
Coll�ge de France


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Collège de France


Paris, France

Founding Date:

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NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
Claude Bernard Doctor 12-Jul-1813 10-Feb-1878 French physiologist
Maurice de Broglie Physicist 27-Apr-1875 14-Jul-1960 X-ray spectroscopy
Wolf Lepenies Sociologist 11-Jan-1941   Melancholy and Society
Charles Richet Scientist 26-Aug-1850 4-Dec-1935 Studied anaphylaxis and ectoplasm
Paul Sabatier Chemist 5-Nov-1854 14-Aug-1941 Heterogeneous catalysis
Ida M. Tarbell Journalist 5-Nov-1857 6-Jan-1944 History of the Standard Oil Company
Gabriel Tarde Sociologist 12-Mar-1843 13-May-1904 Group mind, Theory of Imitation
Alfred Werner Chemist 12-Dec-1866 15-Nov-1919 Coordination theory of chemistry
Vladimir Zworykin Inventor 30-Jul-1889 29-Jul-1982 Patented color televison


NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
Raymond Aron Philosopher 14-Mar-1905 17-Oct-1983 Political philosopher, social theorist
Antoine-Jérôme Balard Chemist 30-Sep-1802 30-Mar-1876 Discovered bromine
Henri Bergson Philosopher 18-Oct-1859 4-Jan-1941 L'�volution Cr�atrice
Claude Bernard Doctor 12-Jul-1813 10-Feb-1878 French physiologist
Marcellin Berthelot Chemist 27-Oct-1827 18-Mar-1907 Chimie organique fond�e sur la synth�se
Jean-Baptiste Biot Physicist 21-Apr-1774 3-Feb-1862 Biot-Savart Law
Yves Bonnefoy Poet 24-Jun-1923 1-Jul-2016 Du Mouvement et de l'immobilit� de Douve
Pierre Bourdieu Anthropologist 1-Aug-1930 23-Jan-2002 Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste
Fernand Braudel Historian 24-Aug-1902 27-Nov-1985 La m�diterran�e
Augustin-Louis Cauchy Mathematician 21-Aug-1789 23-May-1857 Infinitesimals, theory of substitution groups
Jean-François Champollion Historian 23-Dec-1790 4-Mar-1832 Deciphered the Rosetta Stone
Georges Charpak Physicist 1-Aug-1924 29-Sep-2010 Subatomic particle detectors
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Physicist 1-Apr-1933   Trapped atoms with laser light
Georges Cuvier Zoologist 23-Aug-1769 13-May-1832 Comparative anatomist, paleontologist
Jean Dausset Scientist 19-Oct-1916 6-Jun-2009 Recognition of HLA antigens
Michel Foucault Philosopher 15-Oct-1926 26-Jun-1984 History of Sexuality
Edmond Frémy Chemist 28-Feb-1814 3-Feb-1894 Discovered hydrogen fluoride
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Physicist 24-Oct-1932 18-May-2007 Molecular structure of polymers
Roger Guillemin Scientist 11-Jan-1924   Hypothalamic hormones (brain peptides)
Ian Hacking Philosopher 18-Feb-1936   The Taming of Chance
Jacques-Salomon Hadamard Mathematician 8-Dec-1865 17-Oct-1963 Prime number theorem
François Jacob Scientist 17-Jun-1920 19-Apr-2013 Operon theory of genetic control
Frédéric Joliot Physicist 19-Mar-1900 14-Aug-1958 Artificial radioactivity
René Laënnec Doctor 17-Feb-1781 13-Aug-1826 Stethoscope
Paul Langevin Physicist 23-Jan-1872 19-Dec-1946 Studied piezoelectricity
Jean-Marie Lehn Chemist 30-Sep-1939   Synthesis of molecules
Claude Lévi-Strauss Anthropologist 28-Nov-1908 1-Nov-2009 French anthropologist
Marcel Mauss Sociologist 10-May-1872 10-Feb-1950 The Gift
Jacques Monod Scientist 9-Feb-1910 31-May-1976 Operon theory of genetic control
Jean Passerat Poet 18-Oct-1534 14-Sep-1602 Satyre m�nipp�e
Petrus Ramus Scholar 1515 26-Aug-1572 Scholarum mathematicarum
Henri-Victor Regnault Chemist 21-Jul-1810 19-Jan-1878 Properties of gases
Charles Richet Scientist 26-Aug-1850 4-Dec-1935 Studied anaphylaxis and ectoplasm
Gilles Personne de Roberval Mathematician 8-Aug-1602 27-Oct-1675 Geometry of curves
Louis-Jacques Thénard Chemist 4-May-1777 21-Jun-1857 Trait� de Chimie �l�mentaire
Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin Chemist 16-May-1763 14-Nov-1829 Discovered beryllium and chromium
Gabriele Veneziano Physicist 20-Feb-1942   Father of string theory

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