Congressional Staff
Congressional Staff
Name | Occupation | Birth | Death | Known for |
Elliott Abrams | Government | 24-Jan-1948 | Asst. Secy. of State involved in Iran-Contra | |
George S. Abrams | Attorney | c. 1932 | Partner, Winer & Abrams | |
Michael F. Adams | Educator | c. 1948 | President, University of Georgia | |
David Addington | Government | 22-Jan-1957 | Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff | |
Jonathan S. Adelstein | Government | 1962 | FCC Commissioner | |
Tom Allen | Politician | 16-Apr-1945 | Congressman from Maine, 1997-2009 | |
Jason Altmire | Politician | 7-Mar-1968 | Congressman, Pennsylvania 4th | |
Donna M. Alvarado | Business | 8-Nov-1948 | Aguila International | |
Victor Ashe | Diplomat | 1-Jan-1945 | US Ambassador to Poland | |
Les Aspin | Politician | 21-Jul-1938 | 21-May-1995 | US Secretary of Defense, 1993-94 |
Michael J. Astrue | Government | c. 1956 | Social Security Commissioner | |
Merribel S. Ayres | Business | c. 1951 | Lighthouse Consulting Group | |
Kenneth H. Bacon | Journalist | 21-Nov-1944 | 15-Aug-2009 | President of Refugees International, 2001-09 |
Mitch Bainwol | Lobbyist | c. 1959 | CEO of RIAA, 2003-11 | |
Sheila C. Bair | Government | c. 1953 | FDIC Chairman | |
Ron Barber | Politician | 25-Aug-1945 | Congressman, Arizona 2nd | |
James A. Barcia | Politician | 25-Feb-1952 | Congressman from Michigan, 1993-2003 | |
Robert B. Barnett | Attorney | 26-Aug-1946 | Washington literary agent, debate coach | |
Samuel W. Bartholomew, Jr. | Attorney | 6-Jul-1944 | Partner, Adams and Reese | |
Bob Bartlett | Politician | 20-Apr-1904 | 11-Dec-1968 | US Senator from Alaska, 1959-68 |
Charlie Bass | Politician | 8-Jan-1952 | Congressman, New Hampshire 2nd | |
Michael J. Bates | Government | ? | Lobbyist | |
Lynne A. Battaglia | Judge | 14-Apr-1946 | Judge, Maryland Court of Appeals | |
Cynthia L. Bauerly | Government | c. 1970 | US FEC Commissioner | |
Michael Beckerman | Business | c. 1978 | The Internet Association | |
Richard Ben-Veniste | Attorney | 3-Jan-1943 | 9-11 Commission member | |
Duane Benton | Judge | 8-Sep-1950 | 8th Circuit Court of Appeals | |
Ken Bentsen | Politician | 3-Jun-1959 | Congressman from Texas, 1995-2003 | |
Frederick M. Bernthal | Administrator | 10-Jan-1943 | President, Universities Research Association | |
Jaime Herrera Beutler | Politician | 3-Nov-1978 | Congresswoman, Washington 3rd | |
John R. Beyrle | Diplomat | 11-Feb-1954 | US Ambassador to Russia, 2008-11 | |
Coit D. Blacker | Government | c. 1950 | Institute for International Studies, Stanford | |
Richard Blumenthal | Government | 13-Feb-1946 | US Senator from Connecticut | |
Sherwood Boehlert | Politician | 28-Sep-1936 | Congressman from New York, 1983-2007 | |
Danny J. Boggs | Judge | 23-Oct-1944 | 6th Circuit Court of Appeals | |
J. Caleb Boggs III | Government | c. 1962 | Republican National Lawyers Association | |
David Boies | Attorney | Mar-1941 | Represented Gore in Bush v. Gore | |
Ron Bonjean | Government | c. 1970 | Republican strategist | |
Don Bonker | Politician | 7-Mar-1937 | Congressman from Washington, 1975-89 | |
Jo Bonner | Politician | 19-Nov-1959 | Congressman, Alabama 1st | |
Betty Boothroyd | Politician | 8-Oct-1929 | Speaker of the House of Commons, 1992-2000 | |
Dan Boren | Politician | 2-Aug-1973 | Congressman, Oklahoma 2nd | |
David N. Bossie | Activist | 1965 | Citizens United | |
Charles G. Boyd | Military | 15-Apr-1938 | Retired General, US Air Force | |
John Brademas | Politician | 2-Mar-1927 | Congressman from Indiana, 1959-81 | |
James Brady | Government | 29-Aug-1940 | 4-Aug-2014 | White House Press Secy. shot by John Hinckley |
John Breaux | Politician | 1-Mar-1944 | US Senator from Louisiana, 1987-2005 | |
Stephen Breyer | Judge | 15-Aug-1938 | US Supreme Court Justice | |
Les Brorsen | Lobbyist | ? | Lobbyist | |
Robert L. Brown | Judge | 30-Jun-1941 | Justice, Arkansas Supreme Court | |
Ron Brown | Government | 1-Aug-1941 | 3-Apr-1996 | US Commerce Secretary, 1993-96 |
Carol M. Browner | Government | 16-Dec-1955 | Clinton's EPA Administrator | |
Sheila P. Burke | Administrator | c. 1951 | COO of the Smithsonian Institution | |
H. Ralph Burton | Government | 1882 | 5-Aug-1971 | Red-baiting Senate staffer |
