific writers in Hes churned out More than 300 scripts in the last nine including an entire seasons Worth of episodes for some but because All but a handful of his scripts have been for saturday morning cartoon has been among the least known writers in until that was when he won a human tas prize from the human family educational and cultural Institute for an episode of Jim Henson muppet babies that was judged to have done the Best Job of any animated childrens program during the last to season in communicating values that enrich the viewing feels wonderful it feels wonderful to finally be said and to get a prize for spiritually uplifting material that better than the emmy that what i want to its wonderful to but i want my work to be spiritually up too to put something in that a kid can walk away the hum Anitas judges lauded the in which the muppet charac ters worried that one of them was about to be sent for its fresh and imaginative assertion that peo ple need people that each individual is lovable and that we can conquer our fears Only by facing now another episode he wrote of muppet babies is up for a daytime emmy award As Best animated pro any episode of the delightful lbs cartoon series that might have been nominated would have born Scotts name instalments he wrote All 13 half hour instal ments of the first season and is credited with having developed the show for using the Junior ver Sions of Henson familiar muppet characters miss that had first appeared in the movie the puppets take in Scott wrote All of the episodes for abcs Challenge of the in subsequent years he has done the same thing with such saturday morning cartoon shows As Pao Man and the he also has written multiple episodes for spider pandemonium and dungeons he is finishing work on the second season of muppet babies and writing most of the scripts for a new saturday morning series for Hulk hogans Rock n Wres he comes by his penchant for wanting to entertain his Grandfather was Moe Howard of the three stooges his Norman produced some of the three stooges created according to Scott the first 3d comic Book and later worked at Hann Barbera where he gave Scott his first to Job in 1976 As an assistant Story editor on compromises save women conference Nairobi a the in women conference has finished its avoiding a walkout United states and Israel with a Compromise that deleted from its final document wording that equated zionism and the called Forward looking was approved by consensus despite earlier no votes from the United states on individual sections on palestinian and International econom the women conference Marks the end of a decade dedicated by the in to women the Docu ment is intended As a guideline for the achievement of women objectives through the year it appeared up until the final hours of the conference that it would end in disarray such As that which marked the opening meeting in Mexico City in and a mid decade gathering in in the delegates worked out a series of Compromise wording the Host kenyan delegation pushed through Compromise word ing deleting the word zionism from a Resolution that equated zionism with the proposal was adopted by consensus after negotiations aimed at averting an walkout and settling on the final conference the dispute prevented the Confer which began july from meeting the Midnight Friday night deadline that marked the end to the Alan the Only male said the americans accepted the Resolution after insisting that the reference to zionism be his comments Drew cat Calls and some we reject the obscene notion that zionism is Keyes no matter How much that slanderous lie is no amount of reiteration shall Ever lend it any truth whates the amended paragraph says that among major obstacles to the implementation of goals set by the in in the advancement of women Are in Nee colonial and All other forms of exploit policies of Force and All forms of manifestations of foreign occupy domination and and the growing Gap Between the Levels of economic development and devel Oping language accepted Zehdin Cwb the Palestine liberation organization observer at the said the Plo would accept the language to save the but reiterated its stand that zionism and racism were after hearing some threats and blackmail in this we under stand exactly what the circuit stances he we Are willing to accept the amendment made by the the soviet which backed the original accepted the Compromise language on Condi 1 i Tion that it achieved the United states cast the first no vote of the conference on a Resolution blaming the unfavourable and the failure to implement certain third world backed programs advocating a reordering of the worlds the United states rejected a suggestion that its objections be listed in a footnote to the our reservations will be recorded in our said Maureen Rea the delegation chief and daughter of president Ronald Rea the Resolution was adopted 1031 with 27 the delegation later cast a no vote against part of a Resolution on apartheid that called for assistance to women in National liberation the Australia and is Rael also voted no on a Resolution criticizing israels occupation of the West Bank of the Jordan and alleging that palestinian women there vulnerable to imprison torture and the Resolution passed 97 to three with 29 Israel argued that Many Palestin Ian women in the West Bank Are better off than Arab women else look what there Melet and a so far the eggs Are pineapple is popular with and some customers have suggested to Gerry Lomonaco of Sor Rentos 563 Portage that bananas might be we Haven tried mind but its something that came not bad some like it with others Are turning to celery and More and More people Are re turning to a Staple of their adolescent and Many want it spicier and Wacker than pizzas Are becoming deliciously desirable As gourmet items restaurateurs dont mind a bit that business is i cant says Luciano owner of Vesuvio pizza and restaurant at 696 Osborne he says a lot of his customers Are asking for artichokes and prosciutto seasoned i also know that some places Are starting to put tuna and All the rest on pizza but weve never tried such things As Basil and garlic Are for folks who like their pies to dance on their taste though sales of them have cooled this summer at Ken Nuyttens godfather pizza and family res 1110 Jefferson he says people Are hot enough already from the weather without Chile peppers and two of the pizzas prime almost flames you can get it spiced up until it almost flames on its own if you really want it he mexican pizza has also caught on at Boston pizza at 1901 Portage its like a says head waitress Jackie the franchise supplies the spicy bean