



NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
St. Agatha Religion ? 5-Feb-251 AD Patron saint of Catania
Pope Agatho Religion c. 577 AD 10-Jan-681 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 678-81
St. Thomas Aquinas Religion 1225 7-Mar-1274 Catholicism's leading theologian
St. Athanasius Religion 298 AD 2-May-373 AD Patriarch of Alexandria, 328-373 AD
St. Augustine Religion 13-Nov-354 AD 28-Aug-430 AD Confessions
St. Augustine of Canterbury Religion ? 26-May-604 AD First Archbishop of Canterbury
Thomas Becket Religion c. 1118 29-Dec-1170 Archbishop of Canterbury, 1162-70
Venerable Bede Religion c. 672 AD 25-May-735 AD Ecclesiastical History
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Religion 1090 20-Aug-1153 Reformed the Cistercian Order
Boethius Philosopher c. 470 AD 524 AD Consolation of Philosophy
St. Francis Borgia Religion 28-Oct-1510 30-Sep-1572 The canonized Borgia
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Religion 15-Jul-1850 22-Dec-1917 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Edmund Campion Religion 24-Jan-1540 1-Dec-1581 Jesuit martyr, hanged at Tyburn
St. Catherine of Alexandria Religion c. 3rd c. AD c. 4th c. AD Patron saint of virgins and nuns
St. Catherine of Siena Religion 25-Mar-1347 29-Apr-1380 Patron saint of Italy
St. Cecilia Religion ? c. 180 AD Patron saint of music, the blind
Pope Celestine I Religion ? 27-Jul-432 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 422-432 AD
Pope Celestine V Religion 1215 19-May-1296 Roman Catholic Pope, 1294
St. John Chrysostom Religion c. 345 AD 14-Sep-407 AD Church Father, Archbishop of Constantinople
St. Clare Religion 16-Jul-1194 11-Aug-1253 Founder of the Franciscan Nuns
St. Columba Religion 7-Dec-521 AD 9-Jun-597 AD Converted the Picts
St. Cuthbert Religion 634 AD 20-Mar-687 AD Bishop of Lindesfarne
Pope Damasus I Religion c. 304 AD 11-Dec-384 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 366-84 AD
Pietro Damiani Religion 1007 22-Feb-1072 11th c. Doctor of the Chuch
St. David Religion c. 500 AD c. 580 AD Patron saint of Wales
St. Dominic Religion 1170 6-Aug-1221 Founder of the Dominican Order
Edward the Confessor Royalty c. 1004 4-Jan-1066 King of England, 1042-66
Edward the Martyr Royalty c. 962 AD 18-Mar-978 AD King of England 975-78 AD
St. Epiphanius Religion c. 315 AD 402 AD Foe to Origenism
John Fisher Religion 19-Oct-1469 22-Jun-1535 Saint John Fisher, executed by Henry VIII
St. Francis de Sales Religion 21-Aug-1567 28-Dec-1622 Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary
St. Francis of Assisi Religion 1181 3-Oct-1226 Founder of the Franciscan order
St. George Religion ? 23-Apr-303 AD Patron saint of England
Gildas Historian c. 516 AD c. 570 AD Earliest British historian
St. Giles Religion fl. 6th c. AD fl. 6th c. AD Patron saint of lepers and cripples
Pope Gregory I Religion c. 540 AD 12-Mar-604 AD Gregory the Great
Pope Gregory II Religion 669 AD 11-Feb-731 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 715-731
Pope Gregory III Religion ? 29-Nov-741 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 731-41
Pope Gregory VII Religion c. 1020 25-May-1085 Lost power struggle with Henry IV
Hippolytus Religion c. 170 AD 235 AD Writer of the early church
Pope Hormisdas Religion ? 6-Aug-523 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 514-23
Ignatius of Antioch Religion c. 35 AD c. 110 AD Early Church Father
Pope Innocent I Religion ? 12-Mar-417 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 402-17
Irenaeus Religion c. 130 AD c. 200 AD Ante-Nicene theologian
Isidore of Seville Encyclopaedist c. 560 AD 4-Apr-636 AD Originum sive Etymologiarum
St. Januarius Religion ? c. 305 AD Patron saint of Naples
St. Jerome Religion c. 340 AD 30-Sep-420 AD Church Father, translated Vulgate
Joan of Arc Religion 6-Jan-1412 30-May-1431 Maid of Orleans, burned at the stake
St. John Religion c. 6 AD c. 100 AD Author of the fourth Gospel
Pope John I Religion ? 18-May-526 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 523-26
John III Ducas Vatatzes Royalty 1193 3-Nov-1254 Byzantine Emperor, 1222-54