Richard C. Bush III | Government | c. 1947 | Former Chair, American Institute in Taiwan | |
Albert G. Bustamante | Politician | 8-Apr-1935 | Congressman from Texas, 1985-93 | |
Dave Camp | Politician | 9-Jul-1953 | Congressman, Michigan 4th | |
William C. Canby, Jr. | Judge | 22-May-1931 | 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, 1980-96 | |
Clarence Cannon | Politician | 11-Apr-1879 | 12-May-1964 | Congressman from Missouri, 1923-64 |
Eric Cantor | Politician | 6-Jun-1963 | House Majority Leader, 2011-15 | |
John Carney | Politician | 20-May-1956 | Congressman, Delaware | |
Johnnie Carson | Diplomat | 7-Apr-1943 | US Asst. Secy. of State for Africa | |
Kathleen L. Casey | Government | 12-Apr-1966 | Securities and Exchange Commission | |
William E. Casselman II | Government | c. 1941 | White House Counsel, 1974-75 | |
Dennis Chavez | Politician | 8-Apr-1888 | 18-Nov-1962 | US Senator from New Mexico, 1935-62 |
Derek Chollet | Government | c. 1971 | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Security | |
Ron Christie | Government | 7-Aug-1969 | Former Cheney aide | |
Maria Cino | Politician | 19-Apr-1957 | Republican operative | |
Richard C. Clark | Politician | 14-Sep-1928 | US Senator from Iowa, 1973-79 | |
Hansen Clarke | Politician | 3-Mar-1957 | Congressman, Michigan 13th | |
Torie Clarke | Government | Mar-1959 | Pentagon Spokeswoman, 2001-03 | |
Lacy Clay | Politician | 27-Jul-1956 | Congressman, Missouri 1st | |
Jackie M. Clegg | Business | c. 1965 | Wife of Chris Dodd | |
Max Cleland | Politician | 24-Aug-1942 | US Senator from Georgia, 1997-2003 | |
Steven C. Clemons | Pundit | 1962 | Senior Fellow, New America Foundation | |
Daniel R. Coats | Politician | 16-May-1943 | US Senator from Indiana | |
Tony Coelho | Politician | 15-Jun-1942 | Congressman from California, 1979-89 | |
Tom Cole | Politician | 28-Apr-1949 | Congressman, Oklahoma 4th | |
Larry Combest | Politician | 20-Mar-1945 | Congressman from Texas, 1985-2003 | |
Barbara Comstock | Government | c. 1959 | Republican opposition research expert | |
Jeffrey Connaughton | Attorney | c. 1959 | Lobbyist, Quinn Gillespie | |
John Conyers | Politician | 16-May-1929 | Congressman, Michigan 14th | |
Anthony H. Cordesman | Government | 2-Aug-1938 | The Lessons of Modern War | |
Jim Costa | Politician | 13-Apr-1952 | Congressman, California 20th | |
Norris Cotton | Politician | 11-May-1900 | 24-Feb-1989 | US Senator from New Hampshire, 1954-74 |
James M. Cox | Politician | 31-Mar-1870 | 15-Jul-1957 | Newspaper magnate, twice Ohio Governor |
Gregory B. Craig | Attorney | 4-Mar-1945 | White House Counsel, 2009 | |
Lorne W. Craner | Government | ? | International Republican Institute | |
Mark Critz | Politician | 5-Jan-1962 | Congressman, Pennsylvania 12th | |
Paul Cronin | Government | 14-Mar-1938 | 5-Apr-1997 | Congressman from Massachusetts, 1973-75 |
Jack Dyer Crouch II | Government | 1-Jul-1958 | US Depy. National Security Advisor, 2005-07 | |
Arthur Culvahouse | Government | 4-Jul-1948 | White House Counsel, 1987-89 | |
Brian D. Curran | Diplomat | ? | US Ambassador to Haiti, 2001-03 | |
James R. Curtiss | Attorney | 20-Dec-1953 | Nuclear lobbyist, Winston & Strawn | |
Emilio Daddario | Politician | 24-Sep-1918 | 6-Jul-2010 | Congressman from Connecticut, 1959-71 |
Pat Danner | Politician | 13-Jan-1934 | Congresswoman from Missouri, 1993-2001 | |
Mark Dayton | Politician | 26-Jan-1947 | Governor of Minnesota | |
Peter DeFazio | Politician | 27-May-1947 | Congressman, Oregon 4th | |
Rosa DeLauro | Politician | 2-Mar-1943 | Congresswoman, Connecticut 3rd | |
Charlie Dent | Politician | 24-May-1960 | Congressman, Pennsylvania 15th | |
Harry S. Dent, Sr. | Government | 21-Feb-1930 | 28-Sep-2007 | Devised Nixon's Southern Strategy |
Norm Dicks | Politician | 16-Dec-1940 | Congressman, Washington 6th | |
William M. Diefenderfer III | Government | 3-May-1945 | Deputy Director of OMB, 1989-91 | |
Thomas P. DiNapoli | Politician | 10-Feb-1954 | Comptroller, State of New York | |
Larry Miles Dinger | Diplomat | 1946 | US Ambassador to Fiji | |
Thomas E. Donilon | Government | 14-May-1955 | US National Security Advisor | |
Michael B. Donley | Military | 4-Oct-1952 | Acting Secretary, US Air Force | |
Matthew Dowd | Government | c. 1962 | Bush/Cheney Chief Campaign Strategist | |