and they add the let Cheddar and Chris Loscerbo says his custom ers Are asking increasingly for the topped with Green Olive Sweet Basil and owner of pasquales in Osborne Loscerbo says some peo ple like Escargot on youve got to like it youve got to love he says of the before ordering them As a just Back from a trip to Montreal and new Loscerbo says Manitoban can be thankful for the Quality of pizza in the its All a Little bit of sauce and a Little after years of cooking up tons of your Basic Tom Scott figured there had to be something nobler and grander so the egg pizza was we wanted to offer something says owner of House of pizza 840 marys right now weve got their he introduced the egg option a few weeks Scott says customers Are discovering How Good his beaten eggs Are poured Over regular toppings and cooked to create a mix Between an Glen Van Cauwenberghs says he has patrons in Garbanzos 155 Smith who asked for there Are places in the states that use weve tried it with our vegetable style and its not then there Are the requests that cant be weve had people ask for Ket chup but we dont Stock Van Cauwenberghs we have the Odd Guy come in Here and ask if we could put Mari Juana on his there Are peo ple like that out there who actually think of these says to Lomonaco waitresses hear the occasional Wisecrack about magic the Stock reply we dont have any in right Costa of Vesuvio pizza says now and then a Patron asks for a pizza with All the i think its too Many toppings on one but whatever people we give that what keeps you in right Childs hug closes Deal for Pippi rights los Angeles times Hollywood everybody knows what it takes to close a movie Deal in Hollywood connect half a dozen lunches and enough lawyers to fill out a summer softball Here is an in Stock 8yearold Romy Mehlman gently closed a Deal with a that what did it that How we got says producer Gary Mehl who credits his daughters Romy and 7yearold Alexandra with winning Over 78yearold swedish author Astrid from whom Mehlman had been Hunsuc to acquire movie rights to the fictional character Pippi Long Mehlman had gone to Stockholm to meet Lindgren and make a final pitch for rights to the Pippi the written Between 1945 and have been translated into 25 and Pony redheaded Pippi herself ranks among the 25 most popular characters in childrens Pippi movies a swedish producer turned out three Pippi movies in the Early crudely retelling the tales of a Little girl with magical Powers who lives with a horse and a Monkey in a ramshackle Hawse called Villa Ville Kuwait was his daughters fascination with those by dubbed films that got Mehlman interested in the first Mehlman wrote his first letter to Lindgren in and got a Nice note it but Pippi is not going to she thinks of Pippi As a Daugh Mehlman and she want about to let her daughter go to the movie rights belonged to a swedish Svensk filming and technically were not persistence finally got Mehlman a meeting in Stockholm with both Lindgren and representatives of Svensk he said Svensk was willing to relinquish Nons Candina Vian rights As part of a co production but Lindgren was still dubious about turning Pippi Over to a Hollywood by Romy and Alex i had spent All morning and lunch hour with Astrid and her represent but she want says who had been Given an autographed copy of Lindgren la test when they dropped me off at my i saw my daughters running toward i you never know what kids Are going to it was an awkward i didst know quite How to introduce i just this is Pippis Romy actually leaped into the woman arms and started hugging and kissing her and thank thank you that one of the others called and told me j had the he said Astrid told him in the car As they drove off that the encounter with Romy made up her Way to go All Mehl Man needed was the Money to make the first the adventures of Pippi shortly after he returned from Mehlman was discussing Pippi Over dinner with his Best investment consultant Walter and one of mos Hays Cli saudi investor Mishaal Kamal Adham had never invested in a film like he has two daughters who fell in love with Pippi by watching those swed ish the question he asked How much will it Cost Mehlman said a studio could make the movie which will have Large special effects requirements for from million to he figured that he could make it for half As Adham told Mehlman he would finance the film he and would even pay the Cost of marketing it when its since Moshay and Adham have formed a partnership Long stocking productions and opened up a Bank a big who also has the merchandising rights to says production will begin by lawyer ties together Hollywood details Chicago Tribune Chicago attorney Mel his Hollywood involvement began at the request of a it was about a client had written a and it was going to be made into a he not knowing anything about the movie Industry at the i called a Friend in who got me an and i went out and we did even though i was stumbling my Way through and it was called Earl and it starred Keith Wilkes these Jamaal Wilkes and a few other members of the Urcla basketball the picture went out and did some and it was kind of an intriguing experience for i thought that this was kind of an interesting the motion picture i found that if you approached it like a piece of As opposed to some Glamor that it was an inter Esting thing to that what turned senior partner in the Chicago Law firm of Pearl and into a Deal the Man who ties together the always intricate details of a motion picture project into a working Pearl represents studios and Independent and is chair Man of the Board of Republic entertainment the Law firms own production in his Brief time in the film Busi Pearl has participated in such varied films As the Deer death on the the the big red easy Angel and avenging All this Hollywood business dictated moving his offices he albeit within the originally at 55 Monroe now does business from his Dea making these Days is much different than it was in the at he he was interested primarily in tax shelters and assembling limited partnerships to finance Republic entertainment has the wherewithal to finance its own More participate in joint Ven Tures with studios and major inde right in Pearl is putting the final touches on an arrangement to co produce Over a Steven King with Dino de another popular financing tool Pearl finds himself using these Days is reselling Selling part of a pictures rights before the first Frame of film is reselling has two major advantages it can Gen Erate capital to Complete the financing and it can protect a film producer by limiting his Downside loss potential More

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