Representational State Transfer (Software architecture)

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Information for Authority record

Name (Hebrew)

העברת מצב יצוגי (אדריכלות תוכנה)

Name (Latin)

Representational State Transfer (Software architecture)

Other forms of name

REST (Software architecture)

See Also From tracing topical name



Other Identifiers

Library of congress: sh2009000706

Sources of Information

  • Work cat.: 2009002859: Scriber, K. Effective REST services via .NET, c2009:ECIP galley (REST, architectural concept; archtectural style; used for programming for the Internet to create Web applications and services and being called RESTful services; Representational State Transfer)
  • Wikipedia, viewed Jan. 28, 2009(Under: Representational State Transfer; REST, a style of software architecture for distributed hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web; the terms "representational state transfer" and "REST" were introduced in 2000 in the doctoral dissertation of Roy Fielding)
  • ASTI, viewed Jan. 28, 2009(in abstract: Representational state transfer; REST)
  • Inspec, viewed Jan. 28, 2009(uncontrolled index heading: Representational state transfer architecural model)
  • EI, viewed Jan. 28, 2009(in abstract: "... varations of the World Wide Web's REpresentatioal State Transfer (REST) architectural style that support distributed and decentralized systems")

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Wikipedia description:

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a software architectural style that was created to describe the design and guide the development of the architecture for the World Wide Web. REST defines a set of constraints for how the architecture of a distributed, Internet-scale hypermedia system, such as the Web, should behave. The REST architectural style emphasises uniform interfaces, independent deployment of components, the scalability of interactions between them, and creating a layered architecture to promote caching to reduce user-perceived latency, enforce security, and encapsulate legacy systems. REST has been employed throughout the software industry to create stateless, reliable web-based applications. An application that adheres to the REST architectural constraints may be informally described as RESTful, although this term is more commonly associated with the design of HTTP-based APIs and what are widely considered best practices regarding the "verbs" (HTTP methods) a resource responds to, while having little to do with REST as originally formulated—and is often even at odds with the concept.

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