Steve Driehaus | Politician | 24-Jun-1966 | Congressman from Ohio, 2009-11 | |
Ken Duberstein | Government | 21-Apr-1944 | Reagan's Chief of Staff, 1988-89 | |
Ervin S. Duggan | Government | 30-Jun-1939 | CEO of PBS, 1994-99 | |
Roy P. Dyson | Politician | 15-Nov-1948 | Congressman from Maryland, 1981-91 | |
Myron Ebell | Activist | 1953 | Global Warming cynic | |
Chet Edwards | Politician | 24-Nov-1951 | Congressman from Texas, 1991-2011 | |
Bill Emerson | Politician | 1-Jan-1938 | 22-Jun-1996 | Congressman from Missouri, 1981-96 |
Glenn English | Politician | 30-Nov-1940 | Congressman from Oklahoma, 1975-94 | |
Martin C. Faga | Government | 11-Jun-1941 | Director of the NRO, 1989-93 | |
Patrick F. Fagan | Activist | ? | Family Research Council | |
John Feehery | Government | c. 1963 | Washington lobbyist, pundit | |
Kenneth Feinberg | Government | 23-Oct-1945 | Pay Czar for TARP and Gulf of Mexico disaster | |
Peter Fenn | Government | c. 1948 | Fenn Communications Group | |
Charles D. Ferris | Government | 9-Apr-1933 | FCC Chairman, 1977-81 | |
Robert H. Finch | Government | 9-Oct-1925 | 10-Oct-1995 | HEW Secretary, 1969-70 |
Joan Finney | Politician | 12-Feb-1925 | 28-Jul-2001 | Governor of Kansas, 1991-95 |
Jeff Flake | Politician | 31-Dec-1962 | US Senator from Arizona | |
Ari Fleischer | Government | 13-Oct-1960 | White House Press Secretary, 2001-03 | |
James B. Foley | Diplomat | 4-Apr-1957 | US Ambassador to Haiti, 2003-05 | |
Tom Foley | Politician | 6-Mar-1929 | 18-Oct-2013 | Speaker of the House, 1989-95 |
Michael Forbes | Politician | 16-Jul-1952 | Congressman from New York, 1995-2001 | |
Harold Ford | Politician | 11-May-1970 | Congressman from Tennessee, 1997-2007 | |
Randall M. Fort | Government | 4-Jul-1956 | Asst. Secy. State for Intelligence | |
Carl Forti | Government | c. 1972 | Black Rock Group | |
Gail D. Fosler | Economist | c. 1948 | President, The Conference Board | |
Henry H. Fowler | Government | 5-Sep-1908 | 3-Jan-2000 | US Secretary of the Treasury, 1965-68 |
Tillie Fowler | Politician | 23-Dec-1942 | 2-Mar-2005 | Congresswoman from Florida |
Michael G. Franc | Government | c. 1957 | Heritage Foundation | |
Barney Frank | Politician | 31-Mar-1940 | Congressman from Massachusetts, 1981-2013 | |
Tony Fratto | Government | c. 1966 | Deputy White House Press Secretary | |
Al From | Activist | 31-May-1943 | Founder, Democratic Leadership Council | |
Alan S. Frumin | Government | 26-Dec-1946 | US Senate Parliamentarian, 2001-12 | |
Marcia Fudge | Politician | 29-Oct-1952 | Congresswoman, Ohio 11th | |
Peter Galbraith | Diplomat | 31-Dec-1950 | The End of Iraq | |
Cory Gardner | Politician | 22-Aug-1974 | US Senator from Colorado | |
Leslie H. Gelb | Government | 4-Mar-1937 | President, Council on Foreign Relations, 1993-2003 | |
Julius Genachowski | Government | 19-Aug-1962 | FCC Chairman | |
Asim Ghafoor | Government | 11-Dec-1969 | Controversial Muslim attorney | |
Robert Gibbs | Government | 29-Mar-1971 | White House Press Secretary, 2009-11 | |
Gordon D. Giffin | Diplomat | c. 1949 | US Ambassador to Canada, 1997-2001 | |
Ed Gillespie | Politician | 1-Aug-1962 | RNC Chairman, 2003-05 | |
Guy M. Gillette | Politician | 3-Feb-1879 | 3-Mar-1973 | US Senator from Iowa, 1949-55 |
Mitch Glazier | Lobbyist | 1966 | EVP at RIAA | |
David Goodfriend | Government | 3-Apr-1968 | Democratic strategist | |
Bob Goodlatte | Politician | 22-Sep-1952 | Congressman, Virginia 6th | |
Austan D. Goolsbee | Economist | 18-Aug-1969 | Chair, Council of Economic Advisers, 2010-11 | |
David F. Gordon | Government | ? | State Dept. Dir. Policy Planning, 2007-08 | |
Earl G. Graves | Business | c. 1935 | Black Enterprise magazine | |
Patrick J. Griffin | Government | c. 1948 | Lobbyist | |
Tim Griffin | Politician | 21-Aug-1968 | Congressman, Arkansas 2nd | |
Thomas B. Griffith | Judge | 5-Jul-1954 | US Court of Appeals, DC Circuit | |
Gerald Grinstein | Business | c. 1932 | CEO of Delta Air Lines, 2004-07 | |
Martin J. Gruenberg | Government | ? | FDIC Vice Chairman | |
Frank Guinta | Politician | 26-Sep-1970 | Congressman, New Hampshire 1st | |
Steven Gunderson | Politician | 10-May-1951 | Congressman from Wisconsin, 1981-97 | |
Chuck Hagel | Politician | 4-Oct-1946 | US Secretary of Defense, 2013-15 | |