St. John of Beverley Religion ? 7-May-721 AD Medieval English saint
John of Damascus Religion c. 676 AD 4-Dec-749 AD Early scholastic church father
St. John of Nepomuk Religion c. 1345 20-Mar-1393 Patron saint of Bohemia
St. John of the Cross Religion 24-Jun-1542 14-Dec-1591 Spanish mystic, Doctor of the Church
John the Baptist Religion ? c. 28 AD Precursor to Jesus Christ
Joseph of Arimathea Religion fl. 1st c. AD fl. 1st c. AD Prepared Jesus Christ's cadaver
St. Joseph Religion fl. 1st c. AD fl. 1st c. AD Husband of Mary
Pope Julius I Religion ? 12-Apr-352 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 337-52
Justin Martyr Religion c. 100 AD c. 165 AD Apology
Ladislas I Royalty 27-Jun-1040 29-Jul-1095 King of Hungary, 1077-95
Pope Leo I Religion c. 390 AD 10-Nov-461 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 440-61
Pope Leo II Religion ? 3-Jul-683 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 682-83
Pope Leo III Religion c. 750 AD 12-Jun-816 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 795-816
Pope Leo IV Religion ? 17-Jul-855 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 847-55
Pope Leo IX Religion 21-Jun-1002 19-Apr-1054 Roman Catholic Pope, 1049-54
Louis IX Royalty 25-Apr-1214 25-Aug-1270 King of France, 1229-70
St. Ignatius of Loyola Religion 1491 31-Jul-1556 Founder of the Jesuit order
Pope Lucius I Religion ? 5-Mar-254 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 253-54 AD
St. Luke Religion fl. 1st c. AD fl. 1st c. AD Author of the third Gospel
Pope Marcellinus Religion ? 304 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 296-304
Pope Marcellus I Religion ? 16-Jan-309 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 309
St. Margaret Royalty c. 1045 17-Nov-1093 Queen of Scotland
St. Mark Religion fl. 1st c. AD fl. 1st c. AD Author of the second Gospel
St. Matthew Religion fl. 1st c. AD fl. 1st. c. AD Author of the first Gospel
Sir Thomas More Philosopher 7-Feb-1477 6-Jul-1535 Utopia
Philip Neri Religion 21-Jul-1515 26-May-1595 Congregation of the Oratory
St. Nicholas Religion fl. 3rd c. AD fl. 3rd c. AD Patron saint of Russia
Pope Nicholas I Religion c. 820 AD 13-Nov-867 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 858-67
Tsar Nicholas II Royalty 18-May-1868 17-Jul-1918 Last of the Russian Tsars
Olaf II Haraldsson Royalty 995 AD 29-Jul-1030 King of Norway, 1016-29
St. Oswald Royalty c. 605 AD 5-Aug-642 AD King of Northumbria, 633-42
Papias Religion fl. 2nd c. AD fl. 2nd c. AD Early Church Father
Pope Paschal I Religion ? 11-Feb-824 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 817-24
St. Patrick Religion 387 AD 17-Mar-493 AD Patron saint of Ireland
Pope Paul I Religion ? 28-Jun-767 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 757-67
St. Paul Religion c. 10 AD 29-Jun-65 AD First Christian evangelist
St. Peter Religion ? 67 AD First Bishop of Rome
Pope Pius V Religion 17-Jan-1504 1-May-1572 Roman Catholic Pope, 1566-72
Pope Pius X Religion 2-Jun-1835 20-Aug-1914 Roman Catholic Pontiff, 1903-14
Porphyry of Gaza Religion c. 350 AD 26-Feb-420 AD Bishop of Gaza
Pope Sergius I Religion ? 8-Sep-701 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 687-701
Pope Sixtus III Religion ? 19-Aug-440 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 432-40
Stephen I Religion c. 975 AD 15-Aug-1038 First King of Hungary
St. Swithun Religion c. 800 AD 2-Jul-862 AD Bishop of Winchester
Pope Sylvester I Religion ? 335 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 314-35 AD
Pope Symmachus Religion ? 19-Jul-515 AD Roman Catholic Pope, 498-514
Teresa of Avila Religion 28-Mar-1515 4-Oct-1582 Mystic, Carmelite nun
St. Thomas de Cantelupe Religion c. 1218 25-Aug-1282 13th century English saint
Pope Victor I Religion ? c. 198 AD First Roman Catholic Pope from Africa
St. Vincent de Paul Religion 24-Apr-1576 27-Sep-1660 Filles de la Charit�
St. Walpurgis Religion c. 710 AD 25-Feb-779 AD English missionary to Germany
St. Francis Xavier Religion 7-Apr-1506 3-Dec-1552 Jesuit missionary

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