John J. Hamre | Government | 3-Jul-1950 | Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1997-1999 | |
Lloyd N. Hand | Attorney | 31-Jan-1929 | Chief of Protocol for Johnson | |
Phil Hare | Politician | 21-Feb-1949 | Congressman from Illinois, 2007-11 | |
Jane Harman | Politician | 28-Jun-1945 | Congresswoman from California, 1993-2011 | |
Reno L. Harnish | Diplomat | ? | US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, 2003-06 | |
Ken Hechler | Politician | 20-Sep-1914 | Congressman from West Virginia, 1959-77 | |
Jesse Helms | Politician | 18-Oct-1921 | 4-Jul-2008 | US Senator from North Carolina, 1973-2003 |
Keith B. Hennessey | Economist | ? | National Economic Council | |
Jeb Hensarling | Politician | 29-May-1957 | Congressman, Texas 5th | |
Joyce Hergenhan | Business | c. 1941 | Former VP at General Electric | |
Doug Heye | Government | c. 1972 | RNC Communications Director | |
William U. Hill | Judge | c. 1948 | Justice, Wyoming Supreme Court | |
Kathy Hochul | Politician | 27-Aug-1958 | Congresswoman from New York | |
Edith E. Holiday | Attorney | 14-Feb-1952 | Attorney, former US Treasury official | |
Stephen Horn | Politician | 31-May-1931 | 17-Feb-2011 | Congressman from California, 1993-2003 |
Huell Howser | TV Personality | 18-Oct-1945 | 6-Jan-2013 | California's Gold |
Bill Huizenga | Politician | 31-Jan-1969 | Congressman, Michigan 2nd | |
Randy Hultgren | Politician | 1-Mar-1966 | Congressman, Illinois 14th | |
Robert P. Hunter | Activist | 23-Aug-1940 | Mackinac Center for Public Policy | |
Karen Ignagni | Business | c. 1953 | America's Health Insurance Plans PAC | |
Steve Israel | Politician | 30-May-1958 | Congressman, New York 2nd | |
Donald P. Jacobs | Economist | 22-Jun-1927 | Dean of the Kellogg School, 1975-2001 | |
Jerry J. Jasinowski | Business | 4-Jan-1939 | National Association of Manufacturers | |
Ed Jenkins | Politician | 4-Jan-1933 | 1-Jan-2012 | Congressman from Georgia, 1977-93 |
Walter W. Jenkins | Government | 23-Mar-1918 | 23-Nov-1985 | LBJ assistant, outed in gay sex scandal |
Lyndon B. Johnson | Head of State | 27-Aug-1908 | 22-Jan-1973 | 36th US President, 1963-69 |
Robert L. Johnson | Business | 8-Apr-1946 | CEO of BET | |
Sheila Crump Johnson | Business | 1949 | Billionaire | |
James R. Jones | Diplomat | 5-May-1939 | US Ambassador to Mexico, 1993-97 | |
John Kasich | Politician | 13-May-1952 | Governor of Ohio | |
Ted Kaufman | Government | 15-Mar-1939 | TARP oversight panel | |
Dennis M. Kelleher | Government | c. 1962 | President and CEO, Better Markets | |
Sue Kelly | Politician | 26-Sep-1936 | Congresswoman from New York, 1995-2007 | |
Raymond M. Kethledge | Judge | 11-Dec-1966 | 6th Circuit Court of Appeals | |
Leon H. Keyserling | Economist | 22-Jan-1908 | 9-Aug-1987 | Council of Economic Advisers, 1946-53 |
Matt Kibbe | Activist | c. 1963 | President and CEO of FreedomWorks | |
Peter Kinder | Politician | 12-May-1954 | Lt. Governor of Missouri | |
Gwendolyn S. King | Government | 23-Sep-1940 | Commissioner of Social Security, 1989-92 | |
Adam Kinzinger | Politician | 27-Feb-1978 | Congressman, Illinois 16th | |
John Kiriakou | Government | 9-Aug-1964 | CIA torture whistleblower | |
Mark Kirk | Politician | 15-Sep-1959 | US Senator from Illinois | |
Paul G. Kirk, Jr. | Politician | 18-Jan-1938 | US Senator from Massachusetts | |
Ron Kirk | Politician | 27-Jun-1954 | US Trade Representative | |
Ron Klain | Attorney | 8-Aug-1961 | Vice President Biden's Chief of Staff, 2009-11 | |
Larry Klayman | Activist | 20-Jul-1951 | Founder, Judicial Watch | |
Melvyn N. Klein | Attorney | c. 1941 | GKH Partners LP | |
John A. Knebel | Politician | 4-Oct-1936 | US Secretary of Agriculture, 1976-77 | |
Mike Kopetski | Politician | 27-Oct-1949 | Congressman from Oregon, 1991-95 | |
Tom C. Korologos | Diplomat | 16-Apr-1933 | US Ambassador to Belgium, 2004-07 | |
John A. Koskinen | Business | 30-Jun-1939 | President, US Soccer Foundation | |
Joanne C. Kozberg | Administrator | ? | California Strategies | |
Ray LaHood | Politician | 6-Dec-1945 | US Secretary of Transportation, 2009-13 | |
James A. Larocco | Diplomat | 1948 | US Ambassador to Kuwait, 1997-2001 | |
Gregory S. Lashutka | Politician | 1944 | Mayor of Columbus, 1992-2000 | |
Steven J. Law | Government | c. 1961 | American Crossroads | |
Jim Leach | Politician | 15-Oct-1942 | Congressman from Iowa, 1977-2007 | |
Sheila Jackson Lee | Politician | 12-Jan-1950 | Congresswoman, Texas 18th | |
Leslie Lenkowsky | Government | 30-Mar-1946 | Philanthropic Studies | |
Mel Levine | Politician | 7-Jun-1943 | Congressman from California, 1983-93 | |
Jacob J. Lew | Government | 29-Aug-1955 | US Secretary of the Treasury | |
Ann Lewis | Activist | 19-Dec-1937 | Clinton advisor | |
Delano E. Lewis | Diplomat | 12-Nov-1938 | US Ambassador to South Africa, 2000-01 | |
Carol Platt Liebau | Pundit | 13-Feb-1967 | Prude | |
William S. Lind | Activist | 9-Jul-1947 | Free Congress Foundation | |
Kathleen M. Linehan | Government | c. 1950 | Tobacco lobbyist | |
Kermit V. Lipez | Judge | 18-Aug-1941 | 1st Circuit Court of Appeals | |
Dan Lipinski | Politician | 15-Jul-1966 | Congressman, Illinois 3rd | |
Tom Loeffler | Politician | 1-Aug-1946 | Congressman from Texas, 1979-87 | |
Wendy E. Long | Activist | c. 1960 | Judicial Confirmation Network | |
Trent Lott | Politician | 9-Oct-1941 | US Senator from Mississippi, 1989-2007 | |
Allard Lowenstein | Politician | 16-Jan-1929 | 14-Mar-1980 | Congressman, New York 5th |
Douglas Lowenstein | Administrator | ? | Entertainment Software Association | |
Deborah J. Lucas | Educator | c. 1958 | Finance Professor at Northwestern | |
Buz Lukens | Politician | 11-Feb-1931 | 22-May-2010 | Congressman from Ohio, 1987-90 |
William J. Luti | Military | c. 1952 | NSC Defense Policy Adviser | |
Dan Maffei | Politician | 4-Jul-1968 | Congressman from New York, 2009-11 | |
Betsy Markey | Politician | 27-Apr-1956 | Congresswoman from Colorado, 2009-11 | |
Stephen J. Markman | Judge | 4-Jun-1949 | Justice, Michigan Supreme Court | |
Sherrie P. Marshall | Attorney | c. 1952 | FCC Commissioner, 1989-93 | |
Jerry L. Martin | Educator | ? | American Council of Trustees & Alumni | |
Judy Martz | Politician | 28-Jul-1943 | Governor of Montana, 2001-05 | |
David M. Mason | Government | c. 1957 | Chairman, Federal Election Commission | |
Eric Massa | Politician | 16-Sep-1959 | Congressman from New York, 2009-10 | |
Jessica Tuchman Mathews | Government | 1946 | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | |
Kevin McCarthy | Politician | 26-Jan-1965 | Congressman, California 22nd | |
Mitch McConnell | Politician | 20-Feb-1942 | US Senator from Kentucky | |
Richard T. McCormack | Diplomat | 6-Mar-1941 | US Ambassador to the OAS, 1985-89 | |
Jim McCrery | Politician | 18-Sep-1949 | Congressman from Louisiana, 1989-2009 | |
Denis McDonough | Government | 2-Dec-1969 | White House Chief of Staff | |
Edward McGaffigan | Government | 8-Dec-1948 | 2-Sep-2007 | NRC Commissioner, 1996-2007 |
Gale W. McGee | Politician | 17-Mar-1915 | 9-Apr-1992 | US Senator from Wyoming, 1959-77 |
James McGovern | Politician | 20-Nov-1959 | Congressman, Massachusetts 3rd | |
John L. McMillan | Politician | 12-Apr-1898 | 3-Sep-1979 | Congressman from South Carolina, 1939-73 |
Paul McNulty | Government | 31-Jan-1958 | US Deputy Attorney General, 2005-07 | |
Harry C. McPherson | Attorney | 22-Aug-1929 | 16-Feb-2012 | White House Counsel to Johnson |
James C. McReynolds | Judge | 3-Feb-1862 | 24-Aug-1946 | US Supreme Court Justice, 1914-41 |
George Meader | Politician | 13-Sep-1907 | 15-Oct-1994 | Congressman from Michigan, 1951-65 |
Marty Meehan | Politician | 30-Dec-1956 | Congressman from Massachusetts, 1993-2007 | |
Patrick Meehan | Politician | 20-Oct-1955 | Congressman, Pennsylvania 7th | |
Ari Melber | Journalist | c. 1980 | The Nation | |
James Meredith | Activist | 25-Jun-1933 | First black student at Ole Miss | |
Edward Mezvinsky | Politician | 17-Jan-1937 | Congressman from Iowa, 1973-77 | |
Daniel A. Mica | Politician | 4-Feb-1944 | Congressman from Florida, 1979-89 | |
Paul R. Michel | Judge | 3-Feb-1941 | US Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit | |
Charles E. F. Millard | Government | c. 1957 | Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 2007-09 | |
James B. Milliken | Educator | c. 1957 | President, University of Nebraska | |
William O. Mills | Politician | 12-Aug-1924 | 24-May-1973 | Congressman, committed suicide |
Manuel Miranda | Activist | c. 1959 | Third Branch Conference | |
Derek Mitchell | Diplomat | 16-Sep-1964 | US Policy Coordinator for Burma | |
Hugh B. Mitchell | Politician | 22-Mar-1907 | 10-Jun-1996 | Congressman from Washington, 1949-53 |
Theodore R. Mitchell | Administrator | c. 1956 | President of Occidental College, 1999-2005 | |
Jim Moran | Politician | 16-May-1945 | Congressman, Virginia 8th | |
F. Bradford Morse | Politician | 7-Aug-1921 | 18-Dec-1994 | Congressman from Massachusetts, 1961-72 |
Robert A. Mosbacher, Jr. | Business | 29-May-1951 | CEO of OPIC, 2005-09 | |
Joel Mowbray | Columnist | ? | Dangerous Diplomacy | |
Robert J. Mrazek | Politician | 6-Nov-1945 | Congressman from New York, 1983-93 | |
Deroy Murdock | Columnist | 1963 | Conservative pundit | |
Larry C. Napper | Diplomat | 27-Nov-1947 | US Ambassador to Kazakhstan, 2001-04 | |
Nicole R. Nason | Government | 12-Aug-1970 | NHTSA Administrator | |
Roy Neel | Government | c. 1948 | Al Gore's Chief of Staff, 1993-94 | |
George Nethercutt | Politician | 7-Oct-1944 | Congressman from Washington, 1995-2005 | |
Janne E. Nolan | Educator | 28-Dec-1951 | Defense and foreign policy analyst | |
Roger F. Noriega | Diplomat | 22-May-1959 | US Ambassador to OAS, 2001-03 | |
John A. Notte, Jr. | Politician | 3-May-1909 | 7-Mar-1983 | Governor of Rhode Island, 1961-63 |
Antonia C. Novello | Doctor | 23-Aug-1944 | US Surgeon General, 1990-93 | |
Bernard W. Nussbaum | Attorney | 23-Mar-1937 | White House Counsel for Bill Clinton | |
Sean O'Keefe | Administrator | 27-Jan-1956 | NASA Administrator, 2001-05 | |
Joseph C. O'Mahoney | Politician | 5-Nov-1884 | 1-Dec-1962 | US Senator from Wyoming, 1934-61 |
James Oberstar | Politician | 10-Sep-1934 | 3-May-2014 | Congressman from Minnesota, 1975-2011 |
Mark W. Olson | Economist | 17-Mar-1943 | Chairman, PCAOB | |
Pete Olson | Politician | 9-Dec-1962 | Congressman, Texas 22nd | |
Norman Ornstein | Author | 14-Oct-1948 | American Enterprise Institute | |
Charles L. Overby | Journalist | c. 1946 | CEO of Freedom Forum, Newseum | |
Wayne Owens | Politician | 2-May-1937 | 18-Dec-2002 | Congressman from Utah, 1987-93 |
Robert E. Patricelli | Business | c. 1940 | Women's Health USA | |
Elizabeth J. Patterson | Politician | 18-Nov-1939 | Congresswoman from South Carolina, 1987-93 | |
Erik Paulsen | Politician | 14-May-1965 | Congressman, Minnesota 3rd | |
Stephen Payne | Business | 8-May-1964 | Lobbyist, Strategic Political Partners | |
George R. Perkovich | Author | c. 1959 | India's Nuclear Bomb | |
Richard Perle | Government | 16-Sep-1941 | Prince of Darkness | |
James M. Petro | Politician | 25-Oct-1948 | Ohio Attorney General, 2003-07 | |
Nancy Mitchell Pfotenhauer | Activist | ? | Independent Women's Forum | |
Tim Phillips | Activist | c. 1963 | President, Americans for Prosperity | |
Sandra Pianalto | Economist | 4-Aug-1954 | President and CEO, Cleveland Fed | |
Chip Pickering | Politician | 10-Aug-1963 | Congressman from Mississippi, 1997-2009 | |
Pedro Pierluisi | Politician | 26-Apr-1959 | Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico | |
Danielle Pletka | Pundit | 12-Jun-1963 | American Enterprise Institute | |
David Plouffe | Government | 27-May-1967 | Senior Advisor to Barack Obama | |
Michael Potemra | Columnist | ? | Deputy Managing Editor, National Review | |
David Price | Politician | 17-Aug-1940 | Congressman, North Carolina 4th | |
David T. Prosser, Jr. | Judge | 24-Dec-1942 | Justice, Wisconsin Supreme Court | |
Sharon Prost | Judge | 24-May-1951 | US Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit | |
Jack Quinn | Attorney | 16-Aug-1949 | White House Counsel, 1995-96 | |
Maureen E. Quinn | Diplomat | 1956 | US Ambassador to Qatar, 2001-04 | |
Maxwell M. Rabb | Attorney | 28-Sep-1910 | 9-Jun-2002 | US Ambassador to Italy, 1981-89 |
Randall R. Rader | Judge | 21-Apr-1949 | US Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit | |
Nick Rahall | Politician | 20-May-1949 | Congressman, West Virginia 3rd | |
Jim Ramstad | Politician | 6-May-1946 | Congressman from Minnesota, 1991-2009 | |
Richard Ray | Politician | 2-Feb-1927 | 29-May-1999 | Congressman from Georgia, 1983-93 |
Kasim Reed | Politician | 10-Jun-1969 | Mayor of Atlanta | |
Grover Rees | Attorney | c. 1950 | US Ambassador to East Timor, 2002-06 | |
Dennis Rehberg | Politician | 5-Oct-1955 | Congressman, Montana | |
Otto J. Reich | Diplomat | 16-Oct-1945 | US Ambassador to Venezuela, 1986-89 | |
Whitelaw Reid | Journalist | 27-Oct-1837 | 15-Dec-1912 | Editor of the New York Tribune, 1872-1905 |
Laura Richardson | Politician | 14-Apr-1962 | Congresswoman, California 37th | |
Marcie B. Ries | Diplomat | c. 1950 | US Ambassador to Albania, 2004-07 | |
Kevin A. Ring | Attorney | c. 1970 | Team Abramoff | |
David Rivera | Politician | 16-Sep-1965 | Congressman, Florida 25th | |
Pat Roberts | Politician | 20-Apr-1936 | US Senator from Kansas | |
Paul Craig Roberts | Economist | 1939 | The Supply-Side Revolution | |
Christina Rocca | Diplomat | c. 1958 | Asst. Secy. State for South Asia, 2001-06 | |
Lew Rockwell | Activist | 1-Jul-1944 | Libertarian activist | |
Judith W. Rogers | Judge | 27-Jul-1939 | US Court of Appeals, DC Circuit | |
Tom Rooney | Politician | 21-Nov-1970 | Congressman, Florida 17th | |
Daniel C. Roper | Government | 1-Apr-1867 | 11-Apr-1943 | US Commerce Secretary, 1933-38 |
Dennis A. Ross | Politician | 18-Oct-1959 | Congressman, Florida 15th | |
Marc Rotenberg | Activist | 20-Apr-1960 | Electronic Privacy Information Center | |
Howard J. Rubenstein | Business | c. 1932 | Rubenstein Associates | |
James P. Rubin | Government | 1960 | State Department Spokesman, 1997-2000 | |
Donald Rumsfeld | Government | 9-Jul-1932 | US Secretary of Defense, 1975-77 and 2001-06 | |
Cathy Ruse | Activist | c. 1965 | Senior Fellow, Family Research Council | |
Charles H. Russell | Politician | 27-Dec-1903 | 13-Sep-1989 | Governor of Nevada, 1951-59 |
Tim Russert | Talk Show Host | 7-May-1950 | 13-Jun-2008 | Meet the Press |
Paul Ryan | Politician | 29-Jan-1970 | Speaker of the U.S. House | |
Tim Ryan | Politician | 16-Jul-1973 | Congressman, Ohio 17th | |
David Safavian | Government | c. 1967 | Former OMB administrator | |
Robin R. Sanders | Diplomat | ? | US Ambassador to Nigeria | |
Brian Sandoval | Politician | 5-Aug-1963 | Governor of Nevada | |
Tom Schatz | Activist | c. 1952 | Citizens Against Government Waste | |
Randy Scheunemann | Government | ? | Committee for the Liberation of Iraq | |
Gabriel Schoenfeld | Government | c. 1955 | Hudson Institute scholar, Necessary Secrets | |
Debbie Wasserman Schultz | Politician | 27-Sep-1966 | Congresswoman, Florida 23rd | |
Susan Schwab | Government | 23-Mar-1955 | US Trade Representative | |
Jim Sensenbrenner | Politician | 14-Jun-1943 | Congressman, Wisconsin 5th | |
James M. Shannon | Politician | 4-Apr-1952 | Congressman from Massachusetts, 1979-85 | |
Andrew J. Shapiro | Government | 1967 | Asst. Secy. for Politico-Military Affairs, 2009-13 | |
Philip R. Sharp | Politician | 15-Jul-1942 | Congressman from Indiana, 1975-95 | |
Dennis W. Shedd | Judge | 28-Jan-1953 | 4th Circuit Court of Appeals | |
Karen Shepherd | Politician | 5-Jul-1940 | Congresswoman from Utah, 1993-95 | |
Bob Shrum | Activist | 1943 | Democratic political strategist | |
Rob Simmons | Politician | 11-Feb-1943 | Congressman from Connecticut, 2001-07 | |
David Skaggs | Politician | 22-Feb-1943 | Congressman from Colorado, 1987-99 | |
Melanie Sloan | Activist | 16-Dec-1965 | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington | |
Shawn H. Smeallie | Government | c. 1959 | Lobbyist, American Continental Group | |
Robert B. Smith, Jr. | Government | c. 1939 | Former Congressional staffer | |
Daniel V. Speckhard | Diplomat | c. 1959 | US Ambassador to Greece | |
Jackie Speier | Politician | 14-May-1950 | Congresswoman, California 12th | |
James B. Steinberg | Government | 7-May-1953 | Deputy Secretary of State | |
Paula Stern | Government | 31-Mar-1945 | Chairman, Int'l. Trade Commission, 1984-86 | |
Christopher Stevens | Diplomat | Apr-1960 | 11-Sep-2012 | US Ambassador to Libya, killed in raid |
David Stockman | Government | 10-Nov-1946 | Ronald Reagan's chief economist | |
Samuel S. Stratton | Politician | 27-Sep-1916 | 13-Sep-1990 | Congressman from New York |
Gerry Studds | Politician | 12-May-1937 | 14-Oct-2006 | Congressman from Massachusetts, 1973-97 |
Linda G. Stuntz | Attorney | c. 1954 | Stuntz, Davis & Staffier | |
Al Swift | Politician | 12-Sep-1935 | Congressman from Washington, 1979-95 | |
H. Patrick Swygert | Educator | 17-Mar-1943 | President of Howard University, 1995-2008 | |
Neera Tanden | Government | 1970 | Center for American Progress | |
Mark Tapscott | Journalist | c. 1950 | Washington Examiner | |
William B. Taylor, Jr. | Diplomat | c. 1947 | US Ambassador to Ukraine | |
Peter B. Teeley | Diplomat | 12-Jan-1940 | US Ambassador to Canada, 1992-93 | |
Marc A. Thiessen | Columnist | c. 1967 | White House speechwriter, 2004-09 | |
Clarence Thomas | Judge | 23-Jun-1948 | US Supreme Court Justice | |
Virginia Thomas | Activist | 23-Feb-1957 | Lobbyist, wife of Clarence Thomas | |
Fred Thompson | Actor | 19-Aug-1942 | 1-Nov-2015 | Actor turned Senator from Tennessee |
Charles Thone | Politician | 4-Jan-1924 | Governor of Nebraska, 1979-83 | |
Mac Thornberry | Politician | 15-Jul-1958 | Congressman, Texas 13th | |
John Thune | Politician | 7-Jan-1961 | US Senator from South Dakota | |
Kenneth R. Timmerman | Journalist | 4-Nov-1953 | Foundation for Democracy in Iran | |
William E. Timmons, Sr. | Government | 27-Dec-1930 | Washington lobbyist | |
James Towey | Government | c. 1955 | Faith-Based Initiatives Czar, 2002-06 | |
Gloria Tristani | Government | 20-Dec-1953 | FCC Commissioner, 1997-2001 | |
Laura S. Unger | Government | c. 1961 | SEC Commissioner, 1997-2001 | |
Fred Upton | Politician | 23-Apr-1953 | Congressman, Michigan 6th | |
Michael Ussery | Diplomat | 20-Jan-1951 | US Ambassador to Morocco, 1989-92 | |
Nydia Velázquez | Politician | 28-Mar-1953 | Congresswoman, New York 12th | |
John K. Veroneau | Government | c. 1961 | Deputy US Trade Representative | |
Peter Visclosky | Politician | 13-Aug-1949 | Congressman, Indiana 1st | |
Kurt Volker | Diplomat | c. 1962 | US Ambassador to NATO, 2008-09 | |
Barbara F. Vucanovich | Politician | 22-Jun-1921 | 10-Jun-2013 | Congresswoman from Nevada, 1983-97 |
John M. Walker, Jr. | Judge | 26-Dec-1940 | 2nd Circuit Appeals Court, 1992-2006 | |
Robert S. Walker | Politician | 23-Dec-1942 | Congressman from Pennsylvania, 1977-97 | |
Bernie Ward | Radio Personality | 5-Apr-1951 | Former KGO talk show host | |
Mark Warner | Politician | 15-Dec-1954 | US Senator from Virginia | |
Vin Weber | Politician | 24-Jul-1952 | Congressman from Minnesota, 1981-93 | |
Anthony Weiner | Politician | 4-Sep-1964 | Congressman from New York, 1999-2011 | |
Ellen L. Weintraub | Government | ? | US FEC Commissioner | |
Paul Welday | Business | c. 1959 | Lobbyist, Strategic Public Affairs | |
Jerry Weller | Politician | 7-Jul-1957 | Congressman from Illinois, 1995-2009 | |
Anthony Welters | Business | c. 1955 | AmeriChoice | |
Michael R. Wessel | Government | c. 1959 | Longtime aide to Dick Gephardt | |
Ralph V. Whitworth | Business | c. 1954 | Chairman of Apria Healthcare, 1998-2005 | |
Roger Wicker | Politician | 5-Jul-1951 | US Senator from Mississippi | |
James Wieghart | Journalist | 16-Aug-1933 | 21-Feb-2010 | Editor, NY Daily News, 1982-84 |
William W. Wilkins, Jr. | Judge | 29-Mar-1942 | 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, 1986-2007 | |
Wesley S. Williams, Jr. | Attorney | 13-Nov-1942 | Former Partner, Covington & Burling | |
Armstrong Williams | Columnist | 5-Feb-1959 | Black conservative pundit on the take | |
John Patrick Williams | Politician | 30-Oct-1937 | Congressman from Montana, 1979-97 | |
Karen Hastie Williams | Business | 30-Sep-1944 | Retired Partner, Crowell & Moring | |
Richard S. Williamson | Diplomat | 9-May-1949 | 8-Dec-2013 | Special Envoy to Sudan |
Ernest J. Wilson III | Educator | c. 1948 | Dean, Annenberg School for Communication | |
Joe Wilson | Politician | 31-Jul-1947 | Congressman, South Carolina 2nd | |
Frank Wolf | Politician | 30-Jan-1939 | Congressman, Virginia 10th | |
Howard Wolfson | Government | c. 1967 | Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman | |
Rob Woodall | Politician | 11-Feb-1970 | Congressman, Georgia 7th | |
Louis C. Wyman | Politician | 16-Mar-1917 | 5-May-2002 | Congressman from New Hampshire, 1963-74 |
Donald Yamamoto | Diplomat | ? | US Ambassador to Ethiopia | |
John Yarmuth | Politician | 4-Nov-1947 | Congressman, Kentucky 3rd | |
John Yoo | Government | 10-Jun-1967 | Thinks Geneva Conventions are obsolete | |
Todd Young | Politician | 24-Aug-1972 | Congressman, Indiana 9th | |
John E. Zuccotti | Business | 23-Jun-1937 | 19-Nov-2015 | Real estate tycoon |
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